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"WTO (Viva il terrorismo organizzato)", dal ritmo ossessivo, è un chiaro riferimento al G8 di Genova e alla morte di Giuliani.
(da una recensione di Ilario Pisanu)
Vi narrerò una storia strana
inviata da adriana 20/11/2005 - 19:01
Percorsi: Genova - G8

Peace Like A River

Peace Like A River
Contenuta nell'album "Paul Simon", 1972
Peace like a river ran through the city
inviata da Il Salta 20/11/2005 - 13:34

A Church Is Burning

A Church Is Burning
Poco conosciuta, in quanto contenuta soltanto in "The Paul simon Songbook" (1965), rappresenta una ferma presa di posizione del giovane Paul Simon contro ogni manifestazione di razzismo e di intolleranza. I "tre uomini incappucciati" sono verosimilmente tre esponenti del Ku-Klux-Klan.

“A very early song from the English album, the Paul Simon Songbook. A good example of what I was at. I went to college with a boy named Andrew Goodman who was killed in Mississippi with two others. It was a famous murder: Goodman, Schwaner and Chaney were killed in the summer of '62 or '63. They were killed by the Klan or whoever. And I had been in several classes with Andrew Goodman, and it was the first death I had ever experienced. So I think that was the emotional pool that I was drawing from in that song. I wasn't a harsh critic of my work at the time. I was just beginning to write in a style that was... (continua)
A church is burning
inviata da Il Salta 20/11/2005 - 11:24

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