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12/11/2017 - 21:26
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Cornelis Vreeswijk: Balladen om herr Fredrik Åkare och den söta fröken Cecilia Lind

Cornelis Vreeswijk: Balladen om herr Fredrik Åkare och den söta fröken Cecilia Lind
English transation by The 21th Century Tuscan Anonymous
November 11, 2017

Georges Brassens, La princesse et le croque-notes
11/11/2017 - 12:30
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La Locomotiva

La Locomotiva
Don’t know what... even had a name
inviata da Dq82 9/11/2017 - 15:21

El hombre que se convirtió en animal

El hombre que se convirtió en animal
I wrote this song shortly after reading Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, one of the books that circulated in Camp Melinka from hand to hand and cabin to cabin. I presume I don’t have to explain who is one experiencing the metamorphosis here. Due to security considerations, these verses were only sung in a low voice and before a select audience of political prisoners. Today they are part of my record Documento (1986), that I produced upon completing ten years in exile in Germany, which compiles the 27 songs that were born from my prison experience.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:53

Curas y milicos

Curas y milicos
I don’t want to exaggerate but Camp Melinka became not only a factory that produced handicrafts and a performance hall but also a university. Every day there were classes to learn foreign languages, art, medicine or literature. Solar ovens were built. Talks were given on arachnology. Literacy programs were offered. For a twenty something year-old like me, interested in learning greater depth about Latin American history, history professors would share a round of mate in the cabins, and happy to also share their knowledge free of charge. Listening to one of those professors I learned about Father Bartolomé de las Casas, a priest who lived in Central America and earned the title of Defender of the Indians during the harshest period of the Spanish Conquest. His life was marked by defeat. He was unable to stop the abuses committed with the consent of the Catholic Church, which was his spiritual... (continua)
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:34


Written by: Sergio Vesely / Guillermo Núñez

This song is based on a poem Guillermo wrote in the Puchuncaví Prison Camp dedicated to his partner Soledad. Of all the songs I composed as a prisoner, this is the only one where the lyrics are not mine. The reason is very human and simple. One day Guillermo asked me if I could set to music verses he had written so he could sing them to his beloved the next time she visited him. I found the idea so original and I liked it so much that I decided to help him. I took the sheet of paper with the poem to my cell in one of the adjacent huts. After reading and re-reading it several times, I began to compose this song. It’s a shame, but I don’t recall if Soledad ever got a chance to hear it.
Today ‘Amor’ is now in my album Documento (1986), together with 26 other songs born of my confinement in various detention centres of the dictatorship.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:29

Diálogo musicalizado entre dos ancianos presos

Diálogo musicalizado entre dos ancianos presos
At Puchuncaví Detention Camp (Melinka) I shared a cell with an elderly man from Lota, where he had spent his entire life working in the coal mines. I was struck by the way he spoke. It was very different from the “Chilean” way of a twenty-something year-old like me from the capital like me. When he talked to our fellow prisoners, I could barely understand a word he said. I composed this song in the cell by transcribing some of our conversations. It is one of the 27 songs on the recording Documento (1986) that I produced on the tenth anniversary of my exile in Germany, an anthology of all the songs that were inspired by my experience as prisoner.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:25

Canción de amor a una desaparecida

Canción de amor a una desaparecida
Daniela was the political codename of María Cecilia Labrín, a member of the Movement of the Revolutionary Left (MIR). Agents of the DINA (the regime’s secret police) arrested her at her home on Latadía Street in Santiago in August 1974. She has never been seen again.

In my cell I composed this song dedicated to the memory of Daniela, that is, of Cecilia. It is one of 27 songs on the album Documento (1986) that I recorded to mark ten years of exile in Germany. The album brings together all the compositions born of my experience as a prisoner.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:16

Capitán, el rumbo es una isla errante

Capitán, el rumbo es una isla errante
This song was dedicated to Óscar Castro, who I was lucky to meet in 1975 in Puchuncaví. With his experience in theatre – Óscar was already a fairly well-known actor before his arrest – he threw himself into the cultural work we had organised in what was then called “Camp Melinka” where the prisoners presented a show every Friday. Our friendship was brief but very intense. Several times, in the middle of a serious conversation he would disconnect and climb aboard an imaginary boat called El Supertricio and he would invite me to sail with him through the kingdom of his imagination. At such moments, I was able to forget that I was in prison.
“Capitán, el rumbo es una isla errante” is on the phonograph record Documento (1986), as are another 26 songs inspired by my imprisonment at different detention centres of the dictatorship.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:15

Canción del desaparecido

Canción del desaparecido
Several of my friends and comrades disappeared after being arrested. The dictatorship denied knowledge of their whereabouts but I knew they were lying. Many of these people had been in prison with me in the dungeons of Villa Grimaldi. This song was sung in a cell of Valparaíso Jail with one comrade keeping watch next to the door in case a prison guard approached. Today, in addition to the other 26 songs that were born in prison, ‘Canción del desaparecido’ is included in my record Documento (1986) that I produced in Germany on the tenth anniversary of my exile.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:08
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November 8, 2017, 06:10
8/11/2017 - 06:12

Falskir fræðimenn

Falskir fræðimenn
November 7, 2017

In May 1937, a German “scientific delegation” was received to Iceland with great ceremony. Its official task was carrying out geological researches in the inner desert area of Óðáðahraun. Shortly after, however, some shepherds noticed strange things were happening and warned the authorities. It was soon discovered that the false “scientists” were Wehrmacht officers making surveys in order to mark out a landing strip for airplanes and a bridgehead for a possible invasion of the island, strategically essential for the war to come.
Though totally unarmed, Iceland's authorities expelled immediately the entire German delegation, confiscated all survey maps and instruments and asked official apology (and received it, incredibly enough) by Hitler's government.
Iceland's traditions include immediate composition of folksongs commenting on any event, a practice still living nowadays.... (continua)
7/11/2017 - 15:47

Säg mig du lilla kula

Säg mig du lilla kula
inviata da Juha Rämö 6/11/2017 - 23:39
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inviata da Dq82 6/11/2017 - 11:57
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Scarborough Fair/Canticle, provided with The Elfin Knight, Whittingham Fair and Rosemary Lane, and with an Appendix on Riddles Wisely Expounded

Scarborough Fair/Canticle, <i>provided with</i> The Elfin Knight, Whittingham Fair <i>and</i> Rosemary Lane, <i>and with an Appendix on</i> Riddles Wisely Expounded
Nel 1989 gli Stone Roses utilizzano la melodia di Scarborough Fair per comporre una deliziosa canzoncina diretta alla regina Elisabetta pregandola di togliersi di torno... il tutto suggellato da un bel rumore di ghigliottina sul finale
5/11/2017 - 22:03
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October 31, 2017 01:02
31/10/2017 - 01:02
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L'Oiseau blessé d'une flèche

L'Oiseau blessé d'une flèche
La Fontaine, Fables (verse translation, 2 vols. 8vo, Boston, 1841; 2nd ed., New York, 1859)
inviata da Juha Rämö 30/10/2017 - 00:03
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Teresa Torga

Teresa Torga
October 18, 2017 11:33
18/10/2017 - 11:34
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Scarborough Fair/Canticle, provided with The Elfin Knight, Whittingham Fair and Rosemary Lane, and with an Appendix on Riddles Wisely Expounded

Scarborough Fair/Canticle, <i>provided with</i> The Elfin Knight, Whittingham Fair <i>and</i> Rosemary Lane, <i>and with an Appendix on</i> Riddles Wisely Expounded

La versione tradizionale completa e dialogata, con indicazione delle parti e dei rispettivi compiti. Si tratta con tutta probabilità di una versione ottocentesca, come quasi tutte le altre pervenuteci. Le strofe riassuntive, o esplicative (in pratica quelle cantate in duetto, a parte la prima) sono probabilmente spurie rispetto all'impianto della canzone tradizionale.

The traditional version of the ballad, complete and based on dialogues, with stating of roles and relative tasks. It is probably a 18th century version, like almost all versions still available. The summarizing, or explanatory verses (practically,
the all the verses sung by man and woman together, except the first one) are probably spurious with relation to the structure of the traditional song.
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 17/10/2017 - 07:34
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Katona vagyok én

Katona vagyok én
15/10/2017 - 21:05
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Se questo è un uomo

Versione inglese degli Haeven Shall Burn dallo Split con i Fall of Serenity (1999)
Se questo è un uomo
inviata da Dq82 15/10/2017 - 10:04
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inviata da Bernart Bartleby 13/10/2017 - 14:41
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inviata da Dq82 30/9/2017 - 14:40
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Sotiri Petroula

Sotiri Petroula
English Translation by Stefano 8

Ripresa da Lyricstranslate e traduzione letterale di ottima fattura. Da rimarcare che, nonostante la relativa pagina presenti un link alla nostra pagina sulla Canzone per Sotiris Petroulas di Theodorakis, noialtri persistevamo nell'errore di attribuire la traduzione che vi era presente a Anton Virgilio Savona mentre Stefano 8 riportava già il testo corretto sulla pagina Lyricstranslate, assieme alla sua traduzione inglese (fin dal 10 febbraio 2016). E' giusto e doveroso insistere sui propri errori. Riportiamo qua anche le note originali alla traduzione inglese. [RV]
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 27/9/2017 - 17:25

Il Francese e il Siriano

Il Francese e il Siriano
September 21, 2017 10:39
21/9/2017 - 10:40
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The King's Shilling

The King's Shilling
13/9/2017 - 23:10

Who Will Care for Mother Now?

Charles C. Sawyer
Who Will Care for Mother Now?
Here is a minor correction of the second stansa as well as the missing latter half of the third stansa.
Why am I so weak and weary.
inviata da Jeremiah Thompson 13/9/2017 - 17:17
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L'autrer jost'una sebissa

L'autrer jost'una sebissa
The other day, by a hedge,
inviata da Krzysiek Wrona 12/9/2017 - 17:54
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Wozu sind Kriege da?

Wozu sind Kriege da?
7/9/2017 - 21:52
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Lyrics translated by Armen Babamian
inviata da Dq82 7/9/2017 - 17:19

The Last Refugee

The Last Refugee
La trascrizione degli annunci alla radio che introducono la canzone
Announcers:"And it's also the end of broadcasting for Thursday, the end of broadcasting for 1970"
7/9/2017 - 09:17
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Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues

Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues
Visto che nell'introduzione di B.B. è citato il titolo "Give the anarchist a cigarette", c'è una canzone dei Chumbawamba dal medesimo titolo e contenuta nell'album Anarchy del 1994 che proprio a Dylan è dedicata. Il bootleg citato è successivo (2002), così come il libro di Mike Farren (2001).

A song by Chumbawamba from their album Anarchy. The title refers to Bob Dylan. Dylan was at one point in an interview told that people were referring to him as an anarchist. He replied gruffly, "Albert, give the anarchist a cigarette", essentially shrugging off the idea with a sarcastic joke. To anyone knowing the tremendous social influence and power that Dylan's early songs had, this comment is incredibly cynical, and displays a fundamental shift in Dylan's politics and outlook for his own role in society.

Albert is Dylan's manager, Albert Grossman, who also managedRitchie Havens and Peter, Paul... (continua)
inviata da Dq82 6/9/2017 - 11:03

Takin' It Easy

La versione di Cisco Houston, risalente al 1961, nel disco “Sings The Songs Of Woody Guthrie”
Takin' It Easy
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 6/9/2017 - 11:00
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An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King

An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King
Thanks for publishing my song! The newer video of song with the newer 2013 studio sound track will be featured at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, CA on 9/11/17 when King family lawyer, William Pepper, will be the keynote speaker at the annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival.

The song bears the same title as Pepper's second of threee books on MLK. "An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King" was recorded better in a professional studio in Berkeley, California in 2013, and a new video was made from that sound track, which features the amazing Eric Golub on viola.

An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King (2013) (5:31) Truth Troubadour YouTube Channel [[|]]

The titles of William Pepper's 3 three books about the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. are: (1) Orders To Kill; (2) An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King”; and (3) “The Plot... (continua)
The only change in the lyrics is here in verse 6. Lately, I have been singing as "all the more":
inviata da Vic Sadot 5/9/2017 - 10:08
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יש מצב

יש מצב
Il testo in lingua inglese
English lyrics

The Situation / David Grossman ©2017
From Hebrew: Jessica Cohen
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 2/9/2017 - 11:09
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inviata da Krzysiek Wrona 30/8/2017 - 01:00
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Mr. Wendal

Mr. Wendal
dall'album "3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days in the Life Of..." (1992)

The song is not based on a person named Mr. Wendal at all, but it is based on some experiences that I have had in Atlanta, which is where I live, and sung to the homeless people that I had become friends with here, and just their way of looking at it. Some of them were more like hobos where they purposely were wanting to be homeless, they didn't want to play to the way society was going, and they just decided to go off another beaten path. Others were hungry, had a run of bad luck, and just couldn't survive with the competition of the real world. So they were out there. One of the people that I look to the most as the real Mr. Wendal, to me, died the year that that song came out. So he never got to hear the song and the tribute to him. We gave half of the proceeds of that song to the National Coalition For the Homeless in... (continua)
Here, have a dollar
25/8/2017 - 22:35

The Big Three Killed My Baby

The Big Three Killed My Baby
dall'album di debutto The White Stripes del 1999.

"The Big Three" ("Le grandi tre") sono le maggiori industrie automobilistiche negli anni cinquanta e '60: Ford, Chrysler e General Motors.

Jack White ha dichiarato in alcune interviste che non crede che la musica possa essere un mezzo per messaggi politici, poi però ha scritto Icky Thump.

Nelle versioni dal vivo più recenti i White Stripes hanno cambiato alcune parole in riferimento alla guerra in Iraq: "Bush's hands are red, and I found out your baby is dead."
The big three killed my baby
25/8/2017 - 22:19
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Christmas 1914

Christmas 1914
A Good Old Fashioned Protest

This is a protest against war. It is also a protest against and comment on a number of other ills.

It is a protest for unity, compassion, reason, action, and love.

I lend my voice to the chorus of voices around the world calling for a peaceful, humane, respectful, enlightened tomorrow.
It’s Christmas 19 and 14
inviata da Dq82 25/8/2017 - 10:00
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Bombing for Peace

Bombing for Peace
A Good Old Fashioned Protest

This is a protest against war. It is also a protest against and comment on a number of other ills.
It is a protest for unity, compassion, reason, action, and love.
I lend my voice to the chorus of voices around the world calling for a peaceful, humane, respectful, enlightened tomorrow.

Un bel pezzo diretto, duro e crudo che procede per ossimori: bombardare per la pace è come fottere per la verginità.
Bombing for peace is like a chainsaw to a melody
inviata da Dq82 25/8/2017 - 09:57
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Talking Talking Head Blues

Talking Talking Head Blues
A Good Old Fashioned Protest

This is a protest against war. It is also a protest against and comment on a number of other ills.

It is a protest for unity, compassion, reason, action, and love.

I lend my voice to the chorus of voices around the world calling for a peaceful, humane, respectful, enlightened tomorrow.
I was awoke last night from a beautiful dream
inviata da Dq82 25/8/2017 - 09:48
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Marianne Faithfull: The Ballad of Lucy Jordan

Marianne Faithfull: The Ballad of Lucy Jordan
Parole e musica di Shel Silverstein
Originariamente incisa da Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show
Incisa da Marianne Faithfull nel fondamentale "Broken English" del 1979.

Lucy Jordan è una casalinga di 37 anni che vive una tranquilla vita borghese ma che un giorno si rende conto che non sarebbe mai salita su una macchina sportiva per girare le strade di Parigi con il vento nei capelli. Lucy si arrampica sul tetto della casa e viene portata via in un'ambulanza (la "lunga macchina bianca") per finire rinchiusa in un ospedale psichiatrico.

L'ultima strofa, dove Lucy vede il suo sogno realizzato, si svolge in realtà nella sua immaginazione nella clinica dove è ormai rinchiusa come pazza. Al contrario di quanti molti credono, la canzone non descrive un suicidio ma la delusione per una vita mediocre, che porta la protagonista alla follia.

Nel 1991 la canzone fu utilizzata nella colonna sonora del famoso film Thelma & Louise.
The morning sun touched lightly on
23/8/2017 - 23:25


To the bone
Here in the wreckage
inviata da Dq82 23/8/2017 - 22:35
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Malcolm X

Malcolm X
Parole e musica di Bongi Makeba (1950-1985)
eseguita dal vivo in Live in Africa (1972)

Originariamente registrata nel 1965, subito dopo l'assassinio di Malcolm X. La canzone è stata scritta dalla figlia di Miriam Makeba, allora quindicenne, morta di parto a 34 anni.
Everybody seems to be preaching revolution
23/8/2017 - 22:00
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Talking Union

Talking Union
Scritta da Millard Lampell, Lee Hays e Pete Seeger
La canzone che dà il titolo all’album uscito nel luglio del 1941 e dedicato alla memoria di Joe Hill
Testo trovato sul solito Mudcat Café
Successivamente interpretata anche dal solo Pete Seeger, con l’attualizzazione dell’ultimo verso della penultima strofa: “You're unpatriotic, Moscow Agents, bomb throwers, even the kids”
Now, if you want higher wages let me tell you what to do
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 23/8/2017 - 13:30
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Flat of the Blade

Flat of the Blade
Scritta da Robert “3D” Del Naja, Grant “Daddy G” Marshall, Neil Davidge, Damon Albarn (Blur, Gorillaz,...) e Guy Garvey (Elbow).
Interpretata da Guy Garvey nell'album “Heligoland”, uscito nel 2010, al momento l'ultimo album in studio del duo trip-hop di Bristol.

“Non sopporto di stare in mezzo alla gente, ho fatto cose di cui non posso parlare.... Le cose che ho visto mi inseguiranno nella tomba... Costruirò per la mia famiglia un amore antiproiettile...”
Secondo uno dei diversi piani d'interpretazione, questo brano parla di un reduce, come confermerebbe il seguente estratto da un'intervista a Robert Del Naja. Il video che accompagna la canzone sembra invece parlare di tutt'altro (o anche no), forse di un giovane membro di una gang che ha perso il senso della sua esistenza...

This track began with the Victoria and Albert Museum installation that we did with UVA [UnitedVisualArtists]... (continua)
I'm not good in a crowd,
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 22/8/2017 - 22:04
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False Flags

False Flags
Scritta da Neil Davidge e Robert Del Naja
Singolo estratto dall'album/raccolta “Collected”

L'espressione “false flag” indica principalmente le operazioni militari sotto copertura, ma anche le campagne politico-mediatiche volte a propalare come vere clamorose menzogne, che nel corso della Storia sono state spesso il pretesto per le guerre più disparate. La tristemente famosa balla delle “armi di distruzione di massa” in mano a Saddam Hussein – il cui costo stiamo pagando ancora oggi e chissà fino a quando - è una delle più recenti e meglio architettate.

“False Flags”, the most overtly political song Massive Attack have done up to this point was inspired by the civil unrest centered around Paris which resulted in fierce rioting in the french capital during October/November 2005. These events inspired 3D in the making of the track as it became a commentary on the state of the European... (continua)
In city shoes of clueless blues
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 22/8/2017 - 21:05
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How We Gonna Make the Black Nation Rise

How We Gonna Make the Black Nation Rise
Scritta da Daryl Aamaa Nubyahn, in arte Brother D, docente nel South Bronx e rivoluzionario afro-americano)
In seguito nell'album “Up Against The Beast” del 1984
Interpretata dall'autore ed altri, riuniti nel Collective Effort, afferente al movimento nero National Black Science Familyhood, con sede a New York.
Il campionamento ripetuto in sottofondo è un grande successo della disco music datato 1978, “Got to Be Real”, originariamente interpretato da Cheryl Lynn.
Testo e introduzioni trovati su Genius

Da molti ritenuto il primo brano politico dell'hip hop: America was built, understand, by stolen labor on stolen land..."

“How We Gonna Make the Black Nation Rise?” is considered the first political rap record. Brother D (whose real name was Daryl Aamaa Nubyahn) was a school teacher in the South Bronx and also a member of the New York Family of Black Science, a revolutionary organization... (continua)
If you wanna know the truth, and that’s a fact
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 21/8/2017 - 22:56
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Plantation Boy

Plantation Boy
Scritta da Anthony King (songwriter e arrangiatore britannico) e Fred Jay (songwriter austriaco)
Nell'album “Love For Sale”
Il brano fu estratto come singolo, sul lato B di “Belfast” (un'altra disco song che bisognerebbe valutare se sia inseribile sulle CCG/AWS)
Lots of people walk about proud and free
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 21/8/2017 - 22:01
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Questa canzone è nota per essere la canzone sulle scie chimiche, e addirittura alcune tesi complottiste vorrebbero che Prince sia stato ucciso per questo. Non ci credo e trovo che il complottismo, ovvero credere che esistano dei poteri occulti che tutto governano, sia funzionale ai poteri quelli reali, perchè qualsiasi tentativo di cambiamento non va a scalfire i poteri nascosti.
Fatta questa premessa, trovo ben più interessante la parte della canzone che parla dei diritti civili degli afroamericani e delle violenze che ancora oggi subiscono solo per essere neri. Testo che Prince dichiarò essergli stato ispirato da Dick Gregory, comico e attivista per i diritti civili, morto qualche giorno fa a 84 anni

I was born, raised on a slave plantation
inviata da Dq82 21/8/2017 - 09:38

FDT (Fuck Donald Trump)

FDT (Fuck Donald Trump)
Album: Still Brazy

feat Nipsey Hussle

Violento attacco a Trump, scritto quando ancora nessuno credeva che sarebbe stato eletto.
Just when I thought it wouldn't get no sicker
20/8/2017 - 21:26
Percorsi: Donald Trump
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Hell You Talmbout

Hell You Talmbout
feat. Deep Cotton, George 2.0, Jidenna, Roman GianArthur, and St. Beauty
rifacimento di una canzone del 2013

In questa protest song che si richiama al "chiama e rispondi" tipico delle marce per i diritti civili, la cantante rap Janelle Monáe si limita a scandire i nomi degli afroamericani uccisi dalla polizia o in violenze razziste. Su wikipedia i link ai vari nomi per approfondire le singole vicende.
20/8/2017 - 21:12
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America Has Never Been So Great

America Has Never Been So Great

Album: Punk Baroque

Ask anyone who wants to "make America great again" -- exactly when was it great?David Rovics

Razzismo, povertà, violenza.

Due domande sorgono spontanee:

1) Quando è stata grande l'America?

2) Come farà Trump a renderla grande?

(articolo non tradotto)

By Kim Petersen

July 27, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  “Make America Great Again” was Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. It appeals to the people whose hearts beat with patriotic fervor. But what does such a slogan explicitly point out?

Syntactically, Trump is telling Americans that the United States of America is not great. A country can only become something again when it is currently not that something it seeks to recapture – in this case, that something is greatness. So currently the US is not great according to the mantra of Trump.

Two questions are raised by this?

1. When was America great?

2.... (continua)
America has never been so great, but it could be 
inviata da Dq82 17/8/2017 - 12:25

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