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ווערטער: ל. ראָזנטאָל
מוזיק: מישאַ וועקסלער
Testo di Leyb Rozental [1916-1945]
Musica di Misha Veksler [1907-1943]
Lyrics by Leyb Rozental [1916-1945]
Music by Misha Veksler [1916-1943]

Leyb Rozental, born in 1916, was the oldest child in a highly cultured Vilna Jewish family. His parents, Fruma and Nohum Rozental, and his two sisters, were all artistic and well educated. His youngest sister Khayele was a talented singer and actress, and was to find her first success performing her brother’s compositions. Leyb himself was a poet, publishing his first poetry book at the age of fourteen. In the Vilna ghetto he became one of the most successful writers of musicals and theatre revues. The powerful lyrics of his productions “Peshe fun Reshe” (Peshe from Reshe) and “Moyshe halt zikh” (Moyshe hold on) captivated their audiences. In addition to his work for the theatre,... (continua)
נו קויפֿט־זשע פּאַפּיראָסן,
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 29/5/2008 - 14:38
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זאָג ניט קײנמאָל

זאָג ניט קײנמאָל
Zog nit keynmol
Testo di Hirsh Glik
Musica di Dimitri Pokrass
[dalla canzone russa То не тучи — грозовые облака,
o Терская походная, con parole di Aleksej Surkov, 1935]
Lyrics: Hirsh Glik
Music: Dimitri Pokrass
[based upon the Russian song То не тучи — грозовые облака, or Терская походная, lyrics by Aleksej Surkov, 1935]
מלים : הירש גליק
מנגינה: דן ודמיטרי פֿוקאַרס

La canzone fu scritta da Hirsh Glik all'età di 21 anni, quando ancora si trovava nel ghetto di Vilnius e divenne in breve tempo celeberrima, nonché l'inno del movimento di resistenza partigiana ebraica agli assassini nazisti.

E' generalmente associata all'insurrezione del ghetto di Varsavia, ma le sue origini sono a Vilnius (Vilna), la rivolta del cui ghetto scoppiò proprio quando arrivarono le notizie da Varsavia. Fu registrata per la prima volta nel 1946 a cura della Commissione Storica Ebraica di Monaco... (continua)
זאָג ניט קיינמאָל אַז דו גייסט דעם לעצטן וועג,
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 30/11/-0001 - 00:00
Percorsi: Ghetti
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זאָג ניט קײנמאָל

זאָג ניט קײנמאָל
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