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Gente a lavoro

Gente a lavoro
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel :
Giusto Pio

Album : Restoration - The Ancient School Of Restoration
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 10/6/2022 - 23:26

Guerre et Paix

Guerre et Paix
Guerre et Paix

Chanson française – Guerre et Paix – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2022

est le voyage d’exploration en Zinovie, entrepris par Marco Valdo M. I. et Lucien l’âne, à l’imitation de Carl von Linné en Laponie et de Charles Darwin autour de notre Terre et en parallèle à l’exploration du Disque Monde longuement menée par Terry Pratchett.
La Zinovie, selon Lucien l’âne, est ce territoire mental où se réfléchit d’une certaine manière le monde. La Zinovie renvoie à l’écrivain, logicien, peintre, dessinateur, caricaturiste et philosophe Alexandre Zinoviev et à son abondante littérature.

Épisode 49

Dialogue Maïeutique

Cette histoire de Guerre et Paix, s’exclame Lucien l’âne, me rappelle quelque chose. En fait, le titre d’un roman russe du temps des tsars et si je me souviens bien, il y est question de la bataille d’Austerlitz. C’était en 1805 ; celle où Koutouzov s’était endormi... (continua)
Passe dans ce désert de l’ennui,
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 10/6/2022 - 20:04

Ventitrè Maggio

Ventitrè Maggio
feat. Danilo Sacco
Dedicato a Giovanni Falcone, a trent'anni dalla strage di Capaci
Palermo oggi non ha fretta
inviata da Dq82 9/6/2022 - 20:18
Percorsi: Eroi, Mafia e mafie

Місця Щасливих Людей

Місця Щасливих Людей
Mistsia Shchaslyvykh Liudei

Текст і музика / Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Kuzma Skryabin [Кузьма Скрябін]

Альбом / Album / Albumi:
Radio Liubov[Радіо Любов]

Skryabin [Скрябін] é un cantautore, scomparso nel 2015, molto caro agli Ucraini, forse anche di più in questi ultimi mesi in cui il senso della condizione umana è reso ancora più astruso da una guerra fratricida, terminale di uno scontro globale a danno dell’anello debole, le popolazioni trascinate nel conflitto.
Il presidente dell’Ucraina Volodymyr Zelensky conferì postumo il titolo di “Eroe dell’Ucraina” a Kuzma Skryabin nell’anniversario della nascita, 17 Agosto 2020. La motivazione principale fu la seguente.

Кузьма і сам був справжнім захисником України. Воїном слова. Його зброя – ручка, папір та мікрофон. Піснею він зцілював душу, словом – заряджав на боротьбу.

Lo stesso... (continua)
Можливо, треба було жити, як всі,
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 9/6/2022 - 18:00

מישע צעררײַסט היטלערס דײַטשלאַנד

Taybl Birman / טײַבל בירמאַן
מישע צעררײַסט היטלערס דײַטשלאַנד
Mishe tserayst Hitlers Daytshland
Yiddish Glory – The Lost Songs Of World War II [2018]



Babi Yar (Golda Rovinskaja)
Af hoykhn barg (Veli Šargorodskij)
Yoshke fun Odes (Berta Flaksman)
Mayn pulemyot (Anonimo / Anonymous)
Taybls briv (Taybl Birman)
Misha tserayst Hitlers Daytshland (Taybl Birman)

See טײַבלס בריוו for introduction to both songs. "Misha Tserayst Hitlers Daytshland" (Misha tears apart Hitler's Germany) has been set to a combination of "Katyusha, a cult Soviet wartime song, and "Tum Balalaika, now symbolizing "Jews" in modern Russian culture.
טייבּעלע מיין פרוי, זיי וויסן,[1]
inviata da Dq82 9/6/2022 - 17:24

טײַבלס בריוו

Taybl Birman / טײַבל בירמאַן
טײַבלס בריוו
Taybls Briv
Album / Albumi: Yiddish Glory – The Lost Songs Of World War II [2018]


Babi Yar (Golda Rovinskaja)
Af hoykhn barg (Veli Šargorodskij)
Yoshke fun Odes (Berta Flaksman)
Mayn pulemyot (Anonimo / Anonymous)
Taybls briv (Taybl Birman)
Misha tserayst Hitlers Daytshland (Taybl Birman)

Sometime in late 1944, Taybl Birman, a 28-year-old Soviet Jew working in a tailor shop in war-torn Minsk, composed a song for her husband, Misha, a Red Army soldier who was fighting the Nazis on the Eastern Front.

The song began playfully — with Taybl mentioning that she was sitting “beside my beloved sewing machine,” singing to herself while “sewing Hitler a burial shroud” — but quickly escalated in intensity. “My Misha dearest,” she sang in Yiddish, “you will arrive [in Berlin] and split open all of their heads. Slash them, smash,... (continua)
זיץ איך מיר אין מאַסטערסקאַיע[1]
inviata da Dq82 9/6/2022 - 17:19

שלחמונות היטלערן

שלחמונות היטלערן
Shelakhmones Hitlern

Yiddish Glory – The Lost Songs Of World War II

Triumph is of course one of the themes in this collection. More than one song refers to the evil Haman of the Jewish holiday of Purim, who was defeated through acts of bravery by the beautiful Esther and her uncle Mordecai. Haman wanted to kill all the Jews of Persia, and in the end it was the Jews who wound up killing Haman and all his followers. This revenge fantasy had a ready parallel in Hitler, of course. In “Shelakhmones Hitlern” (Purim Gifts for Hitler), an unknown poet wrote

You’ve burned my joyful home
And disgraced my daughters.
You’ve trampled my infants
And sworn to get rid of me too.
Your angry dreams are wild and silly.
We’re alive! And [we] will survive no matter what.
Your bleary end will be on Haman’s tree
While the Jewish people live on and on!
דו ביסט ניט מיין ערשטער סוינע [1]
inviata da Dq82 9/6/2022 - 17:10

מײן פולעמיאָט

מײן פולעמיאָט
Mayn Pulemyot
Album / Albumi: Yiddish Glory – The Lost Songs Of World War II [2018]


Babi Yar (Golda Rovinskaja)
Af hoykhn barg (Veli Šargorodskij)
Yoshke fun Odes (Berta Flaksman)
Mayn pulemyot (Anonimo / Anonymous)
Taybls briv (Taybl Birman)
Misha tserayst Hitlers Daytshland (Taybl Birman)

Although many of the songs express explicit internationalist solidarity, it was lyrics like that that troubled Beregovsky and his associates. As good and loyal Soviet citizens they feared recriminations if their project appeared to single out the Jewish people as separate from—or worse, above—the other nationalities of the far-flung Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Indications of their concern are clear in the notations they made on some of the songs. In “Mayn pulemyot” (My Machine Gun), of unknown authorship, the singer says:

But... (continua)
איך ליג לעבן פולעמיאָט [1]
inviata da Dq82 9/6/2022 - 17:05




Yiddish Glory – The Lost Songs Of World War II

The song “Kazakhstan” with anonymous lyrics presumably by an evacuated Polish Jewish refugee, is the only one for which entirely original music (by Erdenko) is employed. That song, delivered in a smoky jazz idiom by Milman, is later reprised in a more muscular voicing by Erdenko.
עס האט א שטורעם–ווינט,  [1]
inviata da Dq82 9/6/2022 - 16:56


Parody / Parodia / Parodie :
Timothy Betts

Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
Chandelier by Sia

* CorSir News: La rete di Putin in Italia

Looking forward to watching the remake of the movie “The Wild Bunch / Il mucchio selvaggio”
Senator from Wisconsin,
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 7/6/2022 - 23:03

Le vieux

Le vieux
Le Vieux
Chanson française – Le Vieux – François Béranger – 1974

Dialogue maïeutique

« La vieillesse est un naufrage », Lucien l’âne mon ami, écrivait De Gaulle à propos de Pétain. C’était dans le contexte des Grandes Guerres, où le Pétain vainqueur de Verdun capitulait devant les exigences de Hitler, vingt ans plus tard. La formule datait déjà d’un siècle, elle était juste, on l’avait prise à Chateaubriand. Cette façon de voir les choses et la vieillesse en particulier est aussi celle qu’entrevoit François Béranger en évoquant le cheminement du retraité vers l’inévitable échéance de la déchéance. Son vieux à lui n’a cependant pas connu les honneurs de la Guerre, c’est juste un homme qu’on croise dans les rues de banlieue en fin d’après-midi, quelquefois avec un chien qui l’emmène à la promenade du soir. C’est terrible chanson où Béranger règle certain compte avec la vie et il a parfaitement... (continua)
Combien d’entre nous ont vu
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 7/6/2022 - 20:05

Le Baiser de Paix

Le Baiser de Paix
Le Baiser de Paix

Chanson française – Le Baiser de Paix – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2022

048. LE BAISER DE PAIX – 048. Le Baiser de Paix

est le voyage d’exploration en Zinovie, entrepris par Marco Valdo M. I. et Lucien l’âne, à l’imitation de Carl von Linné en Laponie et de Charles Darwin autour de notre Terre et en parallèle à l’exploration du Disque Monde longuement menée par Terry Pratchett.
La Zinovie, selon Lucien l’âne, est ce territoire mental où se réfléchit d’une certaine manière le monde. La Zinovie renvoie à l’écrivain, logicien, peintre, dessinateur, caricaturiste et philosophe Alexandre Zinoviev et à son abondante littérature.

Épisode 48

Dialogue Maïeutique

Ah, Lucien l’âne mon ami, je te mets en avec l’osculatoire, dont je t’entretenais l’autre jour, ni même l’osculum pacis du seigneur au vassal. Même si tous ont une origine commune dans la pratique fort répandue... (continua)
En Zinovie, les élèves-pilotes diplômés
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 6/6/2022 - 20:12

יאָשקע ון אָדעס

Berta Flaksman / בערטאַ פֿלאַקסמאַן
יאָשקע ון אָדעס
Yoshke fun Odes
Album / Albumi: Yiddish Glory – The Lost Songs Of World War II [2018]


Babi Yar (Golda Rovinskaja)
Af hoykhn barg (Veli Šargorodskij)
Yoshke fun Odes (Berta Flaksman)
Mayn pulemyot (Anonimo / Anonymous)
Taybls briv (Taybl Birman)
Misha tserayst Hitlers Daytshland (Taybl Birman)

Another song in that vein features “Yoshke fun Odes” (Yoshke from Odessa), a raging Jewish butcher who is fully the match of the German butchers who “desolated and destroyed our beautiful city.” In Berta Flaksman’s lyric:

For three full days he hailed them down,
firing one after the other.
Yoshke didn’t stop firing bullets from his rifle,
He bashed those fascists without a care—not a bit of respect!
The mutilated bodies fell near the half-dead covering the earth.
Any question why Yoshke sought just and righteous retribution?... (continua)
פון דער היײַנטעקער מילכאָמע װעל איך לידער זינגען, [1]
inviata da Dq82 6/6/2022 - 13:56

אפן הויכן באַרג

אפן הויכן באַרג
Afn hoykhn barg
Album / Albumi: Yiddish Glory – The Lost Songs Of World War II [2018]



Babi Yar (Golda Rovinskaja)
Af hoykhn barg (Veli Šargorodskij)
Yoshke fun Odes (Berta Flaksman)
Mayn pulemyot (Anonimo / Anonymous)
Taybls briv (Taybl Birman)
Misha tserayst Hitlers Daytshland (Taybl Birman)

Other songs openly wear their feelings of resentment and hatred for the Nazis, and the accursed name Hitler appears about as often as Stalin’s. “Afn hoykhn barg” (On the High Mountain), by Odessa-born Veli Shargorodskii, satirizes Hitler’s failed attempt to seize the natural resources he was after in Ukraine, Crimea and the Caucasus. It was recorded in Uzbekistan in the summer of 1944. The Germans had been turned back at Stalingrad the year before, and now “Germany is in trouble, Hitler is kaput!”
אַפֿן הויכן באַרג און אַפֿן גרינעם גראָז [1]
inviata da Dq82 6/6/2022 - 13:05

The Ballad of Brian Haw

The Ballad of Brian Haw
Lyrics by Roger Antony Carter
Music & performed by Barry David Butler

“It seems that dissension
is no longer allowed ..”
The song is dedicated to Brian Haw, a great and indomitable British pacifist, famous for protesting against the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, unfortunately died in Berlin from lung cancer in 2011 ...

Brian William Haw (7 January 1949 – 18 June 2011) was an English protester and peace campaigner who lived for almost ten years in a peace camp in London’s Parliament Square from 2001, in a protest against UK and US foreign policy. He began the Parliament Square Peace Campaign before the 2001 United States attacks, and became a symbol of the anti-war movement over the policies of both the United Kingdom and the United States in Afghanistan and later Iraq. At the 2007 Channel 4 Political Awards he was voted Most Inspiring Political Figure. Haw died of cancer... (continua)
Did you hear about the man
inviata da giorgio 6/6/2022 - 09:30
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Automation Song

Automation Song
Lyrics & music by Philip David Ochs
Album: All the News That's Fit to Sing

"We have built everything with our sweat, and now you are throwing us away and replacing us with machines .."

Guitar: Danny Kalb
Producer: Jac Holzman
Guitar, Vocals: Phil Ochs
Writer: Phil Ochs
Oh, I laid down your railroads, every mile of track
inviata da giorgio 5/6/2022 - 10:00
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Sentimental Bourreau

Sentimental Bourreau
En place de grève è un doppio senso. La grève in francese significa lo sciopero. Quindi "en place de grève il faisait son boulot" potrebbe anche essere tradotto come : "invece di fare sciopero, faceva il suo mestiere"
fv 5/6/2022 - 03:36

No Wars Will Stop Us Singing - World Peace Day

No Wars Will Stop Us Singing - World Peace Day
Lyrics written by Don Black
Music composed by Debbie Wiseman -

“This moving anthem offers hope against the back-drop of continual war throughout the world where children needlessly suffer and die.
This contemporary song has been translated into several different languages and has become a national 'anthem' sung by thousands of young people on World Peace Day -- September 21st.

I hope that you understand the way I feel about ‘No Wars Will Stop Us Singing’.
It is a great song for young people like me to bite back at all the people who think war is right”.
Ugly sounds are overhead,
inviata da giorgio 4/6/2022 - 17:25

Everybody’s Blood Is Red

Everybody’s Blood Is Red
Lyrics by Carroll Kiphen
For all the progress we have made
inviata da giorgio 4/6/2022 - 14:14

The Madness of Madmen

The Madness of Madmen
Lyrics by Carroll Kiphen
I hear the distant sound of drums
inviata da giorgio 4/6/2022 - 13:49

Le Manuscrit

Le Manuscrit
Le Manuscrit

Chanson française – Le Manuscrit – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2022

est le voyage d’exploration en Zinovie, entrepris par Marco Valdo M. I. et Lucien l’âne, à l’imitation de Carl von Linné en Laponie et de Charles Darwin autour de notre Terre et en parallèle à l’exploration du Disque Monde longuement menée par Terry Pratchett.
La Zinovie, selon Lucien l’âne, est ce territoire mental où se réfléchit d’une certaine manière le monde. La Zinovie renvoie à l’écrivain, logicien, peintre, dessinateur, caricaturiste et philosophe Alexandre Zinoviev et à son abondante littérature.

Épisode 47

Dialogue Maïeutique

Dans l’histoire récente de la Zinovie, Lucien l’âne mon ami, je veux parler de l’histoire qui couvre environ un peu plus du siècle dernier, il a été presque constamment mal vu et dangereux d’émettre des opinions, de défendre des idées ou de faire des récits qui n’étaient... (continua)
Sur le boulevard, il marche ;
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 4/6/2022 - 11:44
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Porta Romana bella

Versione di Maria Monti da "Memoria di Milano" del 1972
Porta Romana bella
inviata da Alberto Scotti 4/6/2022 - 02:32


Il secondo tempo

Feat. Militant A

Mi è venuta in mente questa canzone a riguardo di Alfredino Rampi la cui tomba è stata profanata con 11 svastiche. E poi c'è anche una citazione della strage di Bologna...
La canzone è un colloquio di Filippo Andreani con se stesso bambino... o con il bambino che è ancora in lui
Avevi calci al volo da scontare
inviata da dq82 3/6/2022 - 23:32

Vasco Rossi: La nostra relazione

Vasco Rossi - Gaetano Curreri
Album / Albumi: ...Ma cosa vuoi che sia una canzone...

Stasera ci ho un autentico concerto del Blasco davanti a casa, praticamente. D'accordo, fra casa mia e il Visarno c'è un Arno di mezzo, la passerella che dovevano intitolare a Alexander Langer sarà chiusa (anche per non farla crollare, presumo), sessanta, settantamila persone distribuite su tre ingressi, mezza città chiusa e, al bar, gente che proveniva da piazza dell'Isolotto dicendo che era già una bolgia. Il bello è che in piazza dell'Isolotto ci saremo anche io e la Daniela -k.d.- pronti alla battaglia per seguire il concerto sfacciatamente a gratis, visto che praticamente è lì dirimpetto. Così ecco questo clamoroso “Extra Occasionale”, che poi è anche una delle canzoni più famose (e, a mio parere, anche delle più belle) di Vasco Rossi e anche, si noti, la prima canzone del suo primo album... (continua)
La nostra relazione
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 3/6/2022 - 17:56

Capitano Nemo

Capitano Nemo
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel :
Giusto Pio

Album :Note
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 3/6/2022 - 17:39
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Admira e Boško

Admira e Boško
Email corretta al 2.6.2022
Salvatore Armando Santoro 2/6/2022 - 21:53
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1χ. Versione casciuba (Mislaus Lasota, Lyricstranslate)
1χ. Kashubian version (Mislaus Lasota, Lyricstranslate)

Kashubian or Cassubian (Kashubian: kaszëbsczi jãzëk, Polish: język kaszubski) is a West Slavic language belonging to the Lechitic subgroup along with Polish and Silesian lect. Although often classified as a language in its own right, it is sometimes viewed as a dialect of Pomeranian or as a dialect of Polish. This singable and poetic text was posted on Lyricstranslate. I wouldn't be surprised if the song is sung in Polish dialects, or rather the song could be translated in various dialects as well. [Boreč]
inviata da Boreč 2/6/2022 - 19:06

The Shores of Normandy

In the cold grey light of the sixth of June,
inviata da Dq82 2/6/2022 - 18:38

Steelworker's Lament

Steelworker's Lament
Roots of Life
I used to work at steel mill, making 13 hour days
inviata da Dq82 2/6/2022 - 18:08
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L'ot ed setember

L'ot ed setember
Il secondo verso del ritornello dovrebbe essere
"erla curta o erla lounga 'd sel"

con traduzione letterale
che fosse zuppa o pan bagnato,
che fosse insipida o salata

e con significato complessivo di " comunque, in qualunque modo"

Anche se sono nato a Genova, ho imparato il dialetto reggiano, parente stretto del sassolese, da nonna, classe 1891, e papà, classe 1916. Il modo di dire "curta o lounga 'd sel" è comune nel reggiano-modenese.
Elpidio 2/6/2022 - 13:17
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Complainte au duc de Savoye

Complainte au duc de Savoye
Even as a native francophone from Quebec, I initially misunderstood the author's intent! It's about mocking Savoy's disastrous attempt to switch sides in the war of Spanish Succession in the early 18th. Once-French-ally by royal marriage, Duke Victor-Amédée II "le Renard de Savoie", switched sides to Austria and the League against France. There were religious reasons for the tensions such as the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and protestant migrations. Victor-Amédée then launched an offensive war against his former ally France, sung from a Frenchman's/Alsacian point of view. I wouldn't call it an anti-war song, more of a "lets mock the losers" song - an all-time staple of military music. But given how obscure the meaning is, these comments should stay up, in order to understand better, IMO!

To a modern listener, it might sound like the author is praising the Duke of Savoie for managing... (continua)
Bytewave 2/6/2022 - 11:49


Grazie Isotta (anagraficamente Isabella Tancini). Ci hai regalato dei video bellissimi per la loro eccezionale unità con musica e testo dei tuoi numerosi cantautori prediletti,primi fra tutti Vecchioni, Bertoli, Guccini, De Gregori, Dalla.....Ora ci hai lasciati e chi ha avuto la fortuna di conoscerti (o personalmente o attraverso i tuoi irrepetibili video) sente un grande vuoto nonostante la ricca eredità dei valori in cui hai creduto. Ciao bellissima e carissima
luigina fidanza 2/6/2022 - 10:44

Say It Loud - I'm Black and I'm Proud

Say It Loud - I'm Black and I'm Proud
canzone con un significato profondo e importante
1/6/2022 - 19:32

Buona Luna

Buona Luna
Canti rubati

(dedicata ai bambini vittime di guerra)
Nei campi di pietre ancora la neve,
inviata da Dq82 31/5/2022 - 08:54


Canti rubati

(dedicata a chi si sente straniero a casa propria)
In cima al grattacielo c'era l'imperatore,
inviata da Dq82 31/5/2022 - 08:53

Preghiera di notte

Preghiera di notte
Canti rubati

(dedicata a tutte le donne che per motivi politici o religiosi vivono una vita che non si può definire tale, imprigionate nel buio dell'ignoranza)
Luce sorprendimi! Sgranato il mio canto mendica pietà.
inviata da Dq82 31/5/2022 - 08:50

Merchants of Death

Merchants of Death
Scritta da Bob A. Feldman
Written by Bob A. Feldman

Un canto contro la guerra del 2022 che protesta contro i profittatori di guerra.
An anti-war folk song from 2022 that protests against those who profit from the 21st-century of "permanent war."
Merchants of Death
inviata da Bob A. Feldman 31/5/2022 - 03:56
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Cycling to the Sunset on the Streets of Saigon

Cycling to the Sunset on the Streets of Saigon
Girando in bici fino al tramonto per le strade di Saigon
inviata da giorgio 30/5/2022 - 12:32
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No More War

No More War
Lyrics by Roger Antony Carter
Music & Performed by Barry David Butler
Always talk of war
inviata da giorgio 29/5/2022 - 22:52

L’Ambition cosmologique

L’Ambition cosmologique
L’Ambition cosmologique

Chanson française – L’Ambition cosmologique – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2022

est le voyage d’exploration en Zinovie, entrepris par Marco Valdo M. I. et Lucien l’âne, à l’imitation de Carl von Linné en Laponie et de Charles Darwin autour de notre Terre et en parallèle à l’exploration du Disque Monde longuement menée par Terry Pratchett.
La Zinovie, selon Lucien l’âne, est ce territoire mental où se réfléchit d’une certaine manière le monde. La Zinovie renvoie à l’écrivain, logicien, peintre, dessinateur, caricaturiste et philosophe Alexandre Zinoviev et à son abondante littérature.

Épisode 46

Dialogue Maïeutique

Eh oui, dit Marco Valdo M.I., la Zinovie a de l’ambition, une ambition universelle, une ambition cosmologique.

Ça ne m’étonne pas, dit Lucien l’âne, avec les Guides qu’elle se paye. Je pense même que si on les laisse faire, ils s’empareront de... (continua)
L’étranger, on s’en fout de l’étranger.
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 29/5/2022 - 19:58

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