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Azadî bo Kurdistan

Gianni Sartori

Nella mattinata del 20 ottobre oltre duecento persone stavano manifestando in place de Luxembourg (nei pressi della sede della Commissione europea) a Bruxelles contro l’impiego di armi chimiche e gas tossici da parte della Turchia. Utilizzati, ça va sans dire, contro la Resistenza curda nel Bashur (il Kurdistan del Sud, dentro i confini iracheni). In questo periodo soprattutto nell’area montagnosa di Werxelê (regione curda di Avashîn).

Ma contro i manifestanti curdi è immediatamente scattata l’ordinaria repressione a base di lacrimogeni e manganellate.
Eppure la cosa ormai dovrebbe essere di dominio pubblico. Se non bastavano le testimonianze raccolte e portate a conoscenza dell’opinione pubblica ormai da anni (soprattutto l’anno scorso, mentre era in pieno svolgimento l’operazione militare da Ankara in aprile), ultimamente... (continua)
Gianni Sartori 20/10/2022 - 20:50
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Song For Ye, Jacobites [Ye Jacobites By Name]

Song For Ye, Jacobites [Ye Jacobites By Name]
The 18th Century Antiwar Anthem

Long before Bob Dylan, the 18’th century Scottish poet and song-writer Robert Burns published an anti-war anthem. Surprisingly modern sounding (video below), the song rejects contemporary war mongering and focuses on the human suffering caused by conflict. However, in order to understand the historical context of the song, we do need an expert. We asked George Mcclellan, a director of the Robert Burns Association of North America, to set the scene. Why was “Ye Jacobites by Name” written”?

Originally to condemn the Jacobite cause. It’s necessary to understand the period following the Reformation when Great Britain became firmly anti-Catholic after years of conflict. There were two periods of Catholic rebellion, The Jacobite risings, or the Jacobite rebellions or the War of the British Succession, 1688 thru 1748, the intent... (continua)
Riccardo Venturi 20/10/2022 - 19:53
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Si può ascoltare qui Demoghèla!
19/10/2022 - 16:11
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@ Aussie Minecrafter

Thank you for contributing the Yakut (Sakha) version of the Internationale. Conversely, the other version you gave has been rejected: it is no Rusyn version of the Internationale, but the 1st stanza and the refrain of the standard Russian version by A. Y. Kots from 1902, in good literary Russian as you can see. We suggest you to remove this version also from Lyricstranslate, because it has nothing to do with the Rusyn language.

If you know a true Rusyn version of the Internationale (Rusyn is classified as a dialect of the Ukrainian language) please let us know.
AWS / CCG Staff 19/10/2022 - 01:17

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