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Prima del 2021-4-8

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Under the Devil's Knee

Under the Devil's Knee
Featuring Leyla McCalla, Allison Russell, and Sunny War

Una ballata narrativa in puro stile folk per raccontare le sorie di George Floyd, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor
Under the devil's knee oh lord, I'm under the devil's knee
7/4/2021 - 23:47



“This concept that we can’t escape is so disgusting, and the reason they say, ‘money is the root of all evil.’ Specifically, the Atlantic Ocean was used as a vessel of support for these wicked practices, at the expense of my Black ancestors. We were forced to come to the Americas to make this idea of value stronger, bigger, better, with very little benefit. Now we are the ‘bottom of the barrel’ in the Americas, a disposition I explore with the lyrics ‘Never seen Atlanta, but we travel the Atlantic.’ The singing vocals at the beginning and especially the end, are to represent our ancestors crying out — a reminder that they were so strong, so resilient, and still here, keeping us empowered. Our history is with them, and if we talk to them, learn from them, do our research — we will be stronger.”

Daily Dose of Protest: Haviah Mighty – Atlantic
Money cost more than most things
7/4/2021 - 23:40
Downloadable! Video!

I Pity the Country

I Pity the Country

La canzone più famosa di Willie Dun, cantautore canadese di discendenza Mi'kmaq (popolazione nativa americana), scozzese e irlandese.
La canzone affronta vari temi tra cui il colonialismo, il razzismo contro le popolazioni native e l'inquinamento. Ripresa recentemente da Leanne Betasamosake Simpson (vedere Daily Dose of Protest: Pity The Country)
I pity the country
7/4/2021 - 23:20

Gli extraterrestri

Gli extraterrestri
Che cosa dici? Che cosa faresti?
inviata da Alberto Scotti 6/4/2021 - 21:32


Fuori mercato
Grida, grida, grida dimmi chi sei
inviata da Dq82 6/4/2021 - 17:15

L’ultimo dei re

L’ultimo dei re
Fuori mercato
Autostrada per Capaci millenovecentonovedue
inviata da Dq82 6/4/2021 - 17:11
Percorsi: Mafia e mafie

Remember Sacco and Vanzetti

Remember Sacco and Vanzetti
Remember the heroes who gave their lives for you
inviata da Dq82 6/4/2021 - 12:57
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Sacco e Vanzetti

Sacco e Vanzetti

feat Daman, Drowning Dog

Nicola Sacco et Bartolomeo Vanzetti étaient deux anarchistes d'origine italienne, condamnés à
mort et exécutés en raison de leurs idées politiques et de leurs origines. Leur captivité et leur
exécution ont été dénoncées massivement au niveau international.
La police, la justice, le gouverneur, le Capitole n'ont tous qu'un seul but. Ils veulent une
condamnation politique

Samples :
• "I just want to sing your name" Woodie Guthrie
• "Una stanza vuota" Ennio Morricone*
• "Here's to you", Ennio Morricone & Joan Baez*
• "Speranze di libertà" Ennio Morricone*
• "La Ballata Di Sacco e Vanzetti" Ennio Morricone*
* Extraits du film "Sacco et Vanzetti" de Giuliano Montaldo (1971)
At the beginning of the story
inviata da Dq82 6/4/2021 - 12:46

Bread and Roses Revisited

Bread and Roses Revisited
Crimson Spectre
I'm so tired of screaming songs
inviata da Dq82 6/4/2021 - 12:00
Percorsi: Rachel Corrie

The Ghosts of Long Kesh

The Ghosts of Long Kesh
Crimson Spectre
All the workers stood in silence
inviata da Dq82 6/4/2021 - 11:50

From H-Block to Maghaberry

From H-Block  to Maghaberry
I remember the day when I turned 10
inviata da Dq82 6/4/2021 - 11:06
Downloadable! Video!

Bobby Sands' Last Cry

Bobby Sands' Last Cry
A biographical protest folk song about Irish hunger striker Bobby Sands, which was written shortly after his death in May of 1981.
Belfast explodes, Derry erupts
inviata da Dq82 6/4/2021 - 10:41

It Ain’t Fair

It Ain’t Fair
featuring Bilal

Dalla colonna sonora del film Detroit che parla della sommossa di Detroit del 1967 (vedi Motor City is Burning e Dancing in the Street), ma sembra che 50 anni dopo non sia cambiato molto e questa canzone che comincia volutamente come un vecchio pezzo soul parla anche degli USA del 2017.
Oh, brother, hmm
5/4/2021 - 22:39

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