While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Versione polacca cantabile di Krzysiek Wrona
inviata da Krzysiek Wrona 14/11/2021 - 21:11
Volver a los diecisiete
Retrouver ses dix-sept ans
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 14/11/2021 - 19:31
Jacob il ladro
Jacob fu un anarchico francese, un Robin Hood dei primi del secolo, il personaggio che ispirò "Arsenio Lupin".
Ne ho conosciuto le vicende dalla puntata di questa settimana di seunribellespento.
Qui il podcast completo.
Sabato 28 agosto 1954 – La siringa era pronta da tempo. Alexandre osservò la pioggia che continuava a cadere incessantemente, formando una cupa foschia sopra le case. Tutt’a un tratto sulle sue labbra aleggiò un pallido sorriso. Chiamò a sé Negro che, docile, lo raggiunse accucciandosi fra le sue gambe. “Negro, vecchio mio, è arrivato il momento di andarcene, sai?”, disse. Poi, con in mano la siringa, Alexandre si avvicinò al vecchio cocker. Lo accarezzò per l’ultima volta, e dopo averlo stretto a sé, con delicatezza, gli iniettò la dose letale di morfina. Alexandre e Negro rimasero a lungo così, in silenzio, stretti l’uno all’altro. Nello sguardo dell’uomo non c’era... (continua)
Jacob fu un anarchico francese, un Robin Hood dei primi del secolo, il personaggio che ispirò "Arsenio Lupin".
Ne ho conosciuto le vicende dalla puntata di questa settimana di seunribellespento.
Qui il podcast completo.
Sabato 28 agosto 1954 – La siringa era pronta da tempo. Alexandre osservò la pioggia che continuava a cadere incessantemente, formando una cupa foschia sopra le case. Tutt’a un tratto sulle sue labbra aleggiò un pallido sorriso. Chiamò a sé Negro che, docile, lo raggiunse accucciandosi fra le sue gambe. “Negro, vecchio mio, è arrivato il momento di andarcene, sai?”, disse. Poi, con in mano la siringa, Alexandre si avvicinò al vecchio cocker. Lo accarezzò per l’ultima volta, e dopo averlo stretto a sé, con delicatezza, gli iniettò la dose letale di morfina. Alexandre e Negro rimasero a lungo così, in silenzio, stretti l’uno all’altro. Nello sguardo dell’uomo non c’era... (continua)
Cresci tra gli odori di lavanda
inviata da Dq82 14/11/2021 - 18:58
Le Paradis sur Terre
Le Paradis sur Terre
Chanson française – Le Paradis sur Terre – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2021
est le voyage d’exploration en Zinovie, entrepris par Marco Valdo M. I. et Lucien l’âne, à l’imitation de Carl von Linné en Laponie et de Charles Darwin autour de notre Terre et en parallèle à l’exploration du Disque Monde longuement menée par Terry Pratchett.
La Zinovie, selon Lucien l’âne, est ce territoire mental où se réfléchit d’une certaine manière le monde. La Zinovie renvoie à l’écrivain, logicien, peintre, dessinateur, caricaturiste et philosophe Alexandre Zinoviev et à son abondante littérature.
Épisode 4
Dialogue maïeutique
Lucien l’âne mon ami, aujourd’hui, on s’en va au paradis.
Qu’est-ce que c’est que cette plaisanterie, Marco Valdo M.I. mon ami ? De quel paradis tu peux bien causer ?
Oh, Lucien l’âne mon ami, du paradis sur la Terre, du paradis avec les pieds sur terre,... (continua)
Chanson française – Le Paradis sur Terre – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2021
est le voyage d’exploration en Zinovie, entrepris par Marco Valdo M. I. et Lucien l’âne, à l’imitation de Carl von Linné en Laponie et de Charles Darwin autour de notre Terre et en parallèle à l’exploration du Disque Monde longuement menée par Terry Pratchett.
La Zinovie, selon Lucien l’âne, est ce territoire mental où se réfléchit d’une certaine manière le monde. La Zinovie renvoie à l’écrivain, logicien, peintre, dessinateur, caricaturiste et philosophe Alexandre Zinoviev et à son abondante littérature.
Épisode 4
Dialogue maïeutique
Lucien l’âne mon ami, aujourd’hui, on s’en va au paradis.
Qu’est-ce que c’est que cette plaisanterie, Marco Valdo M.I. mon ami ? De quel paradis tu peux bien causer ?
Oh, Lucien l’âne mon ami, du paradis sur la Terre, du paradis avec les pieds sur terre,... (continua)
Au paradis, les richesses sociales
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 14/11/2021 - 18:47
Peace and Love
The Jamaicans With Tommy McCook – Peace And Love
The song "Peace and Love" (Treasure Isle Records # TI-7037) is a collaboration between The Jamaicans (a rocksteady group formed in 1966 in Jamaica) and Tommy McCook (reggae artist, born 3 March 1927, La Habana, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, died 5 May 1998, Atlanta, Georgia, USA).
It took a strong anti-war position, saying that the leaders were focused on war, but that the "people of the world" want "love peace and love". It pleaded with the government: "don't send my brothers to Vietnam", and looked at the impact on families: "don't let...mothers mourn, don't let my father know the pain". Released in Kingston, Jamaica.
Vietnam War Song Project
The Jamaicans With Tommy McCook – Peace And Love
The song "Peace and Love" (Treasure Isle Records # TI-7037) is a collaboration between The Jamaicans (a rocksteady group formed in 1966 in Jamaica) and Tommy McCook (reggae artist, born 3 March 1927, La Habana, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, died 5 May 1998, Atlanta, Georgia, USA).
It took a strong anti-war position, saying that the leaders were focused on war, but that the "people of the world" want "love peace and love". It pleaded with the government: "don't send my brothers to Vietnam", and looked at the impact on families: "don't let...mothers mourn, don't let my father know the pain". Released in Kingston, Jamaica.
Vietnam War Song Project
The leaders of the war study war,
14/11/2021 - 15:50
I’m an Australian – 20 Years Old
The song "I'm an Australian – 20 Years Old" also featured in The Vietnam Songbook, although no recording from the time has been found yet. The song took a comedic approach to a 21 year old caught-up in major court case for resisting the draft. It started out with the man going down to the barracks, lighting a cigarette, and his "call-up papers accidently caught on fire". Misinterpreted as a deliberate act, the "C.N.D. embraced me" - a reference to the protest group the Committee for Nuclear Disarmament, while the other side "called me a traitor".
Vietnam War Song Project
Vietnam War Song Project
I am an Australian. I am twenty years old,
14/11/2021 - 15:37
Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
2ζ. كلمات الغنّية - Versione araba (di Anarkiyeen?)
2ζ. كلمات الغنّية - Arabic version (by Anarkiyeen?)
Una versione araba apparentemente “artigianale” reperita dall'infaticabile Borec/Albatross 795: nel video YouTube l'utente, dall'evocativo “nickname” di Anarkiyeen, la canta in arabo sovrapponendola all'originale spagnolo. Non sappiamo, ovviamente e purtroppo, né se egli stesso sia l'autore della versione, né se si tratti invece di una versione già esistente. Una nota presente nel video sembrerebbe avvalorare la prima ipotesi (si veda il box note). La lingua utilizzata è comunque l'arabo moderno standard. Viene fornita una traduzione inglese di massima.
An apparently “handmade” Arabic version made available by tireless Borec/Albatross 795: in the YouTube video, the user, bearing the evocatory nickname of Anarkiyeen, sings the song in Arabic superimposing his voice on the Spanish original.... (continua)
2ζ. كلمات الغنّية - Arabic version (by Anarkiyeen?)
Una versione araba apparentemente “artigianale” reperita dall'infaticabile Borec/Albatross 795: nel video YouTube l'utente, dall'evocativo “nickname” di Anarkiyeen, la canta in arabo sovrapponendola all'originale spagnolo. Non sappiamo, ovviamente e purtroppo, né se egli stesso sia l'autore della versione, né se si tratti invece di una versione già esistente. Una nota presente nel video sembrerebbe avvalorare la prima ipotesi (si veda il box note). La lingua utilizzata è comunque l'arabo moderno standard. Viene fornita una traduzione inglese di massima.
An apparently “handmade” Arabic version made available by tireless Borec/Albatross 795: in the YouTube video, the user, bearing the evocatory nickname of Anarkiyeen, sings the song in Arabic superimposing his voice on the Spanish original.... (continua)
ريح وعواصف عم تهزّ السما [1]
inviata da Albatross795 14/11/2021 - 13:47
Kevin Conway
Clem Parkinson, contemporary folk artist, born in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. He wrote the song "Kevin Conway", about the first Australian casualty in the Vietnam War.
Conway, born 11 December 1928, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, was a Warrant Officer Class 2, with the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam. He was killed in action (K.I.A.), in the Battle of Nam Dong, South Vietnam on 6 July 1964, aged 35 years, buried at Kranji War Cemetery in Singapore. His remains were repatriated to Australia 2nd June 2016.
Vietnam War Song Project
Clem Parkinson, contemporary folk artist, born in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. He wrote the song "Kevin Conway", about the first Australian casualty in the Vietnam War.
Conway, born 11 December 1928, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, was a Warrant Officer Class 2, with the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam. He was killed in action (K.I.A.), in the Battle of Nam Dong, South Vietnam on 6 July 1964, aged 35 years, buried at Kranji War Cemetery in Singapore. His remains were repatriated to Australia 2nd June 2016.
Vietnam War Song Project
Kevin Conway was a soldier who left his native shore
14/11/2021 - 12:45
Corazón maldito
Brita Ahman - Arja Saijonmaa / Inti-Illimani
Album / Albumi: Jag vill tacka livet - 13 sänger av Violeta Parra – 1979
Album / Albumi: Jag vill tacka livet - 13 sänger av Violeta Parra – 1979
Mitt hjärta svara
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 14/11/2021 - 11:19
The Massacres of My Lai (Song My) and Truong An
from Broadside Magazine #103 (Dec. 1969)
Sul massacro di My Lay vedi Everybody's Got A Right To Live
Sul massacro di My Lay vedi Everybody's Got A Right To Live
We went out on a mission, we were told search and destroy
13/11/2021 - 23:06
Guerra in Vietnam: vista dagli USA
Keep Your Mind Open
Album: Side Trips
Written By – C. Darrow
Written By – C. Darrow
Flowers wilt and there is day and wind and trees and tides
13/11/2021 - 22:53
21st Birthday
Tex Morton, a country artist born Robert William Lane on 30 August 1916 in Nelson, New Zealand. He died 23 July 1983 in Sydney, NSW, Australia. He released several records under the nickname The Yodelling Boundary Rider.
The song "21st Birthday" dealt with the Vietnam War, looking at the home front perspective, of the parents of a soldier killed in action (K.I.A.). The song was released in 1967 on single: 21st Birthday (Columbia (EMI) # DO-4785).
The song told of the soldier's friends arriving at his parents house to celebrate his 21st birthday, unaware of what had happened. A closer look at the shelf with letters and "you'll see a draft card... the nice letter and the medal they sent". The father concluded that: "our boy full of love has died now of hate" - which perhaps leans towards the anti-war side of the debate.
Vietnam War Song Project
The song "21st Birthday" dealt with the Vietnam War, looking at the home front perspective, of the parents of a soldier killed in action (K.I.A.). The song was released in 1967 on single: 21st Birthday (Columbia (EMI) # DO-4785).
The song told of the soldier's friends arriving at his parents house to celebrate his 21st birthday, unaware of what had happened. A closer look at the shelf with letters and "you'll see a draft card... the nice letter and the medal they sent". The father concluded that: "our boy full of love has died now of hate" - which perhaps leans towards the anti-war side of the debate.
Vietnam War Song Project
You'd thought you'd surprise him
13/11/2021 - 22:41
Vietnam Cries U.S.A.
Single: Vietnam Cries U.S.A
Single: Vietnam Cries U.S.A
A British ska anti-war song from 1966 called "Vietnam Cries U.S.A." (Halagala # HG 30) which pleaded with President Johnson to stop the war: "we don't want no war in this world Mr. Johnson...stop bombing Vietnam". Released on the rare, obscure British reggae label Halagala, formed by Terry Nelson in the 1960s - born in Guyana, he moved to London and wrote this song
Vietnam War Song Project
Vietnam War Song Project
We don't want no war in this world Mr. Johnson
13/11/2021 - 22:24
Von der Kindsmörderin Marie Farrar
originariamente inserita come canzone originale, è in effetti una traduzione di Brecht.
inviata da Alberto Scotti 13/11/2021 - 18:14
Good Kurds, Bad Kurds
Gianni Sartori
Da giorni circa tremila rifugiati che - invano - cercavano di entrare in Europa attraverso la Polonia, rimangono bloccati alla frontiera, nella foresta.
Molti di quei disperati (in gran parte donne e bambini) sono curdi che provengono dalla regione autonoma dell’Iraq e dal nord della Siria. Ossia da territori sottoposti, se pur in maniera diversa, agli attacchi di Ankara.
Abbandonati da entrambi gli Stati confinanti, sarebbero già una ventina quelli morti di ipotermia, fame o disidratazione. Una dozzina quelli desaparecidos.
Sulla questione è intervenuto il Congresso nazionale del Kurdistan. Rivolgendosi all’Unione europea, il KNK ha definito “disumano e inammissibile” il modo in cui Polonia e Bielorussia trattano i migranti. Con un appello non solo all’Ue ma anche a “tutti... (continua)
Gianni Sartori 13/11/2021 - 16:25
Небасхіл Еўропы
E questa dovrebbe essere III guerra mondiale???
a me mi sembrano "i giochetti di prestigio"
dei ragazzini del cortile...
peccato che ci va di mezzo la gente raggirata
a me mi sembrano "i giochetti di prestigio"
dei ragazzini del cortile...
peccato che ci va di mezzo la gente raggirata
Krzysiek 13/11/2021 - 01:06
I Don't Wanna
Testo trovato su Vietnam War Song Project
Un blues un po' straniante ma estremamente chiaro. Non voglio andare nel Vietnam del sud, non voglio ammazzare i vietnamiti, datemi un lavoro qua a casa mia.
Testo trovato su Vietnam War Song Project
Un blues un po' straniante ma estremamente chiaro. Non voglio andare nel Vietnam del sud, non voglio ammazzare i vietnamiti, datemi un lavoro qua a casa mia.
I don't wanna go to South of Vietnam
12/11/2021 - 23:04
Guerra in Vietnam: vista dagli USA
Band di garage rock formata da cinque soldati americani spediti in una qualche base militare in Germania Ovest. Dal loro unico LP, Black Monk Time, proviene questa Complication che al ritmo di una marcia militare accusa il governo di madare la gente a morire in guerra. Fedeli al nome del gruppo, i cinque si presentavano in scena vestiti da monaci.
Band di garage rock formata da cinque soldati americani spediti in una qualche base militare in Germania Ovest. Dal loro unico LP, Black Monk Time, proviene questa Complication che al ritmo di una marcia militare accusa il governo di madare la gente a morire in guerra. Fedeli al nome del gruppo, i cinque si presentavano in scena vestiti da monaci.
Firstly, the song "Complication" contained anti-war lyrics, presented almost as a military march, as the band sung in unison, damning the government and military for sending people to war: "people cry, people die for you, people kill...people go to their deaths".
Vietnam War Song Project
Vietnam War Song Project
12/11/2021 - 22:53
What The... (Is a Going on in Washington)
The country song "What the..." (Is a Going on in Washington)" (Nugget Records # NR 247), by Bob Withers, is narrated from the position of a soldier in the war zone, who feared for his life: "here I sit in Vietnam...sent half around this world to die". Is this song criticising US politicians over the Vietnam War, or is it an attack on the protest movement? It included the line: "All these people were our friends not long ago, they fought Hitler, Mussolini, and Tōjō" - this could be a reference to the Vietnamese - a former World War Two ally, who had helped the US against Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy), and Tōjō (Japan)? Or perhaps it is an attack on the draft card burners and protester in Washington (as it included the line: "some guys have burnt their draft cards up at home, don't send them here") - who may have backed or agreed with the cause of the Second World War,... (continua)
The country song "What the..." (Is a Going on in Washington)" (Nugget Records # NR 247), by Bob Withers, is narrated from the position of a soldier in the war zone, who feared for his life: "here I sit in Vietnam...sent half around this world to die". Is this song criticising US politicians over the Vietnam War, or is it an attack on the protest movement? It included the line: "All these people were our friends not long ago, they fought Hitler, Mussolini, and Tōjō" - this could be a reference to the Vietnamese - a former World War Two ally, who had helped the US against Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy), and Tōjō (Japan)? Or perhaps it is an attack on the draft card burners and protester in Washington (as it included the line: "some guys have burnt their draft cards up at home, don't send them here") - who may have backed or agreed with the cause of the Second World War,... (continua)
What the....Is a going on in Washington...
12/11/2021 - 22:38
Guerra in Vietnam: vista dagli USA
Giro immondo
Chanson italienne – Giro immondo – Fucktotum – 2004
Dialogue maïeutique
Cette fois, Lucien l’âne mon ami, pour sûr, c’est une chanson contre la guerre et une qui s’inscrit résolument dans la forme la plus classique du genre, celle qui consiste à (d)énoncer les méfaits des armements sur la santé publique des espèces, et au premier rang, l’espèce humaine elle-même, mais pas seulement.
Oh oui, pour sûr !, s’exclament Lucien l’âne. Déjà qu’il est extrêmement nocif et malheureux que les humains se massacrent entre eux, que certains humains ont en tête de massacrer les autres humains, et même, de faire massacrer des humains par leurs contemporains sans y mettre directement la main. Mais, il y a plus désolant encore, c’est qu’il y a des dégâts collatéraux à leurs prospères entreprises et parmi ces dégâts collatéraux, il y a des tas d’animaux qui n’ont comme seul tort de vivre sur la même planète... (continua)
Dialogue maïeutique
Cette fois, Lucien l’âne mon ami, pour sûr, c’est une chanson contre la guerre et une qui s’inscrit résolument dans la forme la plus classique du genre, celle qui consiste à (d)énoncer les méfaits des armements sur la santé publique des espèces, et au premier rang, l’espèce humaine elle-même, mais pas seulement.
Oh oui, pour sûr !, s’exclament Lucien l’âne. Déjà qu’il est extrêmement nocif et malheureux que les humains se massacrent entre eux, que certains humains ont en tête de massacrer les autres humains, et même, de faire massacrer des humains par leurs contemporains sans y mettre directement la main. Mais, il y a plus désolant encore, c’est qu’il y a des dégâts collatéraux à leurs prospères entreprises et parmi ces dégâts collatéraux, il y a des tas d’animaux qui n’ont comme seul tort de vivre sur la même planète... (continua)
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 12/11/2021 - 19:37
The Dunes
Dirty Rotten Shame
What happened when Shane MacGowan met Ronnie Drew back in the ’90s? Well, a few things happened, but here’s one thing ye might not know about. Let’s take a trip back through time, but not one that will bore you.
Back in the day, Ronnie Drew was makin’ a solo record called Dirty Rotten Shame. He was short of a few songs, so he contacted the ol’ legend himself, Shane MacGowan. Shane sent him a song he’d written, called The Dunes.
Like most of MacGowan’s work, it’s a beautiful piece of music, and it shines a light on the ugly side of life. On one of Ireland’s toughest times. The Famine of 1845-52.
The Great Hunger
I walked today on the cold grey shore
Where I watched when I was much younger
Where they built the dunes upon the sand
For the dead from The Great Hunger.
Those are the first lines Ronnie sings in the song. It sets the scene of the terrible famine... (continua)
Dirty Rotten Shame
What happened when Shane MacGowan met Ronnie Drew back in the ’90s? Well, a few things happened, but here’s one thing ye might not know about. Let’s take a trip back through time, but not one that will bore you.
Back in the day, Ronnie Drew was makin’ a solo record called Dirty Rotten Shame. He was short of a few songs, so he contacted the ol’ legend himself, Shane MacGowan. Shane sent him a song he’d written, called The Dunes.
Like most of MacGowan’s work, it’s a beautiful piece of music, and it shines a light on the ugly side of life. On one of Ireland’s toughest times. The Famine of 1845-52.
The Great Hunger
I walked today on the cold grey shore
Where I watched when I was much younger
Where they built the dunes upon the sand
For the dead from The Great Hunger.
Those are the first lines Ronnie sings in the song. It sets the scene of the terrible famine... (continua)
I walked today on the cold grey shore
inviata da Dq82 12/11/2021 - 18:22
Leonard Nimoy
Canzoni dalla soffitta
Un brano atipico per il mondo musicale di Cisco ispirato da una canzone dell’amico rapper Marco Benati, in arte Benna, dedicata al proprio figlio. Ha come riferimento le nuove generazioni, Cisco parla a loro, ai più giovani, quasi fossero dei figli. Il personaggio del titolo lo conoscono tutti, è il grande “Leonard Nimoy”, il capitan Spock di Star Trek, a cui è attribuita la frase «Tieni le orecchie alte Leonard Nimoy perché i costumi li hanno sia i pagliacci che gli eroi». Un ottimo consiglio per navigare nel mondo della vita.
Canzoni dalla soffitta
Un brano atipico per il mondo musicale di Cisco ispirato da una canzone dell’amico rapper Marco Benati, in arte Benna, dedicata al proprio figlio. Ha come riferimento le nuove generazioni, Cisco parla a loro, ai più giovani, quasi fossero dei figli. Il personaggio del titolo lo conoscono tutti, è il grande “Leonard Nimoy”, il capitan Spock di Star Trek, a cui è attribuita la frase «Tieni le orecchie alte Leonard Nimoy perché i costumi li hanno sia i pagliacci che gli eroi». Un ottimo consiglio per navigare nel mondo della vita.
Imparerai che è meglio vivere a colori e accenti
inviata da Dq82 12/11/2021 - 15:49
Eroi, Guerra alla Terra
Cosa lasciamo
Canzoni dalla soffitta
Il secondo brano dedicato alle nuove generazioni, in cui si mette a confronto ciò che abbiamo ricevuto e ciò che lasciamo a chi verrà dopo di noi. Nel coro voci di bambini, figli di musicisti e amici dell’artista riuniti in un improvvisato «Coro di Capitan fagiano» che rende la canzone divertente e leggera.
Canzoni dalla soffitta
Il secondo brano dedicato alle nuove generazioni, in cui si mette a confronto ciò che abbiamo ricevuto e ciò che lasciamo a chi verrà dopo di noi. Nel coro voci di bambini, figli di musicisti e amici dell’artista riuniti in un improvvisato «Coro di Capitan fagiano» che rende la canzone divertente e leggera.
Cosa volete mai, ho mille figli
inviata da Dq82 12/11/2021 - 15:44
Guerra alla Terra
The S.S. Vancouver
Mansell composed the song "The S.S. Vancouver", although no recording has been identified at the moment. The lyrics of this song featured in The Vietnam Songbook published in 1969, and compiled by Barbara Dane and Irwin Silber (founders of Paredon Records) - containing 100+ Vietnam War protest songs, 9 of which came from Australia & New Zealand.
According to the notes in the book:
"this song was written in 1965 on the arrival of the U.S.S. Vancouver in Australia".
The title dropped the "U", leaving just the "S.S.", a reference to the infamous Nazi paramilitary group. The U.S.S. Vancouver (LPD-2) was an amphibious transport dock, commissioned on 11 May 1963, and deployed at various point in the Vietnam War. In April, 1965, it departed Huế, South Vietnam, having off-loaded marines there. It arrived in Sydney on 1 May 1965, taking part in the The Battle of the Coral Sea commemoration,... (continua)
According to the notes in the book:
"this song was written in 1965 on the arrival of the U.S.S. Vancouver in Australia".
The title dropped the "U", leaving just the "S.S.", a reference to the infamous Nazi paramilitary group. The U.S.S. Vancouver (LPD-2) was an amphibious transport dock, commissioned on 11 May 1963, and deployed at various point in the Vietnam War. In April, 1965, it departed Huế, South Vietnam, having off-loaded marines there. It arrived in Sydney on 1 May 1965, taking part in the The Battle of the Coral Sea commemoration,... (continua)
There's commotion at the wharf
11/11/2021 - 22:05
Die alten Lieder
Questa è la versione di Daniel Kahn:
Wo sind eure Lieder,
eure alten Lieder?
fragen die aus anderen Ländern,
wenn man um Kamine sitzt,
mattgetanzt und leergesprochen
und das high-life Spiel ausschwitzt.
Vu zenen di lider
ayere alte lider
fregn di fun andere lender
ven me zitst bay fayer-hits
flakhgetantst un pustgeredt
alts multikulti oysgeshvitst
Ja, wo sind die Lieder,
unsre alten Lieder?
Nicht fürn Heller oder Batzen
mag Feinsliebchen barfuss ziehn,
und kein schriller Schrei nach Norden
will aus meiner Kehle fliehn.
Toyt zenen di lider
ayere alte lider
lerer hobn zey tsebisn
farrumplt hot zey amolek
broyne hordes toyt geshrign
tsetrotn inem shrivl-drek
Tot sind unsre Lieder,
unsre alten Lieder.
Lehrer haben sie zerbissen,
Kurzbehoste sie verklampft,
braune Horden totgeschrien,
Stiefel in den Dreck gestampft.
(Franz-Josef Degenhard/Daniel Kahn)
Degenhardt... (continua)
Wo sind eure Lieder,
eure alten Lieder?
fragen die aus anderen Ländern,
wenn man um Kamine sitzt,
mattgetanzt und leergesprochen
und das high-life Spiel ausschwitzt.
Vu zenen di lider
ayere alte lider
fregn di fun andere lender
ven me zitst bay fayer-hits
flakhgetantst un pustgeredt
alts multikulti oysgeshvitst
Ja, wo sind die Lieder,
unsre alten Lieder?
Nicht fürn Heller oder Batzen
mag Feinsliebchen barfuss ziehn,
und kein schriller Schrei nach Norden
will aus meiner Kehle fliehn.
Toyt zenen di lider
ayere alte lider
lerer hobn zey tsebisn
farrumplt hot zey amolek
broyne hordes toyt geshrign
tsetrotn inem shrivl-drek
Tot sind unsre Lieder,
unsre alten Lieder.
Lehrer haben sie zerbissen,
Kurzbehoste sie verklampft,
braune Horden totgeschrien,
Stiefel in den Dreck gestampft.
(Franz-Josef Degenhard/Daniel Kahn)
Degenhardt... (continua)
Flavio Poltronieri 11/11/2021 - 20:53
Love Canal
Riccardo Venturi, 11-11-2021 20:43
Nota del traduttore. Perché il Love Canal si chiami davvero così, è spiegato fin dalle prime righe dell'introduzione copiaincollata integralmente da it.wikipedia. Quindi, nella traduzione avrei dovuto lasciare il nome del canale così com'è, o al massimo mettere “Canale Love”. “Love” è un cognome piuttosto comune in ogni paese anglofono. Però, vista la storia altamente edificante raccontata in questa canzone, in modo del tutto arbitrario ho tradotto come fosse il “Canale dell'Amore”. Mi è venuto in mente che, in fondo, si trattava davvero di un “canale dell'amore”, di amore per i quattrini e per il profitto, naturalmente. Un canale che portava tutto questo grande amore, in forma di diossina e altri veleni, attraverso bei prati, linde casette, nella scuolina dei bambini, nelle pance delle future mamme, a due passi dalle famose cascate del Niagara. [RV]
Nota del traduttore. Perché il Love Canal si chiami davvero così, è spiegato fin dalle prime righe dell'introduzione copiaincollata integralmente da it.wikipedia. Quindi, nella traduzione avrei dovuto lasciare il nome del canale così com'è, o al massimo mettere “Canale Love”. “Love” è un cognome piuttosto comune in ogni paese anglofono. Però, vista la storia altamente edificante raccontata in questa canzone, in modo del tutto arbitrario ho tradotto come fosse il “Canale dell'Amore”. Mi è venuto in mente che, in fondo, si trattava davvero di un “canale dell'amore”, di amore per i quattrini e per il profitto, naturalmente. Un canale che portava tutto questo grande amore, in forma di diossina e altri veleni, attraverso bei prati, linde casette, nella scuolina dei bambini, nelle pance delle future mamme, a due passi dalle famose cascate del Niagara. [RV]
Il Canale dell'Amore
11/11/2021 - 20:45
The Quarantine Song
I wash my hands, I don't touch my face
11/11/2021 - 03:00
2020-2023: Canzoniere del COVID-19
It's On
Incisa da Gary Shearston e da Trevor Lucas
Incisa da Gary Shearston e da Trevor Lucas
On this single, featured the anti-war song "It's On" (CBS # BA-221124), composed by Don Henderson, who wrote many Vietnam War-related songs, discussed below.
While the Vietnam conflict was well underway in 1964, very few Australians participated until the Menzies government upgraded its commitment in April 1965 - so this is more of a Vietnam-era protest song, not specifically mentioning the conflict, but a representation of the early 60s anti-war movement in Australia. The lyrics revolved around the absurdity of conflict as two people get into a fight: "reason and logic are gone, winning the fight won't prove that you're right". The final verse criticised governments / politicians that "save on education and spend on defence".
Melbourne artist Trevor Lucas also recorded a version, on his 1966 album Overlander, and Raymond Crooke, on his YouTube channel.
Vietnam War Song Project (#12)
While the Vietnam conflict was well underway in 1964, very few Australians participated until the Menzies government upgraded its commitment in April 1965 - so this is more of a Vietnam-era protest song, not specifically mentioning the conflict, but a representation of the early 60s anti-war movement in Australia. The lyrics revolved around the absurdity of conflict as two people get into a fight: "reason and logic are gone, winning the fight won't prove that you're right". The final verse criticised governments / politicians that "save on education and spend on defence".
Melbourne artist Trevor Lucas also recorded a version, on his 1966 album Overlander, and Raymond Crooke, on his YouTube channel.
Vietnam War Song Project (#12)
A sad story you'll hear if you listen to me
10/11/2021 - 23:44
The Lost Soldier
Album: Gary Shearston - Sings His Songs
THE LOST SOLDIER was written from a newspaper report of the death of an Australian soldier in Vietnam. The song finishes with some of the statements made by his young wife about his participation in the Vietnam war. The tune for this song is adapted from a traditional song known as "Lord Franklin".
Gary Shearston Sings His Songs Album Notes
lyrics from Vietnam War Song Project (#19)
Album: Gary Shearston - Sings His Songs
THE LOST SOLDIER was written from a newspaper report of the death of an Australian soldier in Vietnam. The song finishes with some of the statements made by his young wife about his participation in the Vietnam war. The tune for this song is adapted from a traditional song known as "Lord Franklin".
Gary Shearston Sings His Songs Album Notes
lyrics from Vietnam War Song Project (#19)
In December 1964
10/11/2021 - 23:28
Twenty Summers
Album: Australian Broadside
Lyrics by Mona Brand
Music by Gary Shearston
According to the album notes, written by Edgar Walter (1965), the first song "Twenty Summers" was composed by Mona Brand: "Twenty Summers: Mona Brand's words were written as a comment on the recent decision to conscript young Australians for military service overseas. But they are a protest not so much against that decision in itself, as against all warfare.
The melody is by Gary Shearston".
Mona Brand was a theatre playwright, who taught English in Hanoi with her husband Len Fox in the 1950s.
It told the story of a young man, 20 years old, drafted to war: "Johnny is called for a soldier today". His father died in a previous war: "rain in the jungle when Johnny was born, the day that his father lay dying at dawn".
Vietnam War Song Project - #17
Album: Australian Broadside
Lyrics by Mona Brand
Music by Gary Shearston
According to the album notes, written by Edgar Walter (1965), the first song "Twenty Summers" was composed by Mona Brand: "Twenty Summers: Mona Brand's words were written as a comment on the recent decision to conscript young Australians for military service overseas. But they are a protest not so much against that decision in itself, as against all warfare.
The melody is by Gary Shearston".
Mona Brand was a theatre playwright, who taught English in Hanoi with her husband Len Fox in the 1950s.
It told the story of a young man, 20 years old, drafted to war: "Johnny is called for a soldier today". His father died in a previous war: "rain in the jungle when Johnny was born, the day that his father lay dying at dawn".
Vietnam War Song Project - #17
Twenty summers passing away
10/11/2021 - 23:17
Folsom Prison Blues
cover metrica
inviata da Gianni Barnini 10/11/2021 - 23:15