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Prima del 2018-10-30

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Walls Come Tumbling Down

Walls Come Tumbling Down
Ma quanto è bella Dee C. Lee?!? Amo quella donna!!!
B.B. 30/10/2018 - 22:45
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inviata da Ceil Herman 30/10/2018 - 14:59
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La Fabbrica

La Fabbrica
inviata da Giuseppe Romano 30/10/2018 - 11:26
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Novembre 1918

Pauline Collet
Novembre 1918
j'ai une partition de novembre 18 ,je sais pas comment la faire passer
guilbert 30/10/2018 - 09:27
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Jalacy "Screamin Jay" Hawkins: I Put a Spell on You

mi sfugge il perché di questo inserimento...
Lorenzo 29/10/2018 - 19:04

Luna tucumana

Luna tucumana
Mbe ha ragione Poltronieri. La canzone è di yupanqui, e tra L altro l hanno interpretata in tanti, mica solo la Sosa. E comunque si, Yupanqui è stato in esilio.
Daniele Sepe 29/10/2018 - 18:10
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Fausto Mesolella: Van Gogh

Fausto Mesolella: Van Gogh
Piano piano allegramente con brio ma non troppo...

Krzysiek 29/10/2018 - 18:00

L'omo e l'arbero

L'omo e l'arbero
Chanson italienne – L'omo e l'arbero – Trilussa – 1932
Poème de Carlo Alberto Salustri, dit Trilussa, tiré du recueil “Giove e le bestie”, publié en 1932
Mis en musique par Giuseppe Micheli dans le disque “Trilussa e il suo tempo (e la sua Roma)”
Interprétation : Alba Bosi, Marcello Baldassarini et les solistes du Gruppo Folkloristico Romano.

Dialogue Maïeutique

Vois-tu, Lucien l’âne mon ami, «  L’HOMME ET L’ARBRE », est évidemment un sujet gigantesque à propos duquel il y aurait tant et tant à dire. On en disait déjà deux ou trois choses l’autre jour en discutant d’une autre chanson de Trilussa qui parlait d’un arbre qui faisait son testament (Er testamento d’un arbero).

Cet arbre-là était généreux, remarque Lucien l’âne, mais dans le fond, j’ai l’impression que tous les arbres ont toujours été généreux, même sans le savoir, comme le Monsieur Jourdain de Molière faisait de la prose.... (continua)
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 29/10/2018 - 17:02
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Amore e Odio

Amore e Odio
"Our photographer friend Tano D'Amico once told us that in a trip to Palestine, many years ago, he had made a photographic service in the refugee camps. There he met a family, mother, father and daughter. In March 2002 we went to Palestine and Tano went to meet the family in the picture. In the meanwhile, the child had grown up, and had recently blown herself up as a kamikaze."
inviata da ZugNachPankow 29/10/2018 - 16:50
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Renée Chardier

Renée Chardier
Funny that you mentioned learning French by punishment. My experience is exactly the opposite, i.e. learning by gentleness. I learned French for two years at the upper secondary school. Our teacher, an amicable young woman, was well aware of the fact that two years with an hour and a half a week was not enough to work wonders. Therefore, she chose another path. Besides and instead of grammar and things she taught us French songs most of which I still know by heart. She also decided to give us a glimpse of French culture by organizing tastings of French cheese and wine which, of course, was strictly out of line. But she was brave and wise and gentle. I remember one French class when we were all nervous about a test coming up in an hour and dealing with something called Church History. She came in and in no time she had realized how things were. This is what she said: "My father is a clergyman so forget about French, take your history books and start preparing."
Juha Rämö 29/10/2018 - 10:55

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