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Hälsning från Nicaragua

Hälsning från Nicaragua
Björn Afzelius wrote the following notes in his 95 Sånger (95 Songs) book:

"Allting är relativt här i världen. Det kan vara bra at komma ihåg innan man gnäller nästa gång. Först sedan jag sett misären i Managua började jag bli tacksam över att jag vara född i Sverige."

"Everything is relative here in the world. It can be good to remember before one whines next time. Only after I have seen the misery in Managua I began to be grateful that I was born in Sweden." [Ceil Herman]
inviata da Ceil Herman 10/10/2018 - 17:08
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Ballata per un ferroviere

Ballata per un ferroviere
Les torts de la rime

e una domanda a Marco Valdo :

perché hai tradutto "quel tale" par "ce martyr" è vero ma non c'è nel testo di Mannerini, no? Sarebbe "ce type" ou "ce gars" no ?

Un ferroviere era quel tale
che per morire scelse Natale.
Da una finestra entrò nella storia
che parla di fame, non certo di gloria

Un cheminot était ce martyr
Qui choisit Noël pour mourir.
Il entra dans l’histoire par la fenêtre,
Une histoire de faim, pas de gloire

Pino Pinelli era quel tale
che per morire scelse Natale.
Da una finestra entrò nella storia,
che parla di fame, non certo di gloria.

Pino Pinelli était ce martyr
Qui choisit Noël pour mourir.
Il entra dans l’histoire par la fenêtre,
Une histoire de faim, pas de gloire.

Bonne question qui est au centre de ce que sont les Chansons contre la Guerre ; il y est un monde particulier, celui de la « chanson », laquelle depuis Homère, la Chanson... (continua)
Marco Valdo M.I. 10/10/2018 - 11:02

Som en duva

Som en duva
Mikael Wiehe wrote the music and lyrics of this beautiful song. His notes about it say in English:

"The text was written as a tribute to the political refugees who came here from Latin America and became our friends. It feels harder to sing today. The text could be interpreted that one wishes refugees out of our country. When it was written, it was no problem. All the Latin Americans we knew wanted to return as quickly as possible to continue their fight against the USA supported military dictators.

Björn often sang the song and made it famous in Norway" (Comments from Songs in the time, 2001)
inviata da Ceil Herman 10/10/2018 - 02:36
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The comments of Björn Afzelius about his song are especially significant to me. I lived in Stockholm for a year's sabbatical, and know the huge area of Sergels Torg, a square located in the center of town. Though I was not there for the anniversary, to think of it filled with demonstrators while this beautiful and haunting song played is a powerful vision.
Two times the bird of death lifted in the night.
inviata da Ceil Herman 10/10/2018 - 02:21

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