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Prima del 2017-11-8

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Inno dei lavoratori del mare

Inno dei lavoratori del mare
Segnalo prima di tutto l'autore dell'arrangiamento musicale ed accompagnatore: si tratta del mio amico chitarrista Marco Del Giudice.
Devo correggere il testo (e correggermi); al terzo verso dell'ultima strofa bisogna sostituire "vedetta" a "vendetta".
Il libretto di navigazione della Cooperativa Garibaldi inoltre riporta una ulteriore strofa (in seconda posizione):

Su da le spiaggie da le calate
dai golfi dove le navi stan
ed ove sopra schiene curvate
scende il prodotto del braccio uman
da le riviere che udir tra i venti
di più naufragi l'urlo salir
di madri e spose preci e lamenti
echeggi il carme dell'avvenir

Pardo Fornaciari
Pardo Fornaciari 8/11/2017 - 16:19
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Canción para mi América

Canción para mi América
Daniel Viglietti, dalle dita di un chitarrista alla voce degli Indios

«Dai la tua mano all’Indio, porgigliela ti farà bene…». Daniel Viglietti cantava questo verso d’apertura nella sua “Canción para mi América”. Daniel Viglietti ha lasciato la nostra di mano, il 30 Ottobre 2017, un anno da dimenticare anche per la scomparsa di un altro punto cardine della canzone latino americana e suo caro amico, il cantautore cileno Angel Parra. L’America Latina piange il musicista uruguayano, bandiera di un intero continente. In Uruguay, dopo i precursori Carlos Molina (1927-1998) e Anìbal Sampayo (1926-2007), la nuova canzone d’autore è rappresentata da Alfredo Zitarrosa (1936-1989) e, soprattutto, da Daniel Viglietti, che nasce a Montevideo nel 1939 da una famiglia di musicisti, studia chitarra classica con i migliori maestri della scuola uruguayana impostando le sue composizioni tra le sonorità proprie... (continua)
Dq82 8/11/2017 - 15:21
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Alice no País dos Matraquilhos

Alice no País dos Matraquilhos
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 8/11/2017 - 13:54
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La Locomotiva

La Locomotiva
La versione inglese della Mark Hanna band a Webnotte

Mark Hanna Band- La locomotiva in inglese
Dq82 8/11/2017 - 10:57

El hombre que se convirtió en animal

El hombre que se convirtió en animal
I wrote this song shortly after reading Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, one of the books that circulated in Camp Melinka from hand to hand and cabin to cabin. I presume I don’t have to explain who is one experiencing the metamorphosis here. Due to security considerations, these verses were only sung in a low voice and before a select audience of political prisoners. Today they are part of my record Documento (1986), that I produced upon completing ten years in exile in Germany, which compiles the 27 songs that were born from my prison experience.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:53

Curas y milicos

Curas y milicos
I don’t want to exaggerate but Camp Melinka became not only a factory that produced handicrafts and a performance hall but also a university. Every day there were classes to learn foreign languages, art, medicine or literature. Solar ovens were built. Talks were given on arachnology. Literacy programs were offered. For a twenty something year-old like me, interested in learning greater depth about Latin American history, history professors would share a round of mate in the cabins, and happy to also share their knowledge free of charge. Listening to one of those professors I learned about Father Bartolomé de las Casas, a priest who lived in Central America and earned the title of Defender of the Indians during the harshest period of the Spanish Conquest. His life was marked by defeat. He was unable to stop the abuses committed with the consent of the Catholic Church, which was his spiritual... (continua)
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:34


Written by: Sergio Vesely / Guillermo Núñez

This song is based on a poem Guillermo wrote in the Puchuncaví Prison Camp dedicated to his partner Soledad. Of all the songs I composed as a prisoner, this is the only one where the lyrics are not mine. The reason is very human and simple. One day Guillermo asked me if I could set to music verses he had written so he could sing them to his beloved the next time she visited him. I found the idea so original and I liked it so much that I decided to help him. I took the sheet of paper with the poem to my cell in one of the adjacent huts. After reading and re-reading it several times, I began to compose this song. It’s a shame, but I don’t recall if Soledad ever got a chance to hear it.
Today ‘Amor’ is now in my album Documento (1986), together with 26 other songs born of my confinement in various detention centres of the dictatorship.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:29

Diálogo musicalizado entre dos ancianos presos

Diálogo musicalizado entre dos ancianos presos
At Puchuncaví Detention Camp (Melinka) I shared a cell with an elderly man from Lota, where he had spent his entire life working in the coal mines. I was struck by the way he spoke. It was very different from the “Chilean” way of a twenty-something year-old like me from the capital like me. When he talked to our fellow prisoners, I could barely understand a word he said. I composed this song in the cell by transcribing some of our conversations. It is one of the 27 songs on the recording Documento (1986) that I produced on the tenth anniversary of my exile in Germany, an anthology of all the songs that were inspired by my experience as prisoner.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:25

Canción de amor a una desaparecida

Canción de amor a una desaparecida
Daniela was the political codename of María Cecilia Labrín, a member of the Movement of the Revolutionary Left (MIR). Agents of the DINA (the regime’s secret police) arrested her at her home on Latadía Street in Santiago in August 1974. She has never been seen again.

In my cell I composed this song dedicated to the memory of Daniela, that is, of Cecilia. It is one of 27 songs on the album Documento (1986) that I recorded to mark ten years of exile in Germany. The album brings together all the compositions born of my experience as a prisoner.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:16

Capitán, el rumbo es una isla errante

Capitán, el rumbo es una isla errante
This song was dedicated to Óscar Castro, who I was lucky to meet in 1975 in Puchuncaví. With his experience in theatre – Óscar was already a fairly well-known actor before his arrest – he threw himself into the cultural work we had organised in what was then called “Camp Melinka” where the prisoners presented a show every Friday. Our friendship was brief but very intense. Several times, in the middle of a serious conversation he would disconnect and climb aboard an imaginary boat called El Supertricio and he would invite me to sail with him through the kingdom of his imagination. At such moments, I was able to forget that I was in prison.
“Capitán, el rumbo es una isla errante” is on the phonograph record Documento (1986), as are another 26 songs inspired by my imprisonment at different detention centres of the dictatorship.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:15

Canción del desaparecido

Canción del desaparecido
Several of my friends and comrades disappeared after being arrested. The dictatorship denied knowledge of their whereabouts but I knew they were lying. Many of these people had been in prison with me in the dungeons of Villa Grimaldi. This song was sung in a cell of Valparaíso Jail with one comrade keeping watch next to the door in case a prison guard approached. Today, in addition to the other 26 songs that were born in prison, ‘Canción del desaparecido’ is included in my record Documento (1986) that I produced in Germany on the tenth anniversary of my exile.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:08
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Till arbetarne!, eller Arbetets söner

Till arbetarne!, <em>eller</em> Arbetets söner
8 novembre 2017 07:18

Due parole del traduttore. Pur non essendo stato in grado di rispettare il tono di marcia dell'originale, una qualche parvenza di ritmicità è stata ricercata. Il linguaggio è moderatamente "ottocentesco", senza esagerazioni.
8/11/2017 - 07:21
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November 8, 2017, 06:10
8/11/2017 - 06:12

The Troubles

The Troubles
7/11/2017 - 23:31
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القدس العتيقة

القدس العتيقة
I think there is one word translated incorrectly

And their sad eyes of the city's energy

it is intended to say

And their sad eyes of the city's window
karim romman 7/11/2017 - 22:57

Pride (In the Name of Love)

Pride (In the Name of Love)
Da notare che a partire dal 2015 regolarmente Bono ha cantato questa canzone cambiando le parole in riferimento alla tragedia dei rifugiati e in particolare alla famosa foto di Aylan Kurdi, il bambino siriano morto sulla spiaggia.

‘One boy washed up on an empty beach.’

al minuto 2:00 il verso modificato
7/11/2017 - 22:17

Benjamin Péret: La loi Paul Boncour

Traduzione italiana di Carmine Mangone, curatore dell'edizione italiana di “Io non mangio di quel pane”.
Benjamin Péret: La loi Paul Boncour
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 7/11/2017 - 21:47
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Non sono scema Cristo io no. Appeso con risibile piacere alla sua croce, sul mio corpo. Cristo perdona. PERDONA? Vomito a causa tua Jesu. Perdonare un cazzo. Scendi giù dalla tua croce. Giù dalle tue altezze papali, dal tuo suicidio volgare, bambino petulante. Giù dalle tue pie altezze, portabandiera del regno, capro, agnello. Vomito a causa tua. Perdona? Perdona un cazzo. Se ne sta attaccato alla sua delizia crocifissa, inchiodato alla vastità della sua visione, la sua croce, la sua virilità, violenza, colpa, peccato. Inchioderebbe volentieri il mio corpo alla sua croce, suicida visionario, portatore di morte, smunto stupratore, Jesu lo strafottente, Christus il becchino, scavafosse, tu hai scavato le tombe di Auschwitz, la terra di Treblinka è la tua colpa, il tuo peccato, maestro, maestro... (continua)
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 7/11/2017 - 21:19
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7 novembre 2017 19:19
7/11/2017 - 19:20

Falskir fræðimenn

Falskir fræðimenn
November 7, 2017

In May 1937, a German “scientific delegation” was received to Iceland with great ceremony. Its official task was carrying out geological researches in the inner desert area of Óðáðahraun. Shortly after, however, some shepherds noticed strange things were happening and warned the authorities. It was soon discovered that the false “scientists” were Wehrmacht officers making surveys in order to mark out a landing strip for airplanes and a bridgehead for a possible invasion of the island, strategically essential for the war to come.
Though totally unarmed, Iceland's authorities expelled immediately the entire German delegation, confiscated all survey maps and instruments and asked official apology (and received it, incredibly enough) by Hitler's government.
Iceland's traditions include immediate composition of folksongs commenting on any event, a practice still living nowadays.... (continua)
7/11/2017 - 15:47

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