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Prima del 2016-2-19

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Le Père Noël et la petite fille, incl.Leggenda di Natale; La canzone di Marinella; Bocca di Rosa

Le Père Noël et la petite fille, <i>incl.</i>Leggenda di Natale; La canzone di Marinella; Bocca di Rosa
È sintomatico per questo sito che ci si trova una o due murder ballads in inglese, e quelle vanno bene perché sono belle (se capisce), ma per inserire qualche cosa in italiano o in polacco si fa una fatica immane. Che vi devo dì, la filoamericanità, o chiamatye la pure una certa anglomania pare codificata nei nostri DNA, oramai (che guai!), salutai.
krzyś 19/2/2016 - 23:56
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’Â çímma

’Â çímma
Dennis Criteser [2014]

In "A çimma," a cook explains how a classic Geno(v)ese dish is made. A piece of meat usually taken from the stomach or breast of the young calf is folded and sewn on three sides to make a pocket that is then filled with many ingredients: innards, peas, eggs, cheese, spices, etc. The final side is sewn shut and the meat is boiled carefully in a broth for several hours, punctured with a needle from time to time to prevent the rupturing of the pocket as the ingredients expand. Traditionally, one must take care to prevent trouble from witches and devils who might be attracted by the intoxicating smells. And once done, the tradition is for the servants to remove the glorious cima, leaving the cook out of the picture with only the steam from the now empty pot. Also traditionally, a bachelor makes the first cut. The cook, with a touch of bitterness, tells everyone to eat because you never know who will be out to eat you. - Dennis Criteser
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/2/2016 - 08:32
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La ballata dell'eroe

La ballata dell'eroe
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"La ballata dell'eroe" was the B-side of the 45 released by Karim in 1961 that De Andrè considers his first published work (the A-side was "La ballata del Michè"). With the Cold War raging between the US and the USSR, and in the context of the unfolding Berlin Crisis, this song was a simple yet powerful anti-war ballad. The song was re-recorded by Luigi Tenco in 1962 and appeared in the movie "La Cuccagna." The song was republished in 1964 as the B-side to "La guerra di Piero" and also reinterpreted and included on Volume III. Though not officially credited, according to the sheet music of the song the music was written by Elvio Monti, who worked for Karim as arranger and orchestra conductor and who collaborated on many of De Andrè's songs released by that label. - Dennis Criteser
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/2/2016 - 06:44
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inviata da Keskonsmär Parici 18/2/2016 - 22:23

The Ghost Of Tom Joad

The Ghost Of Tom Joad
Il dialogo tra Tom e la madre citato nel finale della canzone:

Ma said, “How’m I gonna know ’bout you? They might kill ya an’ I wouldn’ know. They might hurt ya. How’m I gonna know?”

Tom laughed uneasily, “Well, maybe like Casy says, a fella ain’t got a soul of his own, but on’y a piece of a big one — an’ then —”

“Then what, Tom?”

“Then it don’ matter. Then I’ll be all aroun’ in the dark. I’ll be ever’where — wherever you look. Wherever they’s a fight so hungry people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever they’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there. If Casy knowed, why, I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad an’ — I’ll be in the way kids laugh when they’re hungry an’ they know supper’s ready. An’ when our folks eat the stuff they raise an’ live in the houses they build — why, I’ll be there. See? God, I’m talkin’ like Casy. Comes of thinkin’ about him so much. Seems like I can see... (continua)
18/2/2016 - 19:57
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Linea gotica

Linea gotica
In Ferretti il filo conduttore non è mai stata l'ideologia politica, bensì la religiosità, il misticismo. Di volta in volta Ferretti ha ammantato questo aspetto con dottrine politiche diverse, come un quadro a cui, ogni tanto, viene cambiata la cornice, ma il dipinto resta sempre quello. E quindi noi abbiamo il Ferretti fino ai 20 anni, montanaro, cattolico e tradizionalista, il Ferretti anni 70/80, punk,squatter, proletario, cattolico e comunista e il Ferretti attuale, "tornato a casa" , nuovamente montanaro, cattolico e tradizionalista. Che poi questo l'abbia portato a cambiare idea su alcuni aspetti( da pro-Palestina a pro-Israele, da antiimperialista a sostenitore della guerra al terrorismo,da favorevole a aborto e divorzio a contrario ecc.) è si vero. Ma il filo conduttore, la religiosità, c'è sempre stato. Come ha detto giustamente Giorgio Canali "io queste cose le so da sempre, siete voi che vi fate distrarre dal buco nero dei suoi occhi".
Rothan 18/2/2016 - 13:42


Mia figlia che nascera fra poco si chiamera Aida!!!
Esmeralda 18/2/2016 - 12:19

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