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Pierwszy list do Leonarda Cohena

Pierwszy list do Leonarda Cohena
Se questa vecchia canzone polacca (dall'accompagnamento musicale molto "coheniano")è la prima a lui dedicata, quest'altra è l'ultima ed è presente nel cd "The Cohen Collection" di Reid Jamieson. Composta dal medesimo in collaborazione con Carolyn Mill.


Dear Leonard I write you today
my proposal in song
My struggle lies where you are strong
I've wrestled with words for so very long

Line after line
as each conversation was wrung,
pinned to the ground, silence won
Started and ended
before I'd begun

I'll lend you the blue of my eye
and a body still young
the voice of an angel, sweet sound
from my guitar and tongue
If you lend me the lines of your years
and the ease of your song
Inside this bargain, we'll both belong

Dear Leonard please understand
this is only a loan
While I’ll be the skin to your bone
I long for sacred hymns of my own

Yes I’d call to sing... (continua)
Flavio Poltronieri 11/11/2016 - 23:58
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World War Three

World War Three
Quella di Dylan sarà forse una versione di Talkin' World War III Blues? Di questa nessuna traccia...
Lorenzo 11/11/2016 - 23:36

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