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Prima del 2013-6-2

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Mary MacDermott

Mary MacDermott
Lyrics & Music by Iain Scally
Album: The Piper has Gone

Another song by Iain Scally.. In his own words it's not a protest song, but touches on the effect of the 1914-18 war on those left behind..

It's a story which involves an old lady who used to live in the cottage adjoining our house at the time. Jamie, the hero, was a ghostly figure who used to, "appear", quite regularly and took the form of a WW1 soldier and Mary was an idiosyncratic old character who refused to have any modern conveniences installed in her home by the landlord despite all his best efforts. She died, having reached the ripe old age of 80-odd still burning the paraffin lamp and carrying water from the well at the end of the village all her days. The idea of making them an item was my fertile imagination seeking an explanation for her reluctance to move forward.
Number One Burnside was home
inviata da giorgio 2/6/2013 - 20:24
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Canto nomade per un prigioniero politico

Canto nomade per un prigioniero politico
Quoto Cristian
Simone C. 2/6/2013 - 17:30

Plegaria por la Paz

Music by: Enki Bello
Lyrics: Enki Bello and Rodrigo Espinosa
No mas muertes, no mas guerras, si al final ya nada queda
inviata da Enki Bello 2/6/2013 - 16:19
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Il testamento di Tito

Il testamento di Tito
inviata da giorgio 2/6/2013 - 13:56
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Album: Crisis

The "so-called" War Against Terrorism or War On Terror..
The whole world stopped to watch the towers fall
inviata da giorgio 2/6/2013 - 13:16

La religione dei potenti (Lascia pur che dica Iddio)

La religione dei potenti  (Lascia pur che dica Iddio)
Chanson italienne - La religione dei potenti (Lascia pur che dica Iddio) – Dario Fo – 1965
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 1/6/2013 - 22:59
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Na oknu glej obrazek bled

Na oknu glej obrazek bled
Canzone popolare slovena
Slovenska narodna pesem
A Slovenian folksong

Sulla melodia della canzone asturiana Dime donde vas morena
Na oknu glej obrazek bled,
inviata da silva 1/6/2013 - 12:15
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Franca Rame: Lo stupro.

Franca Rame: Lo stupro.
Lo stupro di Franca Rame: fascisti, carabinieri e «una volontà superiore»
di Girolamo De Michele
da Carmilla Online

Il 9 marzo 1973 Franca Rame fu sequestrata da cinque uomini, costretta a salire su un furgone all’interno della quale fu torturata e violentata. Come si sa, Franca è riuscita a raccontare la violenza subita in un monologo intitolato appunto “Lo stupro”, che inserì nello spettacolo “Tutta casa, letto e chiesa”. Per molto tempo, Franca raccontò di essersi ispirata ad un episodio di cronaca, non rivelando di essere stata lei stessa la vittima dello stupro.

La sera del 9 marzo 1973, alla notizia dell’avvenuto stupro, qualcuno a Milano gioì: era il generale Palumbo, comandante della divisione Pastrengo. «La notizia dello stupro della Rame in caserma fu accolta con euforia, il comandante era festante come se avesse fatto una bella operazione di servizio. Anzi, di più…», secondo... (continua)
daniela -k.d.- 1/6/2013 - 11:10

Mi smo još uvek zemljaci

Mi smo još uvek zemljaci
Kada se noć i subota sretnu
inviata da Monia 31/5/2013 - 23:08
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Chanson italienne – Analfabetizzazione – Claudio Lolli – 1977
Texte et musique de Claudio Lolli
Instrumentistes : Piergiorgio Bonafé (saxo teneur, saxo soprano, flûte) ; Marcello Castellana (claviers), Roberto Costa (bassement électrique, trombone) ; Bruno Mariani (guitare acoustique, guitare électrique, guitare 12 cordes) ; Adriano Pedini (batterie, percussions).
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 31/5/2013 - 20:55

Pour ne plus bronzer idiot

Pour ne plus bronzer idiot
Elle n'est pas vraiment comme toutes les îles
inviata da adriana 31/5/2013 - 16:13
Percorsi: Guantanamo Bay
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Dint' 'o mercato

Dint' 'o mercato
Album: "Aggio girato lu munno" del 1978.

Brano d'ignoti del 1647 nel quale si raccontano le tristi vicende della sommossa popolare scoppiata a Napoli contro il vicereame spagnolo, che fu guidata dal popolano Tommaso Aniello dAmalfi, detto Masaniello, il quale fu assassinato in circostanze misteriose.
Dint' 'o Mercato se jettaie lu banno
inviata da DoNQuijote82 31/5/2013 - 15:40
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Ese general

Ese general
Versi del grande poeta spagnolo Rafael Alberti ‎‎(1902-1999), dalla raccolta “Poemas escénicos”, ma anche in “El matador” del 1965.‎
Accompagnamento musicale di Rosa León.‎
Nel disco “Paloma desesperada” del 1989, interamente dedicato alle poesie di Rafael Alberti.‎
Aquí está el general.
inviata da Bernart 31/5/2013 - 15:38
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
p1. La versione di Borghese, da L'educazione delle rockstar
p1. Borghese's version from L'educazione delle rockstar

Fonte / Source

Questa mattina mi sono svegliato
inviata da DoNQuijote82 31/5/2013 - 13:20
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Luoghi in comune

Luoghi in comune
L'educazione delle rockstar
Abbiamo armato il cemento
inviata da DonQuijote82 31/5/2013 - 13:20

Ella dio su voto a Nixon

Ella dio su voto a Nixon
Versi del grande poeta catalano, originariamente compresi nella raccolta intitolata “Bajo ‎tolerancia”. In seguito nella raccolta intitolata “Palabras para Julia y otras canciones” (tutte poesie nate per ‎essere messe in musica e cantate) pubblicata nel 1979 e dedicata (meglio, regalata) all’amico ‎‎Paco Ibáñez.‎

Uno sguardo impietoso sull’America che sosteneva Nixon negli anni immediatamente precedenti la ‎clamorosa sconfitta in Vietnam e la vergognosa uscita di scena del presidente in seguito allo ‎scandalo Watergate…
Se llama Katheleen y es rubia
inviata da Bernart 31/5/2013 - 11:19

Completamente libre

Completamente libre
Versi del grande poeta catalano, originariamente compresi nella raccolta intitolata “Bajo ‎tolerancia”. In seguito compresa nella raccolta intitolata “Palabras para Julia y otras canciones” (tutte poesie ‎nate per essere messe in musica e cantate) pubblicata nel 1979 e dedicata (meglio, regalata) ‎all’amico Paco Ibáñez.‎

Non certo contro la guerra, anzi, è una poesia/canzone che celebra la violenza guerrigliera… Ma da ‎alcuni dettagli (le sirene d’allarme di un vicino aeroporto, il guerrigliero ferito che dopo l’azione si ‎appoggia a delle canne, una jeep americana saltata in aria…) credo che il teatro si quello della ‎guerra del Vietnam, forse durante la celebre “offensiva del Têt” del gennaio 1968, quando esercito ‎nordvietnamita e vietcong attaccarono anche città importanti come Huế e Sài Gòn…‎

Vedete un po’ voi, cari Admins, se inserirla o meno…‎
Asió con ambas manos la baranda
inviata da Bernart 31/5/2013 - 10:58

De noche a solas

De noche a solas
Poesia in morte di Che Guevara, in ‎seguito compresa nella raccolta intitolata “Palabras para Julia y otras canciones” (tutte poesie nate per essere ‎messe in musica e cantate) pubblicata nel 1979 e dedicata (meglio, regalata) all’amico Paco Ibáñez. ‎

Aunque los teletipos y la radio
inviata da Bernart 31/5/2013 - 10:22
Percorsi: Che Guevara

Sépalo usted

Sépalo usted
Versi del grande poeta catalano, originariamente compresi in “Canciones olvidadas”, terza parte ‎della raccolta intitolata “Del tiempo y del olvido”. In questa sezione Goytisolo raccolse 15 poesie ‎nate per poter essere messe in musica e cantate.
In seguito compresa nella raccolta intitolata “Palabras para Julia y otras canciones” pubblicata nel 1979 e ‎dedicata, non a caso, all’amico Paco Ibáñez. ‎

Come Aquellas palabras, anche questa poesia è verosimilmente dedicata (ma non ho trovato preciso ‎riscontro) a Miguel Hernández, poeta e drammaturgo spagnolo, combattente ‎repubblicano, morto in un carcere franchista nel 1942.

Nunca la paz o el sueño
inviata da Bernart 31/5/2013 - 10:06
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Album: Devedesete (1999)
Štagod noćas da zapevam vućiće na sevdalinku...
inviata da Monia 30/5/2013 - 23:55

Aquellas palabras

Aquellas palabras
Versi del grande poeta catalano in omaggio a Miguel Hernández, poeta e drammaturgo spagnolo, combattente repubblicano, morto in un carcere franchista nel 1942.

Poesia originariamente pubblicata su “Ínsula - revista de letras y ciencias humanas”, anno XV, n. 168, novembre 1960.
In seguito compresa nella raccolta intitolata “Palabras para Julia y otras canciones” pubblicata nel 1979 e dedicata all’amico Paco Ibáñez.
Fueron unas palabras
inviata da Bernart 30/5/2013 - 23:22
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So Long, So Long

So Long, So Long
2013 (2005)
In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher


Back in 2005, anarchist collective Chumbawumba pre-sold an EP called In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher which they would keep under wraps until the prime minister passed away. Since Thatcher did pass earlier this week, the band has delivered the EP and is also streaming the release online. Along with that, the band delivered a eulogy:
Let's make it clear: This is a cause to celebrate, to party, to stamp the dirt down. Tomorrow we can carry on shouting and writing and working and singing and striking against the successive governments that have so clearly followed Thatcher's Slash & Burn policies, none more so than the present lot. But for now, we can have a drink and a dance and propose a toast to the demise of someone who blighted so many people's lives for so long. If we must show a little reverence and decorum at this time,... (continua)
So long, so long, you kept me waiting so long, so long,
inviata da DoNQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 18:37
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Fronne d'autunno

Fronne d'autunno
Concordo è una bellissima canzone, mi fa piangere
Sara 30/5/2013 - 17:47
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Smash Clause 28!

Smash Clause 28!

"Smash Clause 28! Fight the Alton Bill!" is a 1988 single from anarcho-punk band Chumbawamba on their Agit Prop Records label. It is a benefit record for the London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard and the Women's Reproductive Rights Campaign.
Clause 28, also known as Section 28, was a controversial bill proposed in the United Kingdom to curtail the promotion or acceptance of homosexuality. The Alton Bill was a set of laws designed to make abortion far more restrictive in the United Kingdom. As the song titles suggest, the members of Chumbawamba felt strongly that these movements were not in the best interest of the public.
On the record itself the band shout "Clause 29!", which was accurate at the time of recording. Soon after, the bill was changed to Clause 28.
Oscar wilde, oscar wilde, can you tell me where you've been?
inviata da DonQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 13:36
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Universal Soldier

Universal Soldier
PASSION KILLERS "Whoopee! We're All Going To Die!" 7 inch EP '91

Passion Killers being then three members of Chumbawamba rush-releasing an anti-Gulf War single. There are four anti-war cover versions: Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die, Universal Soldier, Shipbuilding and Reuters

Here are the lyrics to two Passion Killers songs. The first one, Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die, is a very upbeat, party-type song, with lots of kazoo, whistles, whooping, yee-hawing, laughing, etc., in the background. The second one, Universal Soldier, has a more serious tone.
He's 5' 2" and he's 6' 4"
inviata da DonQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 13:18

Hearts and Minds

Hearts and Minds
Lyrics by Jean Souter Bambrick
Music by Iain Scally

Hearts and Minds is a protest of a different sort. It's the observations of an ordinary bloke who happens to be a soldier. He's doing his job and duty in the unhealthy atmosphere of Iraq but can still look around him and see parallels between the folks getting on with their daily life despite the same unhealthy atmosphere and his own parents eking out an existence on a croft in Buchan.'

"A "single", featuring the words of a poem written by a friend, Jean Bambrick, a former journalist who tells the story of a Buchan loon writing home to his parents with his observations of the day to day existence of Iraqi families who are caught up in the conflict but just want to get on with their lives as best they can".

Hearts and Minds (A Buchan loon's Letter Home)
Dear Mither ah'm writin' –frae a place near Baghdad
inviata da giorgio 30/5/2013 - 13:05
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2013 (2005)
In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher


Back in 2005, anarchist collective Chumbawumba pre-sold an EP called In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher which they would keep under wraps until the prime minister passed away. Since Thatcher did pass earlier this week, the band has delivered the EP and is also streaming the release online. Along with that, the band delivered a eulogy:
Let's make it clear: This is a cause to celebrate, to party, to stamp the dirt down. Tomorrow we can carry on shouting and writing and working and singing and striking against the successive governments that have so clearly followed Thatcher's Slash & Burn policies, none more so than the present lot. But for now, we can have a drink and a dance and propose a toast to the demise of someone who blighted so many people's lives for so long. If we must show a little reverence and decorum at this time,... (continua)
But how do kings and presidents, prime ministers and generals, and company chairmen sleep at night?
inviata da DonQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 12:20
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Another Brick In The Wall Part I

Another Brick In The Wall Part I
Parodia in Piemontese del gruppo folk-rock demeziale Farinei dla Brigna dall'album del 2000 sempri Farinei
Ehi Cicu
inviata da DonQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 11:22
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Calling Mumia

Calling Mumia
It was recorded under the alias of '100 Suns' and features on the soundtrack of the 2007 documentary 'In Prison My Whole Life' which revolves around the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal.

News first hit of this unusual collaboration between Massive Attack and American hip-hop star, Snoop Dogg, back in May 2007. The genesis of the song was from both artists being musically apart of the documentary film, ‘In Prison My Whole Life’.
In Massive Attack’s case, they had been commissioned (under the guise of 100 Suns, a name they have been using to disassociate certain film/advertising projects and collaborations like this one away from the Massive Attack name/brand) to pen the instrumental score for the film, while Snoop Dogg had already produced a song named after the film. From there, under the suggestion of the filmmakers, Snoop Dogg sent Massive Attack his vocals for Calling Mumia allowing them to get... (continua)
Just want to come up to pull me down
inviata da DonQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 10:51


Popoli In Vendita

Featuring Laurel Aitken
I don't wanna go back on Plantation
inviata da DonQuijote82 30/5/2013 - 10:20

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