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Nec minus præmia delatorum invisa quam scelera

Nec minus præmia delatorum invisa quam scelera
Chanson italienne - Nec minus præmia delatorum invisa quam scelera – Joe Fallisi – 1977?

Texte de R. D'Este
Musique et interpretation de Joe Fallisi

"I premi ai delatori non sono meno odiosi dei delitti" (Publio Cornelio Tacito, Storie, 1-2)

« Les primes aux délateurs ne sont aps moins odieux que les délits » (Publius Cornelius Tacitus - Histoires)

« Suite au mouvement de 1977 et à la dégénérescence de la lutte armée surtout dans les années 80 ont été promulguées par l'État des lois exceptionnelles et liberticides (encore en vigueur après vingt ans) dites d'« urgence » qui sous le couvert de combattre le terrorisme diffus font surgir, entre autres, des « repentis » plus ou moins «sincères» et plus ou moins « construits » pour la cause. Dans le cours des années 80, ils ont incarcéré des milliers de militants de la galaxie de l'extragauche (et parmi ceux-ci des anarchistes), des avocats,... (continua)
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 10/4/2013 - 22:14
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Don't Give Up

Don't Give Up
10/4/2013 - 21:45
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Billy Austin

Billy Austin
in gran parte tratta da “Note Americane. Musica e culture negli Stati Uniti" di Alessandro Portelli (op. cit.)
9/4/2013 - 22:33
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Fortunes Of War

Fortunes Of War
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 9/4/2013 - 22:02


" Paschendale (Nuova frontiera) è la traccia numero otto del tredicesimo album degli Iron Maiden, Dance of Death pubblicato l’8 settembre del 2003. Paschendale parla dell’omonima battaglia della Prima Guerra Mondiale, che si svolse nel 1917 tra britannici e tedeschi. Questa battaglia finì in enormi perdite di vite da entrambe le parti, ma in minimi progressi nella situazione della guerra. La battaglia infatti si svolse in una gigantesca palude, che inghiottì le truppe britanniche, causando uno sterminio. "
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 9/4/2013 - 21:49
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Don't Give Up

Don't Give Up

Short Essays on Favorite Songs, Inspired by Nick Hornby’s Songbook
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To celebrate the release of Nick Hornby’s Songbook, several authors wrote in about their favorite songs.

See all articles from this column
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“Don’t Give Up” by Peter Gabriel with Kate Bush.
BY Kevin O. Cuinn
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Back in the ‘70s, when Pampers was a revolutionary new product, they used Annette Fitzgerald’s baby picture on the box. Annette was a very cute baby. Later, she was the most stunningly beautiful woman I ever held in my unworthy arms. I crushed on her all through school. I gagged every time she walked into a room. It made learning anything difficult.

Then, in 1987, in the face of stiff competition from cheap imports and generics, the people at Pampers decided on a makeover. This amounted to changing the baby on the box. The results were catastrophic. Sales plummeted. Mothers quite simply... (continua)
DoNQuijote82 9/4/2013 - 18:31

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