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U 1, et cætera

U 1, et cætera
U 1, et cætera

Canzone française – U 1, et cætera – 1906 – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Histoires d'Allemagne 7
Au travers du kaléidoscope de Günter Grass. : « Mon Siècle » (Mein Jahrhundert, publié à Göttingen en 1999 – l'édition française au Seuil à Paris en 1999 également) et de ses traducteurs français : Claude Porcell et Bernard Lortholary.

Cette fois encore, Lucien l'âne mon ami, nous allons à la mer et même, plus exactement, sous la mer. C'est une chanson qui relate l’histoire des sous-marins allemands (Unterseeboote) et cela, à partir d'un événement de l'année 1906 : la livraison à la Marine Impériale du premier sous-marin allemand : le U 1 (Unterseeboot 1), ainsi nommé en bonne logique et le suivant, c'est assez farce dans un site de chanson s'appellera : U2, et ainsi de suite, d'où, le et cætera. Enfin, relater n'est pas le mot exact, ce serait plutôt, qui évoque. Ce n'est pas... (continua)
À Kiel, j'y étais le 4 août
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 14/1/2011 - 23:16
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Bumbarov let

Bumbarov let
Tekst i muzika: RamboAmadeus
Album: Oprem Dobro
Ko to kaže ko to laže
inviata da giorgio 14/1/2011 - 16:31
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L'espressione massacro della Lena (in russo Ленский расстрел, Lenskij rasstrel) si riferisce all'uccisione da parte dall'esercito zarista di parecchie centinaia di lavoratori delle miniere d'oro di Bodajbo, centro minerario posto sul fiume Vitim nel bacino della Lena; il fatto ebbe luogo il 17 aprile del 1912.
inviata da emanuele ricciardi 14/1/2011 - 11:44
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Clenching the Fists of Dissent

Clenching the Fists of Dissent
Lyrics by R. Flynn
Music by R. Flynn, D. McClain and P. Demmel

The band wrote the lyrics about the Iraq war after conducting research and found that "a lot of stuff does not add up", according to Flynn, which angered the band. Machine Head's debut album, Burn My Eyes, featured a similar song titled "A Thousand Lies" which dealt with the Gulf War.
Robb Flynn said "Clenching the Fists of Dissent" was one of the most difficult song to construct: He attributed the difficulty to the amount of tracks; the introduction of the song has 90, including multiple three-part harmony with two guitars, 20 tracks of snare drum, four tracks of kick drum, and military marching cymbals. The song continues with five electric guitars, three acoustic guitars and two bass guitars...
inviata da giorgio 14/1/2011 - 09:22


Lyrics & Music by John Saullo

Julian Assange founded the WikiLeaks website in 2006 and serves on its advisory board.
He has published material about extrajudicial killings in Kenya, toxic waste dumping in Africa, Church of Scientology manuals, Guantanamo Bay procedures, and banks such as Kaupthing and Julius Baer. In 2010, he published classified details about American involvement in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. On 28 November 2010, WikiLeaks and its five media partners began publishing secret US diplomatic cables. The White House has called Assange's release of the diplomatic cables "reckless and dangerous" while sources in the Kremlin linked to President Dmitry Medvedev suggested that he "could be awarded a Nobel prize"... from wikipedia
I live in a place that's full of fear
inviata da giorgio 14/1/2011 - 08:17
Percorsi: #freeAssange

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