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Ленинградская блокада

Ленинградская блокада
The Siege of Leningrad, also known as The Leningrad Blockade (Russian: блокада Ленинграда (transliteration: blokada Leningrada) was an unsuccessful military operation by the Axis powers to capture Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) during World War II. The siege lasted from September 9, 1941, to January 18, 1943, when a narrow land corridor to the city was established by the Soviets. The total lifting of the siege occurred on January 27, 1944. The Siege of Leningrad was one of the longest and most destructive sieges of major cities in modern history and it was the second most costly.
Я вырос в ленинградскую блокаду,
inviata da emanuele ricciardi 12/1/2011 - 22:58

Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers
Lyrics & Music by A.K. Mullins; Arranged and performed by W.V. Hill.
Album: Black Lung & White Lightnin'

A peace-lovin' hippie and a forgotten soldier find some common ground.
An ode to the late 60`s and early 70's. Tune in and drop out.
Out in the land of the red coyote
inviata da giorgio 12/1/2011 - 21:10

Mr Man With a Gun

Mr Man With a Gun
Lyrics & Music by Andrea S. Lockwood
Album: Household Items (Vol. Infinity)
My imagination –
inviata da giorgio 12/1/2011 - 13:08
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Album “The Resistance”
The paranoia is in bloom,
inviata da Bartleby 12/1/2011 - 10:45

Lettre au Président

Lettre au Président
Dall'album "Politikement Instable"

Come la canzone n°1 su queste CCG/AWS, Le déserteur di Boris Vian, o come una delle ultime pubblicate, رئيس البلاد (Rayes Le Bled) del rapper tunisino El Général, ecco un’altra letteraccia ad un potente di turno, questa indirizzata al dittatore camerunense Paul Biya, per inchiodarlo alle proprie responsabilità verso il popolo affamato, represso, ammazzato.
Paul Biya è al potere dal 1982, da più tempo ancora del sinistro Ben Ali che in questi giorni sta facendo fare a pezzi la sua gente in Tunisia. E come Ben Ali – che già l’ha fatto - anche Biya sta cercando di modificare la Costituzione del paese per potersi “auto-rieleggere” ad libitum.

La trasmissione di questa canzone è stata - ovviamente - vietata su tutto il territorio del Camerun.
Excuse moi Prési, mais il faut que je te parle
inviata da Bartleby 12/1/2011 - 10:28
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رئيس البلاد (Rayes Le Bled)

رئيس البلاد (Rayes Le Bled)


Hamada Ben Amor, in arte El Général, rapper tunisino di 22 anni originario di Sfax, è ormai famoso ed amatissimo nel suo paese, la Tunisia infiammata dalle proteste di questi giorni e bagnata dal sangue del suo popolo, affamato da oltre due decenni ed oggi massacrato per strada dalla polizia del dittatore Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali.

Nelle sue canzoni, infatti, El Général ha avuto come pochi il coraggio di attaccare direttamente il presidente/dittatore/padre-padrone Ben Ali, lo stesso che compare all’inizio del video di questa رئيس البلاد (Rayes Le Bled) intento, con aria molto poco rassicurante, ad estorcere inutilmente una qualche parola ad uno spaventato scolaro (il dittatore chiede – significativamente - al bimbo: “Perché non sei tranquillo? Mi vuoi dire qualcosa?”).

E mentre il nostro buon Frattini dichiara che "L'Italia sostiene i governi in Tunisia e Algeria, che... (continua)
رئيس البلاد
inviata da Bartleby 12/1/2011 - 08:41


Lyrics & Music by Alan Gardiner and Roger Peatman

This song tell us how a piece of steel changes a small man into a BIG man or so he thinks !!! Well the idea behind the song is the increased use of firearms and how owning one can change a persons personality FOR THE WORSE !
Power I will give you
inviata da giorgio 12/1/2011 - 08:30
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Peace for John Lennon

Peace for John Lennon
Music by James L. Murrell
Album: The Source

"I always light a candle on the anniversary of his death on December 8th.
I wrote "Peace (For John Lennon)" in memory of the great John Lennon".

"I never got to met him but I always felt that he was like a friend to me through his music.
John changed the way that world was by being himself and standing up for what he believed in.
His music was melodic and the words were always thought provoking".

"Peace (For John Lennon)" is an instrumental rock/fusion song. This is on my new album "The Source". I use some mandolin on the song also".
inviata da giorgio 11/1/2011 - 21:37
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Cradle of Civilization

Cradle of Civilization
Lowkey (Featuring Mai Khalil)
Album: Soundtrack To The Struggle [2011]
I remember when I was growing up..
inviata da giorgio 11/1/2011 - 13:39

We Want War

We Want War
Songwriters: Jack Barnett, Richard Rodney Bennett, John Rutter, Cambridge Singers
Album: Hidden
Some of these trees have been growing for years
inviata da giorgio 11/1/2011 - 08:17

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