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Act III Scene 2 (Shakespeare)

Act III Scene 2 (Shakespeare)
Lyrics & Music by Saul Williams and Zack de la Rocha
Album: Saul Williams

Once the audience has been introduced to the central character, Saul Williams, the artist, and this central character has dealt with the current state of hip hop, he makes an open call to the youth of America, transcending hip hop and speaking to larger social issues:
"This is a call out to all the youth in the ghettos, suburbs, villages, townships: to all the kids who download this song for free. By any means. To all the kids short on loot but high on dreams. To all the kids watching TV like, yo, I wish that was me...I hear you. To all the people within the sound of my voice...".
Here, Williams again targets a large audience that transcends the hip hop community. He speaks to the youth of the world. He discusses the "state of affairs, likening the situation to Shakespeare's Julius Cæsar:
"Brutus... (continua)
This is a call out to all the youth..
inviata da giorgio 17/2/2010 - 21:13
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Streets of Sorrow

Streets of Sorrow
Lyrics & Music by Terry Woods and Shane MacGowan
Album: If I Should Fall from Grace with God

Vedi anche un articolo di Silvia Morosi

Divided into two parts, the first ("Streets of Sorrow") written and sung by Woods, describing the pain and sadness on the streets of Northern Ireland at the height of the Troubles , the song is told from the point of view of someone who is leaving the place due to the increasing violence and conflict and who vows never to return "to see more sorrow, nor to see more young men slain".

The second part of the song ("Birmingham Six") written and sung by MacGowan, is a demonstration of support to the Birmingham Six and Guildford Four and the view that they were the victims of a miscarriage of justice and that their confessions had been extracted by torture at the hands of the West Midlands Serious Crime Squad, claiming "there were six men in Birmingham,... (continua)
Oh farewell you streets of sorrow
inviata da giorgio 17/2/2010 - 17:30

L'homme en pain d'épice

L'homme en pain d'épice
L'homme en pain d'épice

L'homme en pain d'épice– Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 89

L'homme en pain d'épice est la huitante-neuvième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.

Comme tu le verras ou l'entendras, Lucien mon ami l'âne, la rêverie du prisonnier solitaire est comme un voyage autour de sa chambre, ce qui somme toute pourrait être le titre du Cycle du Cahier ligné, s'il n'existait déjà sous ce titre de Voyage autour de ma chambre, une sorte de longue nouvelle ou de roman d'un prisonnier. C'était au temps où l'Italie allait seulement devenir elle-même... Il était sous-titré, dans certaines éditions, ce qui pour nous a de l'importance : Expédition nocturne autour de ma chambre. Et la canzone d'aujourd'hui a comme titre « L'homme en pain d'épice » et commence par la description d'une simple chambre, une pièce... (continua)
Je contemple cette pièce dépouillée,
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 17/2/2010 - 16:40
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World Peace

World Peace
Album "Ghetto Music: The Blueprint of Hip Hop"
World peace.. or world TALK?!
inviata da Alessandro 17/2/2010 - 14:07
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Who Protects Us From You?

Who Protects Us From You?
Album "Ghetto Music: The Blueprint of Hip Hop"
(Fy-ah! Come down fas'...)
inviata da Alessandro 17/2/2010 - 14:03

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