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Prima del 2009-12-13

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Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again
Lyrics & Music by Ethan Miller
Album: Rainy Day Record

This song was written at the beginning of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, as a lament for the onset of yet another cycle of suffering. It is about the "other" history of America, and of empires and nation-states in general – the painful history that lies beneath the romantic stories about freedom and liberty, patriotism, and "how noble it is to die for one’s country." The true heroes of history are those who fought not for God, Glory or Nation, but for peace, justice, and the dignity of all.
Here we go again, another bloody war
inviata da giorgio 13/12/2009 - 22:08

Child of A Fallen Soldier

Album: Little Time/Somebody Over There

When I first started writing the songs for the SOMEBODY OVER THERE album, our conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan were very much a different story from what's happening now. Other than the soldiers of the 507th, whom we all got to know quite well, there weren't a lot of casualties. What we heard about in letters from "over there" was that the weather was too hot, there was never enough of anything to go around and tours of duty seemed to stretch on forever. Loved ones on both ends missed each other dearly.

Now, with the insurgency, hardly a day goes by we don't lose somebody over there. I felt that SOMEBODY OVER THERE should tell that part of the story also. I decided I wanted to tell it from the point of view of a child losing a parent, and to make the narrative make sense, I needed the soldier and the child to be of opposite sex. For the father-soldier/daughter... (continua)
Debbie's a daddy's girl,
inviata da giorgio 13/12/2009 - 18:34

2008 USA Election Song

Lyrics by Murray Wilde
Music by Murray Wilde & Nigel Cuff

This was an endorsement for Ron Paul 's 2008 election campaign.
UPDATE 12/09:
Obama orders 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, bringing the total to 100,000.
For this he gets the Nobel Peace Prize?
As Orwell wrote in 1984: "War is Peace." ?? (i.e. "Si vis pacem para bellvm"??!!)
– Are you ready? –
inviata da giorgio 13/12/2009 - 12:51

The Little Man

Lyrics by Jeff Guzalak
Music by Eric Slywiak
Album: W.M.D.

"I feel like there's a little Jack Johnson in this one"
They'll throw you in
inviata da giorgio 13/12/2009 - 12:28

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Lyrics by Jeff Guzalak
Music by Eric Slywiak
Album: W.M.D.

The ignorance and neglect of the Bush Administration
On the first day of the war over oil
inviata da giorgio 13/12/2009 - 11:49
Downloadable! Video!

Flight Of The Witch

Flight Of The Witch
Album: Buckley
Full moon way in the sky
inviata da giorgio 13/12/2009 - 10:49
Percorsi: Streghe
Downloadable! Video!

Dear Mr. Bush

Dear Mr. Bush

…Please excuse me, Sir: I've got to go to the bathroom.
Mr. Bush what are you waiting for
inviata da giorgio 13/12/2009 - 10:15

God Is Dead

God Is Dead

Abbiamo trovato il Guccini di lingua inglese...? [RV]
And the fallen angel slit his wrist
inviata da giorgio 13/12/2009 - 10:12

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