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Dalla bella pagina Songs For Change ci proviene Na Gaidheil am Basra (The Gael in Basra), la prima canzone contro la guerra in Gaelico scozzese. E' anche la canzone nella settantesima lingua della nostra raccolta.
Riccardo Venturi 11/3/2007 - 20:39

Na Gaidheil am Basra

by Norman McArthur, 2006
From/da Songs For Change

"Norman MacArthur is a piper and singer/songwriter in the Gaelic group Meantime. Along with his bandmates he is one of very few who are actually writing contemporary songs in Gaelic. 'I wrote this song after seeing images on the news of Scottish soldiers in the the Black Watch regiment marching into Basra in Iraq being led by the pipes playing The Black Bear. I felt quite confused by what I felt. On the one hand I was proud of them, on the other I was angry. Scottish soldiers fighting and dying under a British flag. Indeed fighting under an American flag in an illegal war. It reminded me of footage from the First and Second World Wars yet here we are again listening to and following the piper playing the same old tune.'"
Chunna mise a-raoir
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 11/3/2007 - 20:34

Sometimes I Get So Lonely

Sometimes I Get So Lonely
From/da Songs For Change

"Another song by James Donaldson."
(Per la serie: sulle canzoni del povero James Donaldson c'è molto da dire...)
Sometimes I get so lonely I feel as if I’m dyin’
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 11/3/2007 - 20:29

War, Lies & Lives

Copyright August 2006

"A song by Scottish singer-songwriter James Donaldson."
(Anche stavolta da Songs For Change ci proviene un commento davvero assai esteso)
Gunmetal, noise, hot oil, carnage on the streets
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 11/3/2007 - 20:26
Sara Rose: Un nome non conosciuto, un'autrice di canzoni contro la guerra parodistiche tratte dalla più grande collezione del genere in lingua inglese esistente in rete. È l'autore n° 2000 del nostro sito.
Riccardo Venturi 6/3/2007 - 17:59

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