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Candle For Durruti

Candle For Durruti
Lyrics and music by Al Grierson
Testo e musica di Al Grierson
Testo ripreso da / Lyrics available at David Rovics' Official Website

"Written some time after the fall of the Berlin Wall, this song is a tribute to La Pasionaria, Durruti, the Lincoln Brigade and all the others around the world who fought and generally died in defense of freedom in Spain. The Spanish Civil War is seen by many as the real beginning of WWII, and also represents perhaps the most spectacular outpouring of international solidarity the world has ever seen. Though the war in Spain was won by the Spanish fascists (with the aid of Hitler's planes, Mussolini's troops and America's oil), the legacy of the International Brigades who went to defend Spain's democractic government continues to inspire many today."
David Rovics

« Scritta qualche tempo dopo la caduta del Muro di Berlino, questa canzone è un... (continua)
Well the headline on the paper said the good guys won the war
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 17:34

Song For Hugh Thompson

Song For Hugh Thompson
[December 1998]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
David Rovics' Official Website
Da/From "We Just Want The World"

"I was in a wonderful cafe (Hyperion Espresso) in Fredericksburg, Virginia, when I read in the paper about this helicopter pilot who landed in My Lai near the end of this horrible massacre perpetrated upon Vietnamese peasants by American troops. I never knew until I read this article that certain American troops were also involved with finally putting an end to it. The only reason Hugh Thomson's heroic story emerged after thirty years was because the government of Vietnam was preparing to give him a medal for his actions, and the U.S. Army decided it wanted to try to avoid being upstaged." - David Rovics.
Hugh Thompson was a pilot, just like many more
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 17:16

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