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Julius And Ethel

Julius And Ethel
Lyrics and Music by Bob Dylan
Testo e musica di Bob Dylan
Outtake di "Infidels"

Lyrics as recorded by Bob Dylan, The Power Station, New York, NY, 11 Apr-8 May 1983
© 1983
Transcribed by Manfred Helfert

Julius Rosenberg and his wife were listening to the Lone Ranger with their two young sons when a stranger rapped on the door of their battered and drab apartment near the Manhattan end of the Brooklyn Bridge. Twelve men filed in from the small hallway and announced that they were from the FBI. They arrested 32-year-old Julius Rosenberg as a spy.
A puffy, spectacled native New Yorker with a smudge-sized mustache and disappearing black hair, Rosenberg was the fourth U.S. citizen arrested in the atomic spy roundup that began after the arrest of British Physicist Klaus Fuchs. The FBI said Rosenberg had been an important cog in the machinery, working directly under Anatoli Yakovlev,... (continua)
Now that they are gone, you know, the truth it can be told;
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 22:46

Lifebelt Washed Up On The Shore

Lifebelt Washed Up On The Shore
Lyrics as reprinted in Pete Seeger (ed.), Woody Guthrie Folk Songs, London, 1973, pp. 237-238.
© 1963 Ludlow Music Inc., New York, NY
I walked on my beach sand here today
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 22:31
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The Blinding Of Isaac Woodard

The Blinding Of Isaac Woodard
Lyrics by Woody Guthrie
To the tune of The Great Dust Storm by the same
Sull'aria di The Great Dust Storm dello stesso Guthrie

"I wrote this ballad on the 16th day of August in the year 1946, one block from the wreckage of the Atlantic Ocean, on the beach at Coney Island, New York." -Woody Guthrie.

Or this one I made up so's you wouldn't be forgetting what happened to this famous Negro soldier less than three hours after he got his Honorable Discharge down in Atlanta....
(I sung this Isaac Woodard song in the Lewisohn Stadium one night for more than 36,000 people, and I got the loudest applause I've ever got in my whole life. This song is a long song, but most of the action is told in Isaac's own words. I made this ballad up because we'll need lots of songs like this one before we win our fight for racial equality in our big free United States.)
Woody Guthrie, as quoted in... (continua)
My name is Isaac Woodard, my tale I'll tell you;
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/10/2005 - 21:28

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