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Lingua Finlandese

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Työmiehen lauantai

Työmiehen lauantai
Sävel / Music / Musica / Musique: Irwin Goodman [Antti Yrjö Hammarberg, 1943-1991]
Sanat / Lyrics / Testo / Paroles: Emil von Retee [Veikko Olavi »Vexi« Salmi, 1942-2020]
Single : 1965
Albumi / Album: Irwinismi [1966]
Viideltä saunaan ja kuudelta putkaan
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 10/7/2019 - 21:40

Vanni Scopa: Mr Tambourine Man (traduzione da Bob Dylan)

Vanni Scopa: Mr Tambourine Man (traduzione da Bob Dylan)
Audio link to the song performed by Freud Marx Engels & Jung on their 1990 album »Aina ja iankaiken« (Forever and Ever):
inviata da Juha Rämö 21/6/2019 - 14:08

Before Ireland Can Go Free

Before Ireland Can Go Free
inviata da Juha Rämö 20/6/2019 - 18:56
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Berliinin olympialaiset oli määrä pitää vuonna 1916, mutta ensimmäinen maailmasota siirsi ne aina vuoteen 1936, jolloin kansallissosialistit olivat olleet vallassa runsaat kolme vuotta. Hitler halusi saada kisoista mahdollisimman suuren propagandahyödyn. Tätä varten tarvittiin uusi uljas olympiapuisto ja sinne mahtipontinen stadion, jossa oli tilaa peräti 100 000 katsojalle. Stadionin tieltä purettiin vuoden 1916 peruuntuneita kisoja varten rakennettu Deutsches Stadion. Rakentaminen, joka työllisti enimmillään 2 600 ihmistä, aloitettiin vuonna 1934 ja saatiin päätökseen kaksi vuotta myöhemmin. Rakennustöihin saivat osallistua vain Saksan kansalaiset, jotka olivat arjalaista syntyperää.

Sodan aikana saksalainen yritys Blaupunkt valmisti stadionin tiloissa räjähteissä käytettyjä sytyttimiä ja rakennuksen maanalaisia tiloja käytettiin ilmasuojana. Sodan jälkeen stadion on kokenut kaksi suurta... (continua)
inviata da Juha Rämö 19/6/2019 - 15:38
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Testo finlandese / Finnish lyrics / Paroles finnoises / Letra finlandesa / Suomenkieliset sanat: Timo Kiiskinen

It took more than 46 years for this first Finnish version of Victor Jara's beautiful song to appear. All I can say is that it was worth the wait.
inviata da Juha Rämö 5/6/2019 - 19:04
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Igor (L. Trans.) 02-08-2017
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 14/5/2019 - 08:32
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The Underground

The Underground
inviata da Juha Rämö 13/5/2019 - 15:10
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Global Seed Vault

Global Seed Vault
This grandious project, also known as Doomsday Vault or Present-day Noah's Ark, undoubtedly deserves the gratitude of mankind. On the other hand, it's just another example of those extreme measures we are forced to take to repair at least some of the damage we keep causing to all living species with our wars, our greed and our negligence.
inviata da Juha Rämö 4/5/2019 - 16:07

Tuo kerta rajalle rauha

Tuo kerta rajalle rauha
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat (Kanteletar)
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: trad.

Painting by Robert Ekman in 1867 called Lemminkäinen tulisella järvellä where Lemminkäinen asks help from Ukko ylijumala with crossing the lake in fire on his route to Pohjolan häät.
Ukko ylijumala (vasemmalla) R. W. Ekmanin Kalevala-maalauksessa Lemminkäinen tulisella järvellä (n. 1867).
Il Dio Ukko a cui Lemminkäinen (a destra) chiede aiuto. Dipinto di Robert Ekman (1867) intitolato Lemminkäinen tulisella järvella

The audio sample provided is the traditional melody to which all the poems of the Finnish national epic (Kalevala) as well as many of those included in Kanteletar can be sung.

Audio link to the melody of the song played by (kantele):

Oi Ukko [1] ylinen herra,
inviata da Juha Rämö 1/5/2019 - 12:29
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Varjele Jumala soasta

Varjele Jumala soasta
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Kanteletar (
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: trad.

The audio sample provided is the traditional melody to which all the poems of the Finnish national epic Kalevala) as well as many of those included in Kanteletar can be sung.
Varjele vakainen luoja,
inviata da Juha Rämö 30/4/2019 - 15:39
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Священная война (или Вставай, страна огромная!)

Священная война (<em>или</em> Вставай, страна огромная!)
Testo finlandese / Finnish lyrics / Paroles finnoises / Финские слова / Suomenkieliset sanat: Pauli Ylitalo

inviata da Juha Rämö 20/4/2019 - 14:06
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Su comunisti della capitale

Su comunisti della capitale
inviata da Juha Rämö 17/4/2019 - 15:06

Första maj

Första maj
The Finnish word for International Workers' Day (May Day, Labour Day) is vappu, according to the name day of Vappu on 1 May. The two corner stones of vappu right after labour marches and demonstrations are sima and tippaleipä (see picture below). Here's a recipe for sima and here one for tippaleipä.
inviata da Juha Rämö 16/4/2019 - 15:03
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This Is My Land

This Is My Land

»What local people?«

For centuries now, the ancient rights of the indigenous Sámi people have been subject to injustice and exploitation. One of the latest menaces is the Nordic mining boom that severely threatens the traditional Sámi way of life and especially reindeer herding.

Beowulf Mining is a UK-based exploration company planning to establish an iron mine (Kallak mine) in Jokkmokk, a municipality located in the Swedish province of Norrbotten. The plan has met resistance from the indigenous Sámi people as well as other local inhabitants. On July 1, 2013, protesters set up a road blockade in order to prevent test drilling. On July 30, the blockade was dismantled by the police, but on the next day it was set up again.

»What local people?« was the arrogant answer to the protesters by Clive Sinclair Poulton, CEO of Beowulf Mining. Here's a video clip and the protesters' comment to it.
inviata da Juha Rämö 15/4/2019 - 14:08

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