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Prof. of English Linguistics
Dept. of English
Sam Houston State University
2/9/2022 - 16:47

نیست شوقی که زبان باز

نیست شوقی که زبان باز
Mahnaz Badihian

Mahnaz Badihian é una poetessa e scrittrice iraniana, da trent'anni naturalizzata statunitense. La sua é la traduzione di riferimento per le altre lingue; senza il suo supporto non avremmo avuto cognizione delle poesie di Nadia Anjuman.
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 24/8/2022 - 14:59
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Stare Miasto

Stare Miasto
["Poles, wherever you may be..."]
inviata da giorgio 15/8/2022 - 15:50

ヒロシマというとき [Cello Concerto No.1]

ヒロシマというとき [Cello Concerto No.1]
Englanninkielinen käännös :
Prof. Richard H. Minear
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 8/8/2022 - 18:37
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There Ain’t No Heaven

There Ain’t No Heaven
video youtube :No Heaven - Dj champion - 3:26
No Heaven - Champion - 2005
inviata da Pluck 8/8/2022 - 00:53
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Φώναξε (Διακοπές στο Sarajevo)

Φώναξε (Διακοπές στο Sarajevo)
SHOUT (Vacation in Sarajevo)
inviata da Christina P. 6/8/2022 - 21:27

Throwing Stones

Throwing Stones
Album: Chuck Wright’s Sheltering Sky

“Throwin’ Stones” è una canzone potente e straordinaria. Come nasce?

Le tracce base di questa canzone sono state registrate qualche tempo fa con il mio defunto amico, Pat Torpey dei Mr. Big e Lanny Cordola che era con me con gli House Of Lords. Abbiamo realizzato un gran numero di album e colonne sonore di film insieme. Ho trovato questo brano e altri due incompiuti. Volevo onorare Pat finendoli: da qui nascono “Army Of Me” e “It Never Fails”.
I testi e le melodie vocali di “Throwin’ Stones” sono stati scritti da Joe Retta (Sweet, TSO, Dio Disciples). È un messaggio contro la guerra scritto ben prima dell’invasione russa dell’Ucraina. La chiamo triste serendipità. Nel realizzare il video, tuttavia, volevo che riflettesse ciò che stava accadendo nel mondo.

Il messaggio nella canzone parla di come, dall’alba dei tempi, fossimo l’uno contro l’altro... (continua)
You might think I’m crazy
16/7/2022 - 19:15


The song is roughly the same in the Yiddish and English. Note that думать/dumai(t) is Russian, and is the word “to think”. I will provide the direct translation of the Yiddish pieces however as some differences remain
inviata da dq82 16/7/2022 - 18:53



La bellissima canzone che chiude l'album KIWANUKA del 2019

Forse non esplicita nelle parole, ma accompagnata da un video che la ricollega all'orgoglio nero e al movimento Black Lives Matter.

“The way so much of the world has been designed has often caused me and so many other Black people psychological damage,” Kiwanuka says. “We so often hear that we are lesser than because we are Black. We are a label, a token, a statistic, and we can be dehumanized. I’ve spoken about it in my music but I wanted to declare in words that I’m so proud to be Black. We are so beautiful and have such a wonderful history of strength, overcoming, talent, innovation, creativity, invention and love.”

Michael Kiwanuka's "Light" video celebrates Black life and power - WXPN
We're miles apart
14/7/2022 - 22:43

Pure Comedy

Pure Comedy

"Pure Comedy is the story of a species born with a half-formed brain. The species' only hope for survival, finding itself on a cruel, unpredictable rock surrounded by other species who seem far more adept at this whole thing (and to whom they are delicious), is the reliance on other, slightly older, half-formed brains. This reliance takes on a few different names as their story unfolds, like 'love,' 'culture,' 'family,' etc."


"Pure Comedy è la storia di una specie nata con un cervello formato a metà. La sola speranza di sopravvivenza di questa specie che si ritrova su una roccia crudele e imprevedibile, circondata da altre specie che sembrano molto più abili e adatte a questo ambiente è la dipendenza da altri, leggermente più vecchi, cervelli formati a metà. A questa dipendenza vengono dati alcuni nomi differenti mentre la loro storia si svolge, come 'amore', 'cultura', 'famiglia' eccetera"
At six-
10/7/2022 - 16:37
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At the End of World War 3

At the End of World War 3
Also recorded by Chet Gardiner

It is abundantly evident that the world is closer to a nuclear holocaust than at any time since 1962.
At the end of World War 3, amid the lightning and thunder
9/7/2022 - 18:28

Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa
A song about two people who have lived through war
I live in Addis Ababa I drive a taxi cab
6/7/2022 - 20:25

Holy Hell

Holy Hell

[...] Then, he uploaded new track ‘Holy Hell’ – a politically-charged but sombre piece of piano-led chamber pop in which he laments “damn the future ain’t looking so bright…”, ending with the reassuring lines: “But all my friends, yeah, I’m talking to you/The world won’t end unless we want it to/There’s no one in control/And it’s our life to choose.”

Father John Misty gets political, shares new song 'Holy Hell'
5/7/2022 - 23:53
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Čekáme kdesi na konci aleje

Čekáme kdesi na konci aleje
inviata da Stanislava 5/7/2022 - 18:32

No Oxygen in the West

No Oxygen in the West
Music and Lyrics by SHAMAN
Actress and Dancer: SIJIA CHRISTINA CHEN
In silence
3/7/2022 - 22:29
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Kam jsme to zašli?

Kam jsme to zašli?
English translations: Lenka Lichtenberg & Alena Jirásek
What is this place?
2/7/2022 - 19:23

Generation Cancellation

Generation Cancellation

Russian punk-pop-rave band returns with anti-war manifesto “Generation Cancellation”. Little Big’s first release in 2022 is accompanied by a music video that criticizing the war, the politics, the propaganda in their signature style through a series of scenes filled with socio-political references and easter eggs. Sonically, the track is a tribute to Ilich favorite bands such as Nirvana and The Prodigy.
My generation
1/7/2022 - 15:35

We Need to Talk About It

We Need to Talk About It
We need to talk about it

Bloodline Maintenance
inviata da dq82 30/6/2022 - 11:16
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Hard Times on Main Street

Hard Times on Main Street
Lyrics, music and performed by Barry David Butler

As Butler will say in his song "Wall Street is flying, but Main Street is dying "..

This song is about the Plight of the Middle Class in America..
She has three kids and the bills to pay
inviata da giorgio 30/6/2022 - 09:46

Death Is a Job

Death Is a Job
Sarajevo Blues
I'm running across an intersection to avoid the bullet of a sniper from the hill when I walk straight into some photographers:
inviata da Dq82 28/6/2022 - 11:31

I Want to Go

I Want to Go
I Want To Go - J. B. Lenoir - 1966
My name is JB Lenoir
inviata da Pluck 21/6/2022 - 18:31

Move This Rope

Move This Rope
Move This Rope - J.B. Lenoir - 1966
Remove this rope from 'round my neck
inviata da Pluck 21/6/2022 - 18:05

Alabama March

Alabama March
J.B. Lenoir - Alabama March - Album : Alabama Blues - 1965
Third month, twenty-fifth day of '65, we marched on Alabama hill
inviata da Pluck 21/6/2022 - 10:59


[1888 ]
A Poem by / Gedicht / Poesia / Poème / Runo:
John Henry Mackay

La poesia di John Henry Mackay fu posta nell’introduzione al saggio Anarchism: what it really stands for di Emma Goldman, del 1911.
Tutte le versioni della poesia qui proposte ci sembrano interessanti per un motivo o per l’altro. Troviamo particolarmente suggestiva la versione tedesca di Christoph Holzhöfer
[Riccardo Gullotta]
Ever reviled, accursed, ne’er understood,
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 20/6/2022 - 20:03


Album: Ultra Mono
Released: 2020

Idles are a British-Irish punk rock band formed in Bristol in 2009. The band consists of Joe Talbot (vocals), Mark Bowen (guitar), Lee Kiernan (guitar), Adam Devonshire (bass) and Jon Beavis (drums).
inviata da Timur Kukharets 19/6/2022 - 18:26


Secondo singolo estratto dall'album di prossima pubblicazione "Will of the People"

Su un ritmo anni 80 i Muse ci parlano delle potenti organizzazioni che ci vorrebbero asserviti e aderenti alla loro visione del mondo, perdendo ogni spirito critico.

“Compliance” is about the promise of safety and reassurance sold to us by powerful entities during times of vulnerability. Gangs, governments, demagogues, social media algorithms and religions seduce us with misleading untruths and comforting fables. They want us to join their narrow worldview in exchange for obedience and turning a blind eye to our own internal voice of reason and compassion. They just need our Compliance.


“Compliance” parla della promessa di sicurezza e tranquillità vendutaci da entità potenti durante i momenti di vulnerabilità. Le gang criminali, i governi, i demagoghi, gli algoritmi dei social media e le religioni... (continua)
18/6/2022 - 17:54

Try Better Next Time

Try Better Next Time
Album: Never Let Me Go
Ai cori: Cody Molko (il figlio diciassettenne di Brian Molko, già con una carriera come attore nella serie Shadow and Bone)

“Try Better Next Time for me is very much my song about the environment. You know, it’s a disillusioned, disappointed song. It’s very disappointed in humanity. It’s basically saying, good riddance, humanity, try better next time, you know, next time you come back and get a chance to live on this beautiful planet, you know, try better. It’s a story about people who live underground, about growing fins and going back to the water.

It’s a very disillusioned song about the climate disaster presented in a sort of three minute Weezer ish kind of pop punk thing. If you dig deeper, it’s one of the more disturbing songs because it’s talking about an extinction event next, you know, the extinction of human beings, but is presented in in in... (continua)
At the core of the earth it's too hot to breathe
inviata da Lorenzo Masetti 18/6/2022 - 13:36

Six White Horses

Six White Horses
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Larry Murray

Performed by / Interpreti / Interprétée par / Laulavat:
Johnny Cash

Album: Six White Horses

Il tema dominante di questa canzone country di mezzo secolo fa é il razzismo negli Usa negli anni ’60. Riscosse molto successo, si classificò quarta nella “Billboard Hot Country Singles “statunitense.
Parla degli assassinii di John Kennedy, Martin Luther King e Robert Kennedy. Il tema si riflette nel titolo, ripetuto in ogni strofa: il colore dei cavalli è bianco.
Da notare che il numero dei cavalli coincide con il numero di versi di ciascuna delle tre strofe.
Forse, è un’ipotesi di chi scrive, l’immagine dei sei cavalli si ispira anche alla canzone folk “She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain” pubblicata nel 1927, le cui due strofe iniziali sono riportate a seguire:

She'll be coming 'round the... (continua)
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 17/6/2022 - 22:32
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Lifestyles of the Poor & the Homeless

Lifestyles of the Poor & the Homeless
Lyrics, music & performed by Barry David Butler

"Homelessness in America is a Terrible Tragedy. It can happen to anybody and did to the guy in my song called "Homelessness...Livin' Under A Bridge". Check out my song about Homeless Vets called "Just Another Hero Living on the Streets"..We Can Do Better! I was homeless for just a few days year ago and it was a Life Shattering experience that I stays with me even today.... It has shaped me as a songwriter. I try and tell the stories of Life in America .."
Wall Street's flyin', While Mains Street's dyin'
inviata da giorgio 17/6/2022 - 08:55
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Homeless Livin' Under a Bridge

Homeless Livin' Under a Bridge
Lyrics, music & performed by Barry David Butler

"If you've never been Homeless you can't imagine how bad it is. It can be a life changing experience. I was homeless for only a few days and then had to stay on a friends couch for awhile....I've never been the same. I NEVER feel safe. This song is about ONE man's Journey from Normal to living in the park under a bridge. I got very depressed watching Pictures from Sandy....It doesn't matter how you become homeless, just that you ARE. There are Thousands of people in New York and New Jersey....Kids, Old people and families that have no home and no life. A lot of these people will wind up living under a bridge... PLEASE.... if this song Affects you the way I think it will....Donate to the Red Cross. NOBODY SHOULD EVER BE HOMELESS. Everybody needs a place to lay their heads down at night and to feel Safe!...

Homelessness in America... (continua)
It all started about two years ago
inviata da giorgio 13/6/2022 - 12:53
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A Flower's All You Need

A Flower's All You Need
Musica di Ennio Morricone
dalla colonna sonora del film di Aldo Lado
L’ultimo treno della notte” (Night Train Murders), del 1975, con Dalila Di Lazzaro e Flavio Bucci.
Il tema musicale era stato utilizzato l'anno prima da Morricone per il film d'animazione “Il giro del mondo degli innamorati di Peynet”

Dolce ballata peace & love con una struggente melodia composta da Morricone, inserita - con un evidente contrasto - nella colonna sonora di uno dei film più crudi e violenti mai realizzati in Italia
Tell the world I saw a man fall in the street and die
12/6/2022 - 00:43
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You Know My Name

You Know My Name
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Chris Cornell

Album: Chris Cornell-You Know My Name

Percorso : La Guerra dell’ Informazione

nomina sunt consequentia rerum / i nomi sono conseguenti alle cose


Carta canusciuta

Siamo lieti di annunciare l’identità del Grande Vecchio che si occulta dietro i gruppi eurasiatisti e filorussi animati da influencer e opinionisti con connivenze sovraniste e nazionaliste, reclutati dal Cremlino, comunemente noti come “rete di Putin”. La notizia trapela da Fonti che preferiscono mantenere l’anonimato nel quadro delle trame oscure che gravano sulla Repubblica dalla sua fondazione. È più che comprensibile quindi l’assoluto riserbo e, se si renderà necessario, il legittimo uso del Segreto di Stato.
Sono allo studio tutte le misure atte a contenere le minacce ibride e le derive liberticide della disinformacija... (continua)
If you take a life do you know what you'll give?
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 11/6/2022 - 17:10
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Letters From Afghanistan

Letters From Afghanistan
Lyrics by W.Carroll Kiphen
Music & performed by Barry David Butler

Soldier’s letters sent home to his friends and family before he died in War!

The original title was “Letters”
Letters from a husband
inviata da giorgio 11/6/2022 - 09:20

מישע צעררײַסט היטלערס דײַטשלאַנד

Taybl Birman / טײַבל בירמאַן
מישע צעררײַסט היטלערס דײַטשלאַנד
inviata da Dq82 9/6/2022 - 17:26

טײַבלס בריוו

Taybl Birman / טײַבל בירמאַן
טײַבלס בריוו
inviata da Dq82 9/6/2022 - 17:20


Parody / Parodia / Parodie :
Timothy Betts

Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
Chandelier by Sia

* CorSir News: La rete di Putin in Italia

Looking forward to watching the remake of the movie “The Wild Bunch / Il mucchio selvaggio”
Senator from Wisconsin,
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 7/6/2022 - 23:03

יאָשקע ון אָדעס

Berta Flaksman / בערטאַ פֿלאַקסמאַן
יאָשקע ון אָדעס
inviata da Dq82 6/6/2022 - 14:01

The Ballad of Brian Haw

The Ballad of Brian Haw
Lyrics by Roger Antony Carter
Music & performed by Barry David Butler

“It seems that dissension
is no longer allowed ..”
The song is dedicated to Brian Haw, a great and indomitable British pacifist, famous for protesting against the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, unfortunately died in Berlin from lung cancer in 2011 ...

Brian William Haw (7 January 1949 – 18 June 2011) was an English protester and peace campaigner who lived for almost ten years in a peace camp in London’s Parliament Square from 2001, in a protest against UK and US foreign policy. He began the Parliament Square Peace Campaign before the 2001 United States attacks, and became a symbol of the anti-war movement over the policies of both the United Kingdom and the United States in Afghanistan and later Iraq. At the 2007 Channel 4 Political Awards he was voted Most Inspiring Political Figure. Haw died of cancer... (continua)
Did you hear about the man
inviata da giorgio 6/6/2022 - 09:30

Long Haired Hippie Freaks

Long Haired Hippie Freaks
Lyrics by Carroll Kiphen & Barry David Butler
Music by Barry David Butler
I used to laugh when older folks
inviata da giorgio 5/6/2022 - 22:30
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Automation Song

Automation Song
Lyrics & music by Philip David Ochs
Album: All the News That's Fit to Sing

"We have built everything with our sweat, and now you are throwing us away and replacing us with machines .."

Guitar: Danny Kalb
Producer: Jac Holzman
Guitar, Vocals: Phil Ochs
Writer: Phil Ochs
Oh, I laid down your railroads, every mile of track
inviata da giorgio 5/6/2022 - 10:00

No Wars Will Stop Us Singing - World Peace Day

No Wars Will Stop Us Singing - World Peace Day
Lyrics written by Don Black
Music composed by Debbie Wiseman -

“This moving anthem offers hope against the back-drop of continual war throughout the world where children needlessly suffer and die.
This contemporary song has been translated into several different languages and has become a national 'anthem' sung by thousands of young people on World Peace Day -- September 21st.

I hope that you understand the way I feel about ‘No Wars Will Stop Us Singing’.
It is a great song for young people like me to bite back at all the people who think war is right”.
Ugly sounds are overhead,
inviata da giorgio 4/6/2022 - 17:25

Everybody’s Blood Is Red

Everybody’s Blood Is Red
Lyrics by Carroll Kiphen
For all the progress we have made
inviata da giorgio 4/6/2022 - 14:14

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