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Canción del desaparecido

Canción del desaparecido
Several of my friends and comrades disappeared after being arrested. The dictatorship denied knowledge of their whereabouts but I knew they were lying. Many of these people had been in prison with me in the dungeons of Villa Grimaldi. This song was sung in a cell of Valparaíso Jail with one comrade keeping watch next to the door in case a prison guard approached. Today, in addition to the other 26 songs that were born in prison, ‘Canción del desaparecido’ is included in my record Documento (1986) that I produced in Germany on the tenth anniversary of my exile.
inviata da Dq82 8/11/2017 - 09:08
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November 8, 2017, 06:10
8/11/2017 - 06:12

Falskir fræðimenn

Falskir fræðimenn
November 7, 2017

In May 1937, a German “scientific delegation” was received to Iceland with great ceremony. Its official task was carrying out geological researches in the inner desert area of Óðáðahraun. Shortly after, however, some shepherds noticed strange things were happening and warned the authorities. It was soon discovered that the false “scientists” were Wehrmacht officers making surveys in order to mark out a landing strip for airplanes and a bridgehead for a possible invasion of the island, strategically essential for the war to come.
Though totally unarmed, Iceland's authorities expelled immediately the entire German delegation, confiscated all survey maps and instruments and asked official apology (and received it, incredibly enough) by Hitler's government.
Iceland's traditions include immediate composition of folksongs commenting on any event, a practice still living nowadays.... (continua)
7/11/2017 - 15:47

Säg mig du lilla kula

Säg mig du lilla kula
inviata da Juha Rämö 6/11/2017 - 23:39
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inviata da Dq82 6/11/2017 - 11:57
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Scarborough Fair/Canticle, provided with The Elfin Knight, Whittingham Fair and Rosemary Lane, and with an Appendix on Riddles Wisely Expounded

Scarborough Fair/Canticle, <i>provided with</i> The Elfin Knight, Whittingham Fair <i>and</i> Rosemary Lane, <i>and with an Appendix on</i> Riddles Wisely Expounded
Nel 1989 gli Stone Roses utilizzano la melodia di Scarborough Fair per comporre una deliziosa canzoncina diretta alla regina Elisabetta pregandola di togliersi di torno... il tutto suggellato da un bel rumore di ghigliottina sul finale
5/11/2017 - 22:03
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October 31, 2017 01:02
31/10/2017 - 01:02
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L'Oiseau blessé d'une flèche

L'Oiseau blessé d'une flèche
La Fontaine, Fables (verse translation, 2 vols. 8vo, Boston, 1841; 2nd ed., New York, 1859)
inviata da Juha Rämö 30/10/2017 - 00:03
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Teresa Torga

Teresa Torga
October 18, 2017 11:33
18/10/2017 - 11:34
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Scarborough Fair/Canticle, provided with The Elfin Knight, Whittingham Fair and Rosemary Lane, and with an Appendix on Riddles Wisely Expounded

Scarborough Fair/Canticle, <i>provided with</i> The Elfin Knight, Whittingham Fair <i>and</i> Rosemary Lane, <i>and with an Appendix on</i> Riddles Wisely Expounded

La versione tradizionale completa e dialogata, con indicazione delle parti e dei rispettivi compiti. Si tratta con tutta probabilità di una versione ottocentesca, come quasi tutte le altre pervenuteci. Le strofe riassuntive, o esplicative (in pratica quelle cantate in duetto, a parte la prima) sono probabilmente spurie rispetto all'impianto della canzone tradizionale.

The traditional version of the ballad, complete and based on dialogues, with stating of roles and relative tasks. It is probably a 18th century version, like almost all versions still available. The summarizing, or explanatory verses (practically,
the all the verses sung by man and woman together, except the first one) are probably spurious with relation to the structure of the traditional song.
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 17/10/2017 - 07:34
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Katona vagyok én

Katona vagyok én
15/10/2017 - 21:05
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Se questo è un uomo

Versione inglese degli Haeven Shall Burn dallo Split con i Fall of Serenity (1999)
Se questo è un uomo
inviata da Dq82 15/10/2017 - 10:04
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inviata da Bernart Bartleby 13/10/2017 - 14:41
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The Children Came Back

The Children Came Back

In celebration of 2014’s Naidoc Week, Briggs, along with Gurrumul, Dewayne Everettsmith and B2M performed “The Children Came Back” live on Australian radio-station Triple J as part of their long running segment ‘Like A Version’.

A year later in lead up to Naidoc Week 2015 and the release of Archie Roache’s 25th Anniversary Edition of ‘Charcoal Lane,’ a studio version was released of the song.

The song is somewhat of a triumphant sequel to Archie Roach’s deeply sad “They Took the Children Away”

The first verse of Brigg’s version makes references a number of successful contemporary indigenous people including Gavin Wanganeen, Anthony Mundine, Adam Goodes, Patty Mills and Cathy Freeman. The second verse delves a little deeper into past figures such as Doug Nicholls, Lionel Rose & William Cooper. The third verse finds Brigg’s bringing it back a closer to home. In this verse he makes... (continua)
I'm Fitzroy(1) where the stars be
inviata da Dq82 2/10/2017 - 22:51
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Solid Rock

Solid Rock
Spirit of place

Shane Howard had an epiphany when he went camping out near Uluru in 1981. That's when the idea for his song Solid Rock came into his head.
Solid Rock was Howard's response to the injustices he saw in some of Australia's indigenous communities in 1981.

I realised that this country that I grew up in, that I thought was my country, wasn't. I had to reassess my whole relationship with the land and the landscape, and understand that we had come from somewhere else, and we had dis-empowered a whole race of people when we arrived.

— Shane Howard
Out here nothin' changes, not in a hurry anyway
inviata da Dq82 2/10/2017 - 21:11
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Death of Ellenton

Death of Ellenton
Scritta da tal D. Smith (?) e da Jesse “Pa” Johnson, fondatore e leader di questo gruppo corale bianco americano degli anni 40.
Nel repertorio di folksingers come Rosalie Sorrels, scomparsa di recente, nel giugno scorso, e come The New Lost City Ramblers

La cittadina di Ellenton, South Carolina, non ha avuto un bel destino. Negli anni successivi alla Guerra Civile fu teatro di sanguinosissimi scontri tra gruppi paramilitari suprematisti, legati al Partito Democratico (!), e militanti del Partito Repubblicano - quello del presidente Ulysses S. Grant, ex condottiero nordista – una parte del quale si batteva per la protezione e l'inclusione sociale degli schiavi liberati.

Poi nel 1950 la cittadina fu interamente evacuata e cancellata dalle mappe perchè il governo aveva deciso di costruire proprio lì un grande impianto nucleare, il Savannah River Plant, destinato all'arricchimento... (continua)
Where the broad Savannah flows along to meet the mighty sea
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 1/10/2017 - 22:02


Xenophobia (Why?)
Well there's nothing good
inviata da Dq82 1/10/2017 - 21:36


Harry's reasons
inviata da Dq82 1/10/2017 - 21:30
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Lyrics and music by Peter Butler and Wally McArthur

Wrong Side Of The Road is a ground breaking 1981 Australian film, road movie, rock documentary, musical drama, it followed 2 days of life on the road for two Aboriginal rock/reggae bands which were largely unknown to mainstream Australia: No Fixed Address e Us Mob.
Its a great film it tackled the taboo subject of racism in Australia head on, a topic which one would say still is pretty taboo.
Each band gets a side each on the album, No fixed address later released their groundbreaking Ep "From My Eyes"
They promise us this,
inviata da Dq82 30/9/2017 - 15:44
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Black Man's Rights

Black Man's Rights
Lyrics and music by Bart Willoughby

Wrong Side Of The Road is a ground breaking 1981 Australian film, road movie, rock documentary, musical drama, it followed 2 days of life on the road for two Aboriginal rock/reggae bands which were largely unknown to mainstream Australia: No Fixed Address e Us Mob.
Its a great film it tackled the taboo subject of racism in Australia head on, a topic which one would say still is pretty taboo.
Each band gets a side each on the album, No fixed address later released their groundbreaking Ep "From My Eyes"
I am a black, black man
inviata da Dq82 30/9/2017 - 15:28
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We Have Survived

We Have Survived
Lyrics and music by Bart Willoughby

Wrong Side Of The Road is a ground breaking 1981 Australian film, road movie, rock documentary, musical drama, it followed 2 days of life on the road for two Aboriginal rock/reggae bands which were largely unknown to mainstream Australia: No Fixed Address e Us Mob.
Its a great film it tackled the taboo subject of racism in Australia head on, a topic which one would say still is pretty taboo.
Each band gets a side each on the album, No fixed address later released their groundbreaking Ep "From My Eyes"
You can't change the rhythm of my soul,
inviata da Dq82 30/9/2017 - 15:05
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inviata da Dq82 30/9/2017 - 14:40

They Took the Children Away

They Took the Children Away
Charcoal Lane

La generazione rubata, o in inglese Stolen generation, è il nome con cui vengono generalmente indicati quei bambini australiani aborigeni e isolani dello stretto di Torres che furono allontanati dalle loro famiglie da parte dei governi federali australiani e missioni religiose ai sensi di alcune norme parlamentari vigenti nei singoli Stati. Partendo dal 1869, gli allontanamenti forzati continuarono fino al 1969, anche se in alcuni luoghi proseguirono sino agli anni '70.
Celandosi dietro leggi di tutela dei minori, le leggi che favorirono l'allontanamento dei bambini aborigeni di fatto condussero all'assimilazione coatta degli aborigeni.
This story's right, this story's true
inviata da Dq82 27/9/2017 - 19:34


Big Name, No Blankets

In Australia la segregazione razziale è stata, ed è, paragonabile a quella vigente negli Stati Uniti o all'Apartheid Sudafricana. Ancora nel 2012 sono state promulgate leggi che creavano leggi ad hoc solo per gli aborigeni.

Questa canzone della band country Australiana Warumpi composta da musicisti sia bianchi che aborigeni auspica un futuro in cui non conti il colore della pelle
Black fella, white fella
inviata da Dq82 27/9/2017 - 18:37
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Sotiri Petroula

Sotiri Petroula
English Translation by Stefano 8

Ripresa da Lyricstranslate e traduzione letterale di ottima fattura. Da rimarcare che, nonostante la relativa pagina presenti un link alla nostra pagina sulla Canzone per Sotiris Petroulas di Theodorakis, noialtri persistevamo nell'errore di attribuire la traduzione che vi era presente a Anton Virgilio Savona mentre Stefano 8 riportava già il testo corretto sulla pagina Lyricstranslate, assieme alla sua traduzione inglese (fin dal 10 febbraio 2016). E' giusto e doveroso insistere sui propri errori. Riportiamo qua anche le note originali alla traduzione inglese. [RV]
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 27/9/2017 - 17:25
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Hello Stranger

Hello Stranger
L'ospitalità verso lo straniero è alle radici della civiltà e l'amicizia fra i popoli è l'alternativa principale alla guerra.In tempi di xenofobia e innalzamento di muri, è confortante risentire questa canzone scritta da A P (Alvin Pleasant Delaney) Carter nel 1937, probabilmente sulla base di un blues popolare, incisa dalla Carter Family nel 1938 e ripresa in seguito da molti autori statunitensi.

Oltre che dalla Carter Family (1938), è stata riproposta negli anni da molti artisti, fra cui Ester Flatt e Earl Scrugg (1964), The Flatlanders (1972), Emmylou Harris (Luxury liner, 1977), Helen Carter (1980), Doc e Merle Watson (1984), fino ai giorni nostri
Hello, stranger, put your loving hand in mine
inviata da Piersante Sestini 27/9/2017 - 17:01

Blackness of the Night

Blackness of the Night
Parole e musica di Steven Demetre Georgiou, conosciuto come Cat Stevens e poi Yusuf Islam
Dal secondo album di Cat Stevens, New Masters, del 1967.

Reincisa dallo stesso autore, che ora si fa chiamare Yusuf Islam, 50 anni dopo nel nuovo disco "The Laughing Apple".

"Blackness of the Night" - ha raccontato Yusuf - "era una delle mie prime canzoni di protesta degli anni '60. Sono cresciuto nella Londra del dopoguerra quando i ricordi degli anni del conflitto erano ancora recenti e gli edifici sventrati dalle bombe non erano ancora stati ricostruiti. La canzone rifletteva la sensazione di vuoto dei giovani della mia generazione nel vagare per le strade buie, di notte, da soli, pensando a come sopravvivere in un futuro oscuro e incerto."

La nuova versione è una ballata acustica abbellita da un organo ispirato al sound dei Procol Harum. Ma non si trattava soltanto di aggiornare l'arrangiamento,... (continua)
In the blackness of the night
26/9/2017 - 23:40
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Dance Around My Atom Fire

Dance Around My Atom Fire
La guerra atomica è la negazione dell'umanità, un regresso alle ere glaciali. Darsi la mano e lavorare assieme è la vera alternativa.

La canzone, scritta ma mai messa in musica da Woody Guthrie, è stata inviata dalla figlia Nora Guthrie, direttrice dei Woody Guthrie Archives, a Joel Rafael, che ha scritto la musica e l'ha pubblicata nel 2005 nell'album Woodyboye, Songs of Woody Guthrie (And tales worth telling) Vol II
Bring all my history pages
inviata da Piersante Sestini 26/9/2017 - 13:11


dall'album "Ringo 2012"
Scritta da Ringo Starr con Glen Ballard, importante produttore discografico artefice di numerosi dischi di successo del pop internazionale.

Un vero e proprio inno Peace & Love.
This is anthem, for peace and love
25/9/2017 - 23:32

Peace Dream

Peace Dream
(Richard Starkey, Gary Wright, Gary Nicholson)
dall'album Y Not

con Paul McCartney al basso.

"Paul came to the house with his bass - that was a good sign, I played him Peace Dream, and he said, 'Sure, I'll play on it,' it had the John Lennon line, so it was natural."

In Peace Dream, Ringo sings: "Can you imagine all of this coming true/It's really up to all of us to do/Just like John Lennon said, in Amsterdam from his bed."

Ringo said: "For me to write that was a normal thing to do. I knew the man. And I really believe that if you, or anyone else, had written it, it would've been weird.

"I was around when he did all that. I also wrote a song for George (Harrison). So it's just part of it for me, they've been my friends for so long."

The Independent
Last night I had a peace dream
24/9/2017 - 22:16

This Heroes' Land

This Heroes' Land
This Heroes’ Land
© Tony Smith 2017

During war time, Indigenous Australians have served gallantly in the armed forces. Until recently they were barely recognised. But an even greater injustice occurred when the children of some serving soldiers were forcibly removed to institutions.
Barney and Jess were teenage friends
inviata da Tony Smith 23/9/2017 - 06:19
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Hail to the Chief

Hail to the Chief

Il nuovo video dei Prophets of Rage è un violento attacco contro Trump ma soprattutto contro Mike Pence, il vicepresidente, considerato come il vero burattinaio dietro al grottesco #46 (come lo chiama chi non vuole fare il nome del 46mo presidente degli USA).

Pay Attention is what the Prophets Of Rage latest video is saying . Don't let a new Fascism appear wanted normal or sane. While TRUMPOTUS appears to be a parody and whipping of mass distraction. The Donald will either be impeached or bow out from his own trumped up reasons. VP Pence is not a clown. He's dead serious, the heir apparent who knows US governing and the law. The one to watch with the world in his hands. ... Pay Attention to the inevitable Hailing To The Chief #46. The SusPEnce of The Thief Of Peace .. and he didn't even .....Run - Chuck D
Hold it
22/9/2017 - 23:37
Percorsi: Donald Trump
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My Mind Is for Sale

My Mind Is for Sale

Album: All the Light Above It Too

"I'm not trying to write an anti-Trump song," Johnson said. "I've heard people call it that. Maybe it's anti-some of his ideas. If anything, it's a pro-love song. I try to look at something and instead of only tearing the thing down, you want to replace it with something positive. So to me, walls that divide us aren't a good thing. So it's more about being proactive and how to include people."
Well, I heard the blinker's on
22/9/2017 - 22:08
Percorsi: Donald Trump

Wiradjuri Country

Wiradjuri Country
Wiradjuri Country
© Tony Smith 2013

I live on land in the Central Tablelands of New South Wales. The land was taken by force from the Wiradjuri people.
The song is my attempt to acknowledge the history of dispossession.
I used the tune to 'Joe Hill' after hearing Paul Robeson sing this union song.
The place I live in has a past
inviata da Tony Smith 22/9/2017 - 02:48

Il Francese e il Siriano

Il Francese e il Siriano
September 21, 2017 10:39
21/9/2017 - 10:40
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Sierra Blanca Massacre

Sierra Blanca Massacre
La canzone è ispirata ad una poesia, scritto in spagnolo, ritrovato nel quaderno di un giovane messicano, Rosario Caldera Salazar, uno di 18 giovani messicani trovati morti di calore ed asfissia il 2 Luglio 1987 in un vagone merci sul quale tentavano di passare illegalmente il confine e che era rimasto parcheggiato nella stazione di Sierra Blanca, in Texas. Era intitolato ``El Ilegal,`` o ``The Illegal.``
``With pain I left my country,`` diceva la poesia. ``Today there is talk of the Rio Bravo which I`ll cross. . . . How beautiful is the United States. Illinois, California and Tennessee. But over in my country, a piece of the sky belongs to me. Goodbye Laredo, Welsaco and San Antonio.
Houston and Dallas are in my song.
Goodbye, El Paso.
Your friend, the illegal, has returned.``

La mattina del 2 Luglio 1987, 18 giovani messicani furono trovati morti di caldo e asfissia dentro un carro... (continua)
Fleeing my country for a better life
inviata da Piersante Sestini 21/9/2017 - 00:17

Incident, Wallis Plains, 1826

Incident, Wallis Plains, 1826
Incident, Wallis Plains, 1826
© Tony Smith 2017

John Eckford, brother of my 3 x great grandmother Jane, had an eventful life. Born in 1801, he was involved in the mistake which led to his father William being condemned to death for sheep stealing. He was appointed Constable at Wallis Plains (Maitland) in 1825.
Following violence between settlers and Aboriginal people, Governor Darling despatched Lt Lowe to the ‘frontier’. Colonial Secretary Bathurst issued orders that the raids of the locals should be repelled just as would raids by any other ‘state’. Aboriginal people were to be considered invaders in their own land.
Lowe was committed for trial following the summary execution of a prisoner ‘Jacky Jacky’. He was quickly found not guilty by the jury which consisted mainly of army officers. During the trial, the question arose of whether Aboriginal people were subjects of the crown and... (continua)
Come hearken to my story, the saddest of tales
inviata da Tony Smith 20/9/2017 - 23:30
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This Is My Country

This Is My Country
Dall'album Thirteen Stories High del 2008, con la partecipazione vocale di David Crosby e Graham Nash.

Una canzone patriottica di contestazione della politica militare americana. "Vogliamo indietro il nostro paese"
This is my country, we are at war
inviata da Piersante Sestini 17/9/2017 - 03:13
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Who Owns Who

Who Owns Who

Un inno alla rivolta alla rivolta e alla disobbedienza. Attraversa i loro confini, nuota nelle loro acque, rifiuta i loro ordini, ama le loro figlie, cambia le loro abitudini...
The bridge, the call
16/9/2017 - 16:17
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Radical Eyes

Radical Eyes

Brano d'apertura dell'album d'esordio dei Prophets of Rage

Tom Morello - guitar
Timmy C - bass
Brad Wilk - beats
Chuck D - vocals
B-real - vocals
DJ Lord - turntables

"The Western world has created biased structures and stereotypes. Opposing viewpoints and movements are seen as radical rather than diversity. 'Radical Eyes' is the lens everything is viewed through, any life movement in opposition is considered radicalized."

"Il mondo occidentale ha creato strutture e stereotipi tendenziosi. I movimenti di opposizione e punti di vista diversi sono visti come estremisti invece che essere considerati pluralità. Gli occhi radicali sono la lente attraverso cui si guarda al mondo, per cui ogni movimento di opposizione è bollato come estremista."

(Chuck D.)
If speed is what you need
16/9/2017 - 15:56
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A Fire Burns for Freedom

A Fire Burns for Freedom

An early version/acoustic version of “A Fire Burns For Freedom” is available on the Patagonia music sampler.

A revised version of this song appears as the title track on Ziggy’s album Wild and Free, and includes Woody Harrelson on vocals!
A fire burns for freedom
16/9/2017 - 12:30
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See Dem Fake Leaders

See Dem Fake Leaders
See dem fake leaders
16/9/2017 - 11:56
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"It was just at the time of the Vietnam War and Nixon. It was looking bad out there. That song meant a lot to a lot of people during that time--especially me."
(Jonathan Edwards)

I wrote ‘Sunshine’ in 1970 in probably less time than it takes to sing it. It was the height of the Vietnam-Cambodia adventure there in Southeast Asia. I was really saddened by that and really angry… It’s an angry young man’s complaint about what was going on politically and militarily in our name. I was knowing people that were coming back from the war and they were never the same – if they came back at all.

I had just undergone a really violent draft board pre-induction physical, where I ended up in an emergency room and ended up in a sanitarium I guess you’d call it. It was all in the interest of not going to Vietnam, but it left an indelible mark on me for life.

We were in Ohio and I moved my band... (continua)
Sunshine go away today, I don't feel much like dancing
16/9/2017 - 00:23
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The King's Shilling

The King's Shilling
13/9/2017 - 23:10

Who Will Care for Mother Now?

Charles C. Sawyer
Who Will Care for Mother Now?
Here is a minor correction of the second stansa as well as the missing latter half of the third stansa.
Why am I so weak and weary.
inviata da Jeremiah Thompson 13/9/2017 - 17:17
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L'autrer jost'una sebissa

L'autrer jost'una sebissa
The other day, by a hedge,
inviata da Krzysiek Wrona 12/9/2017 - 17:54
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I Hear Them All

I Hear Them All
di Ketch Secor e David Rawlings
pubblicata in Big Iron World (2006)

incisa anche da David Rawlings in A Friend of a Friend (2009)
il video ufficiale, diretto da Danny Clynch di ricorda il disastro dell'uragano Katrina sulla popolazione di New Orleans

Una canzone di disperazione e di speranza, con qualche riferimento all'attentato dell'11/9
"I hear soldiers quit their dying, one and all"
(sento i soldati che smettono le loro morti, uno e tutti)
vale da solo la presenza della canzone in questo sito
I hear the crying of the hungry in the deserts where they're wandering.
inviata da Piersante Sestini 11/9/2017 - 22:30
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Mercy on Me

Mercy on Me
Chanson de Champion Jack Dupree de 1962. Un texte simple et prenant à propos du racisme ordinaire, chanté à la manière d'un gospel.
Mercy on me
inviata da D Laloë 9/9/2017 - 18:37

Castles Burning

Castles Burning
Questa canzone , parte dell'album "Handful of Rain" del 1994 ,è stata dedicata all'omicidio di Falcone (fonte risposta dell'autore, l'italoamericano Jon Oliva, a Metal Shock)
Castles burningIn the dark and bleeding
inviata da Lucone 8/9/2017 - 12:10
Percorsi: Mafia e mafie
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Wozu sind Kriege da?

Wozu sind Kriege da?
7/9/2017 - 21:52
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New Immigration Law

New Immigration Law
Single: New Immigration Law / Holy Mount Zion

Holy Mount Zion
America Yeah na Am talking about the law in america The new immigration law Man no hear bout the new immigration law Tabled in congress in America Say what hear me now The new law all yall man nor fit talk
inviata da Dq82 7/9/2017 - 17:55
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Lyrics translated by Armen Babamian
inviata da Dq82 7/9/2017 - 17:19
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Keep the Home Fires Burning (Till the Boys Come Home)

Keep the Home Fires Burning (Till the Boys Come Home)
Music by Ivor Novello
Words by Lena Gilbert Ford

Ivor Novello, born in Cardiff, was only 21 when he wrote Keep the Home Fires Burning (Till the Boys Come Home) in 1914, which touched all families at the outbreak of war with its hopeful message. It was an instant hit. Novello’s war service was less glorious. After a stint in the Royal Navy Air Service, crashing two planes, he enjoyed a long postwar career as an actor, writer and composer of musicals. The Ivor Novello awards are named in his honour. The words of the song are by the American Lena Gilbert Ford, who was divorced and living with her son in London. Both were killed by a German air raid on London in March 1918.
They were summoned from the hillside
inviata da Dq82 7/9/2017 - 16:20

The Last Refugee

The Last Refugee
La trascrizione degli annunci alla radio che introducono la canzone
Announcers:"And it's also the end of broadcasting for Thursday, the end of broadcasting for 1970"
7/9/2017 - 09:17
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Ease My Revolutionary Mind

Ease My Revolutionary Mind
Parole e musica di Woody Guthrie
Una canzone mai incisa dall’autore, riprese recentemente da Tom Morello negli album di tributo collettivo “Note Of Hope: A Celebration Of Woody Guthrie” (2011) e “Woody Guthrie At 100! Live At The Kennedy Center” (2013)

[Nell’immediato secondo dopoguerra] quella di Guthrie era una voce sempre più isolata che, dal deserto, invocava la ricostituzione della società americana e la distruzione del capitalismo. Nel luglio del 1946, scrisse così ad Asch:

“Questo è il sistema che vorrei vedere estinguersi. Ha ammazzato diversi membri della mia famiglia, ne ha gassati diversi e ne ha traumatizzati molti di più nell'ultima guerra mondiale e, in questa guerra mondiale appena passata, ne ha dispersi molti altri. Ha fatto fuggire famiglie di miei parenti e amici, centinaia di migliaia di persone, costringendole a vagare, senza una casa, peggio che se fossero... (continua)
Night is here again, baby,
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 6/9/2017 - 15:49
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Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues

Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues
Visto che nell'introduzione di B.B. è citato il titolo "Give the anarchist a cigarette", c'è una canzone dei Chumbawamba dal medesimo titolo e contenuta nell'album Anarchy del 1994 che proprio a Dylan è dedicata. Il bootleg citato è successivo (2002), così come il libro di Mike Farren (2001).

A song by Chumbawamba from their album Anarchy. The title refers to Bob Dylan. Dylan was at one point in an interview told that people were referring to him as an anarchist. He replied gruffly, "Albert, give the anarchist a cigarette", essentially shrugging off the idea with a sarcastic joke. To anyone knowing the tremendous social influence and power that Dylan's early songs had, this comment is incredibly cynical, and displays a fundamental shift in Dylan's politics and outlook for his own role in society.

Albert is Dylan's manager, Albert Grossman, who also managedRitchie Havens and Peter, Paul... (continua)
inviata da Dq82 6/9/2017 - 11:03

Takin' It Easy

La versione di Cisco Houston, risalente al 1961, nel disco “Sings The Songs Of Woody Guthrie”
Takin' It Easy
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 6/9/2017 - 11:00

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