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I Want Rosa to Stay

I Want Rosa to Stay
Lyrics & music by Alun Parry
Album: Corridors of Stone

Physical CD of Alun Parry's debut album, containing 10 fabulous tunes, including Woody's Song and this one, I Want Rosa To Stay, which was recently re-recorded on an EP (September 4, 2020) by Only Child, produced by Jon Lawton.

“Of all the many things to disappoint and anger about Labour’s period in office, it is their treatment of asylum seekers and refugees, a war against whom they have waged with a viciousness that cannot be understated.

I first became seriously involved in this issue as one of the co-founders of Merseyside Against Detention, set up following the realisation that the government were jailing refugees in the local Walton Prison (HMP Liverpool).

This was back in 2001. None of the refugees jailed were guilty or even suspected of a crime. Amnesty International’s investigation into Labour’s arbitrary jailing... (continua)
Hello Rosalita, well I know your name
inviata da giorgio 6/9/2020 - 09:30

Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge
Lyrics & music by W. Frederick Stanton AKA Bill Frederick

How the Brooklyn Bridge was built, and the continuing march across it..

“The air is unusually healthy”, noted a visitor, passing through the small village of Brooklyn in 1794. The 100 mostly one-story houses were “chiefly along the shore or scattered without plan”, he noted, and the streets were “bad, heavy, and unpaved, so that the smallest amount of rain makes Brooklyn muddy”.

The village of Brooklyn, directly across the East River from Manhattan, was the funnel through which the food grown on Long Island's rich farmlands passed to New York City. As New York City flourished, so did its nearest neighbor. Rowboats, sailboats, and horse-powered ferries plied the waters of the East River, and speculators and merchants began to buy land along the waterfront. The U.S. Navy opened a shipyard on Wallabout Bay in 1801, and... (continua)
When a bridge begins, it’s just a dream,
inviata da giorgio 1/9/2020 - 23:00
Percorsi: Ponti

What You Fighting For?

What You Fighting For?
What you fighting for?
inviata da Reinhard 1/9/2020 - 14:47

What if No Matter

What if No Matter
Words and music by Tom Paxton, 2011

Cosa succederebbe se tutti gli psicopatici, criminali, razzisti, fondamentalisti che compiono stragi negli Stati Uniti non potessero mettere le mani su un'arma?
What if no matter how angry he was,
31/8/2020 - 10:39

Banks of Marble

Banks of Marble
inviata da giorgio 30/8/2020 - 17:27
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Poverty Knock

Poverty Knock
Janet Wood's version

People living in more deprived areas of England and Wales are more likely to die with coronavirus than those in more affluent places, new figures suggest.

Office for National Statistics analysis shows there were 55 deaths for every 100,000 people in the poorest parts of England, compared with 25 in the wealthiest areas.

[BBC News]
Poverty poverty knock, my loom is a saying all day
inviata da giorgio 30/8/2020 - 12:51
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If Harry Don’t Go

If Harry Don’t Go
Lyrics & music by Alun Parry
Album: When The Sunlight Shines [2013]

“I was told this story of London dockworker and union activist Harry Constable by my friend Martin Ralph on Thursday night, just after the close of the Woody Guthrie Folk Club..

A great proportion of the British working class emerged from the Second World War determined that they would not allow a “return to the ‘thirties,’ with the poverty and unemployment that this phrase conjured up. In the first two and a half decades after the end of this war, there was a stormy period of strikes and struggles.

There was a desire for big advances in wages and conditions of living and work; an anti-capitalist feeling that was expressed politically by the return of a Labour Government. In mining, engineering and transport, a complacent and settled bureaucracy in the unions attempted to block struggle, and the discontent... (continua)
Eh, if Harry don't go then I don't go
inviata da giorgio 30/8/2020 - 09:45
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All That Is Different ....

All That Is Different ....
Lyrics by Chris Foster & Leon Rosselson, based on a poem by William Blake
Music by Chris Foster & Leon Rosselson
Album: Intruders [1995]

Presented on Intruders as a coda to provide a positive ending to the album, "All That is Different" was one of two songs originally written for Chris Foster's A Sting in the Tale stage show. Based on a line from William Blake's book, America A Prophesy, the song looks at the world of the future and revolves around a question: does it have to be that way? (Leon set more of Blake's lines to music in the 1960s - the poem, "The Garden of Love" - later recording it for Love Loneliness Laundry (1977).

This song was recorded separately from the rest of the album, with Leon not present (it features just Chris Foster and Sianed Jones). We might therefore speculate that it was originally intended for release as a Chris Foster recording, for whom it was originally written (No Chris Foster release is known to this reviewer).
And will we see a barren world
inviata da giorgio 29/8/2020 - 10:35
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Julio from Chile

Julio from Chile
Lyrics & music by Alun Parry
Album: When The Sunlight Shines

The happy ending story of Julio, the Chilean who escaped Pinochet's dictatorship thanks to Liverpool dockers' union..

“This is me with Denis Anderson and Julio from Chile. The two stars and heroes of my song. Taken tonight at the Valparaiso Restaurant after the Cuba Solidarity Campaign celebration gig”.
Standing at the Valparaiso Restaurant in town
inviata da giorgio 28/8/2020 - 20:00

Peace Brother Peace

Peace Brother Peace
Album: In the Right Place

Segnalata più di dieci anni fa da Renato Stecca nella pagina dell'omonima Peace brother peace... ecco questa bella canzone di Dr. John.
Peace brother peace
28/8/2020 - 15:24


28/8/2020 - 10:27

Oh My God

Oh My God
Album: Shabrang

“Oh My God” is Dutch-Iranian, singer-songwriter Sevdaliza’s first release of 2020. Based on the announcement and explanation of the song that Sevdaliza shared to her Twitter, the song alludes to and reflects on the concurring tensions between the United States and Iran.

This song isn’t the first time that Sevdaliza has used music as a way to convey her message and opinions on cultural tensions between the United States and the Middle Eastern world— releasing the Persian-language single “Bebin” in 2017, as a response to President Donald Trump’s Muslim-directed travel ban, which included Iran among other countries.

Sevdaliza was born in Tehran, Iran and soon after relocated to the Netherlands where she grew up. However, her Iranian past and culture have still held a prominent presence in her music sonically and lyrically.
Oh my God
28/8/2020 - 10:12

Lookin' For A Leader

Lookin' For A Leader
27/8/2020 - 10:55
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We Can Make the World Stop

We Can Make the World Stop
Lyrics & music by Alun Parry
Album: We Can Make The World Stop

“We are constantly misinformed that power in any society is held by those with money or those who sit in government.
Of course, that's nonsense, as any group of workers who take strike action proves.
In any society the real power – social power – belongs to the people who make things happen. And that's us.
Bosses may own the machinery, but they need us to work it. Governments may give out orders, but they are without power if we do not obey.
We are the powerful, and every time we take strike action, we pose the question "Who governs?"
An awakening of our understanding of the huge amount of power that we hold is the first step to wielding it, and is why I wrote this song.
Dedicated to workers everywhere who refuse to lie down and be treated like dirt..”
They got money, but they never worked a hospital
inviata da giorgio 26/8/2020 - 09:00

The Forgotten

The Forgotten
Lyrics & music by Dave Rogers
from David Rovics Pandemic Open Mic Mondays #2

Still about COVID 19
On the streets of Glasgow, Willy sleeps on the floor
inviata da giorgio 25/8/2020 - 19:35

Pieśń o Wandzie z Ravensbrücku

Pieśń o Wandzie z Ravensbrücku
English translation from the Album booklet
Song about Wanda from Ravensbrück
25/8/2020 - 17:42

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not
I Promise to Wait My Love / Forget Me Not

Composed by Sylvia Moy and Richard Morris (also the producer) - both of whom worked as song-writers and producers with Motown over a long period. In 1970, Martha and the Vandellas released the Vietnam single I Should Be Proud, which leaned towards the anti-war side of the debate and displayed an interesting change in opinion on the war from 1968-1970.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Now we kiss goodbye
24/8/2020 - 21:29

Moja brama

Moja brama
English translation from the Album booklet
My gate
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 23/8/2020 - 09:34

Hey, Mr. Draft Board

Hey, Mr. Draft Board
Album: The American Revolution

Canzone contro la leva durante la guerra del Vietnam, con citazioni nel testo di Mr Custer e di Wild Thing (I think I love you / but I want to know for sure...).

Un brano protopunk potente e fieramente antimilitarista di un artista tutto da riscoprire. Purtroppo il testo completo non si trova da nessuna parte e ho dovuto trascriverlo parzialmente all'ascolto con alcune lacune (ogni correzione è benvenuta!)
Oh you magnificent physical specimen!
inviata da Lorenzo 23/8/2020 - 00:01

Millions of Lives

Millions of Lives

24 April 2015 was the 100th Anniversary of the extermination of Armenians by the Turks of Ottoman Empire. Unfortunately, on the eve of the centennial many countries haven’t yet recognized the fact of Genocide.

Being confident that our duty to our nation and to the whole humanity in general is the struggle against such violence, representatives of Armenian culture, the three friends Karen Margaryan, Tigran Petrosyan and Grisha Aghakhanyan, together with KMsounds Production and under the patronage of Armenian First Lady Rita Sargsyan, have initiated a musical project, in which outstanding representatives of international culture to remind once again the World about the verity of the Genocide and to call upon to stop coercion and any kind of violence in the world.

On April 19, 2015, the premiere of the “Millions of Lives” video clip took place, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of... (continua)
Come and sit with me a while
inviata da Dq82 22/8/2020 - 10:13


Album: The American Revolution

David Peel è stato sicuramente un precursore del punk, nella musica (un protopunk acustico e da strada) e nei testi irriverenti. Grazie a questo album David Peel fu notato e "riscoperto" da John Lennon che, nel suo periodo più politico, produsse l'album successivo della band. E forse lo stesso Lennon scrivendo la sua God aveva in mente anche questa omonima canzone, molto più sarcastica e diretta!
God, why do we have wars
22/8/2020 - 00:35

The Chicago Conspiracy

The Chicago Conspiracy
dall'album del 1972 "The Pope Smokes Dope" prodotto da John Lennon e Yoko Ono

On this 1972 album featured the song "The Chicago Conspiracy" (Apple Records # SW 3391) which addressed both the 1968 Chicago demonstrations and the "Chicago Eight" - the narrator listed all eight of the high-profile protesters arrested and charged, including Bobby Seale, which many other songs excluded in favour of the "seven". The song placed blame on the Chicago mayor: "Daley made this place a city of disgrace". The narrator said that the arrests and trial revealed that "we're not free in this society". It encouraged the listener to "kill..fight...never run" and to keep "marching against the great injustice".

Vietnam War Songs Project
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago, Chicago
22/8/2020 - 00:04

The Tallest Tree

The Tallest Tree
Written by Richard Antonio

Canzone country sentimentale di una madre che vede nell'arco di vent'anni tre figli uccisi in tre diverse guerre: la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, la guerra in Corea e il Vietnam.
The growth of a man takes a lifetime,
21/8/2020 - 23:47

Hu Man

Hu Man

segnalata su Stop The War Coalition

YOU man, me man, WE MAN.
Hu Man is an exploration of self and our attachment to identity, especially in this modern age. Hu Man is a war cry from the battlefield of mind, calling to the divine Mother to take this ego, take this head, to remove all these words and man made constructs and take me, take us, back to centre. Back to oneness, forward to unity. In Lak'ech Ala K'in, I am you you are me, is a Mayan saying I encountered during a Ceremony in Mexico and it's stayed with me always. I find it very fitting for the times we find ourselves in, such shifting paradigms. Hu Man is an offering of peace and healing to the collective in these intense times, and I pray it takes people inside themselves if for only just a moment.


YOU man, me man, WE MAN. (Tu umano, io umana, noi umani)
Hu Man è una esplorazione di se stessi e del nostro... (continua)
Searching for balance, praying for clarity
19/8/2020 - 14:09

Zimno, panie!

Zimno, panie!
English translation from the Album booklet
It's cold, Sir!
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 17/8/2020 - 07:55

Crown of Creation

Crown of Creation
Scritta da Paul Kantner
Title track dell'album pubblicato nel 1968

Un album concepito, scritto e registrato in una grande casa in San Francisco ("The Airplane House" o semplicemente "The Mansion"), acquistata per la band dal manager William Carl "Bill" Thompson.

Il testo della title track è ispirato al romanzo fantascientifico distopico "The Chrysalids", scritto dall'inglese John Wyndham – già noto per "The Day of the Triffids" del 1951 - e pubblicato nel 1955. Il racconto – pubblicato in Italia per Urania con il titolo "I trasfigurati" – è ambientato in una società postapocalittica, postnucleare, necessariamente regredita ad una fase agricola preindustriale, dove ogni segno di diversità nella natura, negli animali, nei vegetali, negli esseri umani è aborrito come sintomo di contaminazione. Ne fanno le spese tutti i "diversi"...

Credo che nelle intenzioni di Paul Kantner e dei... (continua)
You are the crown of creation
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 11/8/2020 - 13:03

Dicke Luft!

Dicke Luft!
English translation from the Album booklet
Thick Air
8/8/2020 - 11:54

Sen o pokoju

Sen o pokoju
English translation from the Album booklet
Dream About Peace
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 7/8/2020 - 10:06

Keren čhave

Keren čhave
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 6/8/2020 - 20:02

Tango truponoszów

Tango truponoszów
English translation from the Album booklet
Corpse-Carrier's Tango
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 6/8/2020 - 15:20


Album: Everyday Life
Testo da Genius

The co-lead single from Everyday Life and lead single from ‘Sunset’, the second part of the double album, “Orphans”, tackles the Syrian Civil War. It showcases the story of a girl (Rosaleem) and her Baba (Arabic for father) who are now refugees and are met by what they believe to be the archangels, which is most probably someone aiding them in the refugee crisis.

Il secondo singolo da Everyday Life e primo singolo da 'Sunset', la seconda parte del doppio album, "Orphans" si riferisce direttamente alla guerra civile siriana. Racconta la storia di una ragazza (Rosaleem) e del suo Baba (padre in arabo) che ora sono rifugiati e accolti da persone che loro considerano, secondo la tradizione musulmana, arcangeli, probabilmente persone che li aiutano durante la crisi dei rifugiati.
I want to know when I can go
2/8/2020 - 12:48

Somewhere I Read

Somewhere I Read
dal visual album Lungoviaggio di Pastis (i fratelli Marco Lanza e Saverio Lanza, voce dei RockGalileo) e Irene Grandi

Campionamento dell'ultimo discorso di MLK, inframezzato da Amazing Grace

Martin Luther King nel suo ultimo discorso pubblico prima del suo assassinio parla alla sua gente con una forza trascinante e alimenta il sogno di libertà a cui ogni uomo aspira, con parole coraggiose e il timbro sicuro di un eroe contemporaneo.
But somewhere I read of the freedom of assembly.
1/8/2020 - 19:38

Pożegnanie Adolfa ze światem

Pożegnanie Adolfa ze światem
English translation from the Album booklet
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 30/7/2020 - 17:07



Ecco, nelle foto seguenti, dove la feccia alata si vanta di colpire con le bombe: un campo dell’UNHCR. Che allah /dio/ jhwh etc. stramaledicano loro, i complici e i loro sporchi dei. Quando saranno processati per crimini contro l’umanità secondo il diritto internazionale?
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 30/7/2020 - 15:36

Mace and Grenades

Mace and Grenades
Singolo poi inserito nell'album Masekela
Mace and grenades, tear gas and napalm bombs
28/7/2020 - 23:11


Written By Aaron Dessner (The National) & Taylor Swift
Album: Folklore

Il nuovo disco di Taylor Swift segna una svolta rispetto al pop dei due album precedenti, ritornando in un certo senso alla sua vecchia passione del country ma con atmosfere assolutamente minimaliste e eteree grazie anche agli arrangiamenti di Aaron Dessner dei The National. Il disco è stato interamente concepito e registrato a distanza durante il lockdown.

Questa "epiphany" parte da una dedica al nonno di Taylor, Archie Dean Swift (1914-1998) che partecipò nel 1942 alla campagna di Guadalcanal. L'esperienza della guerra, con la privazione del sonno, fa sognare nei rari momenti di riposo a qualcosa che dia un senso agli orrori vissuti dal soldato. E lo stesso succede a medici infermieri che si sono trovati in prima linea durante l'epidemia di Coronavirus. La canzone è anche un sincero tributo a tutti gli... (continua)
Keep your helmet, keep your life, son
inviata da Lorenzo 27/7/2020 - 22:29

Climate Emergency

Climate Emergency
dal nuovo EP Eutopia, pubblicato nel luglio 2020
Christiana Figueres & Algiers

Qualcuno ha ironizzato dicendo che le protest songs sono passate da "Fuck the System" a una tesi di laurea sui cambiamenti climatici, che sposa anche fin troppo le tesi istituzionali di FAO, WHO e compagnia bella. Comunque sia i Massive Attack sono tornati dopo dieci anni, e lasciamo a voi giudicare i risultati.
Before the COVID-19 crisis crashed into our world, governments were already facing the convergence of the climate crisis, the inequality crisis and the oil price crisis. Now, the fourth. The global health crisis has not only converged on us as well but has accelerated the impacts of the previous crises, deepening economic disorder and accentuating social suffering. In emerging from this, everyone can play their part, individually and collectively. The future we choose should be one of resilience, starting with aligning the food system to the four principles set out by the F.A.O: availability, access, utilization and stability. Energy is another sector that must be transformed. Well before COVID-19, fossil fuels were already showing signs of irreversible decline. They will recover somewhat from... (continua)
26/7/2020 - 00:31

As Far as We Know

As Far as We Know
I wanna believe
24/7/2020 - 00:05
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Za zdí

Za zdí
inviata da Stanislava 22/7/2020 - 11:39


[ 2020 ]

Lyrics / Testo / Paroles / Sanat :
Bara Kherigi ;Maher Zain

Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
Maher Zain

Il rispetto dei morti del massacro di Srebrenica ci induce a proporre questo testo di Maher Zain e di Bara Kherigi. Diversamente, staremmo decisamente alla larga da un artista che si è voluto sbilanciare nella composizione di un panegirico a Erdoğan, opportunamente finanziata, e si é adoperato per fargli da cassa di risonanza.
Il videoclip Hasat Vakti, 17 milioni di ascolti, è stato finanziato dall’agenzia statale turca Anadolu Ajansi. Tra le parole dell’ode: “E’ venuto il tempo della raccolta, la volontà del popolo è di continuare, è tempo di unirsi, dài Turchia”.
Per completare il quadretto aggiungiamo che il paroliere Bara Kherigi è figlio del politico tunisino fondamentalista Ghannouchi.

[Riccardo Gullotta]
Hold my hand and don’t let go
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 21/7/2020 - 12:36

Brandi Carlile: The Mother

Brandi Carlile: The Mother
Secondo singolo che anticipava l'album di Brandi Carlile "By the Way, I Forgive You" del 2018

Dei cantautori che dedicano canzoni alle figlie e ai figli, abbiamo ampiamente parlato presentando Figlia di Vecchioni, forse la più bella almeno qui in Italia.

Per quanto riguarda le mamme cantautrici... non saprei... certo c'è Questa Piccola Magia di Carmen Consoli ma, non me ne voglia Carmen, questa "The Mother" mi è piaciuta molto di più e per due ragioni.

La prima è che è una canzone onesta che racconta anche la fatica e le rinunce che inevitabilmente si accompagnano alla gioia di diventare genitore, quello che nel mondo delle famiglie da mulino bianco non si vede (lo spiega bene e in modo divertente la stessa Brandi nel video dal vivo in Texas).

La seconda è che Brandi è una mamma un po' particolare, perché non ha un marito ma una moglie... e questa canzone dedicata alla piccola... (continua)
Welcome to the end of being alone inside your mind
inviata da Lorenzo 20/7/2020 - 23:23

Eve’s Daughter

Eve’s Daughter
dall'album "To the Sunset"
Parole e musica di Amanda Shires

Messi da parte i panni della country-girl la bravissima Amanda Shires ci racconta con questa cavalcata garage-rock una storia di una donna che è forse la storia di sua madre, ma anche di tante altre "figlie di Eva" nell'America rurale fatta di povertà, disoccupazioni, e tante speranze che prendono la forma del viaggio sulle strade impolverate verso il tramonto, sotto il sole del deserto.

La storia ricorda certe cose di Springsteen. Qui non siamo nel Nebraska ma molto più a sud, nel New Mexico. Alamogordo, 35000 abitanti, clima desertico, a meno di due ore di macchina dal sito scelto nel 1945 per il test Trinity, la prima bomba nucleare esplosa nella storia dell'umanità. A dieci chilometri dal centro, Holloman, la base militare dell'aeronautica è il motore dell'economia locale.

Una ragazza giovane che vive in un posto... (continua)
I was young
inviata da Lorenzo Masetti 19/7/2020 - 22:42

Bağlandı yollarım kaldım çaresiz

Bağlandı yollarım kaldım çaresiz
CelilOguz; edited to fit with audio by Riccardo Gullotta
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 19/7/2020 - 19:06

Screams of Hope

Screams of Hope
Lyrics & music by Chuck Monroe
Album: Our New Happy Life
inviata da giorgio 19/7/2020 - 12:35

Unnamed (the Donald Trump Song)

Unnamed (the Donald Trump Song)

This song has not been published, and so is unnamed. Seeger sang it on a "Peggy at 5 on Sunday" live stream on her Youtube Channel May 10th 2020. It was made to existing tune and format - a British children's scatalogical song.

"It's about a person we'd all like to forget about, but it's rather difficult" Seeger says of the song in the live stream.
Donald's in the white house with his bunch of tricks
inviata da Keam 19/7/2020 - 12:22
Percorsi: Donald Trump

Srebrenica Massacre

Srebrenica Massacre
Srebenica Massacre
[ 2006 ]

Tekst / Lyrics / Testo / Paroles / Sanat:
Alma Ferovic

Muzika / Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:

Izvedbi / Performed by / Interpreti / Interprétée par / Laulavat:
Alma Ferovic

Album: All Is War

Qualche informazione della band si trova in 5 Prayers of Afghan Women.
Il testo originale di Srebenica Massacre è in bosniaco. Purtroppo non è reperibile.
L’interprete Alma Ferovic così commenta le parole ripetute Aman e Zeman :

The word Aman the way I used it in the song would have a meaning close to oh God, oh why, Zeman means time and I thought of the two as a combination for repetitive middle lines that any traditional song would have in Bosnia. So it is something that can symbolise heavy heart and sad, sad deep emotion."
آمان‎ [ aman ] in turco ottomano aveva il significato di sicurezza, pace , misericordia. Quest’ultima accezione... (continua)
The smell of sorrow the dawn is bringing
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 18/7/2020 - 15:54

What Our Boys Are Fighting For

What Our Boys Are Fighting For
Album: The Enraged Will Inherit The Earth
Today is the day that I die
17/7/2020 - 22:57

Last Year's Man

Last Year's Man
Album: Songs Of Love And Hate

In “Last Year’s Man”, la Potenza Suprema appare perplessa davanti allo sfacelo della sua creatura che gli si dimostra composta da elementi che paiono inconciliabili. Quel che vede riflesso nell’opera dell’uomo è tale da lasciarlo immobile per un’ora di tempo.

Come nel sesto capitolo della Genesi, la catena di sangue, odio e violenza sembrano aver infranto il sogno della sua creazione e di generazione in generazione, la contrapposizione sanguinosa tra fratelli si ripete. Non si tratta di quel che fa ma di quel che sembra voler fare in risposta alla solitudine e al deserto dell’uomo.

La plumbea visione richiama altresì all’orrore di un lager nazista dove i corpi venivano usati come materia e dove il senso biblico era totalmente devastato. La mancanza di certezze viene dimostrata da Cohen alterando la comune idea occidentale di personaggi e luoghi religiosi... (continua)
The rain falls down on last year's man
inviata da Corrado 15/7/2020 - 17:57
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Far Afghanistan

Far Afghanistan
Lyrics & music by James Vernon Taylor
Album: Before This World

Far Afghanistan is a song about a soldier preparing to fight, which is something I basically can't stop thinking about, how these guys prepare themselves to do this impossible challenge of going to kill or be killed..”
Back home Indiana
inviata da giorgio 14/7/2020 - 09:10

Only the Young

Only the Young
(January 2020)

It was hard to see so many people feel like they had canvassed and done everything and tried so hard. I saw a lot of young people's hopes dashed. And I found that to be particularly tragic, because young people are the people who feel the worst effects of gun violence, and student loans and trying to figure out how to start their lives and how to pay their bills, and climate change, and are we going to war — all these horrific situations that we find ourselves facing right now.

How Midterm Elections Inspired Taylor Swift’s New Song, ‘Only the Young’

It keeps me awake, the look on your face
13/7/2020 - 23:02

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