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Percorso Woodstock 1969 e i raduni pop rock

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(Balin - Kantner)
Da/From "Volunteers"

In un periodo in cui i volontari (ma anche i non volontari) partivano per il Vietnam questa canzone propone un tipo diverso di volontari, i volontari della nuova generazione, del pacifismo americano. La canzone è un vero e proprio inno alla resistenza dell'"Amerca Alternativa".

The song is a call to take a stand against the US government and the war in Vietnam. Jefferson Airplane were a big part of the San Francisco protest scene in the '60s.

Volunteers was the last album the band recorded before massive personnel changes altered their original sound, which was Psychedelic Rock.

Jefferson Airplane played a spirited version at Woodstock 6 months before the song came out. This performance is NOT included on the original soundtrack and in the movie.

The Jefferson Airplane was not featured in the Woodstock movie, but in the director's cut... (continua)
Look what's happening out in the streets
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Let's work together

Let's work together
By Wilbert Harrison
Album: "Future Blues"(1970)

"Let's Stick Together" or "Let's Work Together" as it was subsequently titled, is a blues song written by Wilbert Harrison, which was released in 1962. In 1969–1970, the song became a hit for Harrison and has been recorded by a variety of artists, including Canned Heat and Bryan Ferry who had chart successes with the song.
Let's work together
inviata da Alessandra
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The Star Spangled Banner

The Star Spangled Banner
Woodstock 1969: l'inno americano eseguito distortissimo dalla chitarra elettrica di Jimi Hendrix diventava la più forte delle canzoni contro la guerra. Il pezzo non ha parole, almeno nella versione di Hendrix.

Woodstock 1969: the U.S. anthem played by the heavily distorted Jimi Hendrix Stratocaster became the strongest antiwar song ever. Hendrix's "Star Spangled Banner" has no words.

Not all songs need lyrics to make a statement about the Vietnam War. At Woodstock Jimi Hendrix played his own all guitar version of "The Star Spangled Banner." Hendrix used awesome distortion and unconventional guitar techniques to create powerful imagery through sound. Hendrix creates this imagery when he deviates from the actual song and uses high notes to symbolize a falling bomb and then distortion which sound like the explosion. He also manages to make the sound of gun fire by pounding quickly on his guitar.... (continua)

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