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Percorso 11 settembre: terrorismo a New York

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Jesus, Etc.

Jesus, Etc.
Album “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot”‎
Parole di Jeff Tweedy
Musica di Jeff Tweedy e Jay Bennett‎
Ripresa da Bill Fay nel suo nuovo lavoro “Life Is People”.‎

“Alti palazzi tremano, voci fuggono cantando tristi canzoni… voci che gemono, grattacieli ‎che insieme si sbriciolano… Gesù, non piangere, puoi contare su di me, dolcezza… Il nostro amore ‎è tutto ciò che abbiamo…”

Jesus, don't cry
inviata da Dead End 25/9/2012 - 10:38
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Made for TV Movie

Made for TV Movie
Album: "A Crow Left of the Murder..."

This song is about 911. The part where he refers to "fell like a tear from my eye flying machine so up high.

Well there goes the nieghborhood. He is referring to the twin towers. In the next verse where he says "a scene set to since innocence upheave and pit against" this is reffering to it being a false flag attack like the gulf of tonkin incident that started vietnam or Hitler's Riestag fire. These things are done intentionally to start wars.

Read more at song meanings
I heard a word from on high
22/9/2012 - 16:34
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Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to Ashes
Album “Jerusalem”‎

Non semplicemente una canzone biblica. ‎
‎“Jerusalem” uscì ad un anno quasi esatto dall’11 Settembre. ‎
Cenere alla cenere e polvere alla polvere.‎

“Dio è con noi”, disse, e s’incoronò da solo. Oggi nessuno ricorda il suo nome. Ma ciò che ha ‎seminato fa bella mostra di sé dappertutto. Sangue sulle loro mani e flagelli sulla terra. Sulla sabbia ‎segnarono una linea di confine invalicabile e poi dissero: “Dio ci ha fatto a sua immagine e ‎somiglianza e noi crediamo in Lui”… Ma se chiedevi loro perché avessero ammazzato tanti uomini ‎con le loro mani, essi rispondevano: “Cenere alla cenere e polvere alla polvere”…‎
Ma viene il giorno in cui anche le torri più possenti e più alte cadono crollano riducendosi in cenere ‎e polvere…
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
inviata da Dead End 21/9/2012 - 10:17
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Album “Collideøscope”‎

Disco uscito due anni dopo l’11 Settembre e qualche mese dopo l’inizio dell’invasione americana ‎dell’Iraq ed il concomitante ed opposto inizio dell’avventura delle CCG/AWS…‎

L’amore che sboccia fra due esseri umani, un fatto quasi banale eppure così vitale, contrapposto ‎all’assurdità, alla crudeltà fatale e letale della violenza e della guerra… Lui ha appena avuto il ‎coraggio di dichiararsi alla donna che ama ma il caso ha voluto che lo abbia fatto nel posto e al ‎momento sbagliato: World Trade Center, 11 settembre 2001, ore 9 del mattino. ‎
I jumped out the window to get to the parking lot
inviata da Dead End 11/9/2012 - 14:50
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A ? Of When

A ? Of When
Album “Collideøscope”‎

Disco uscito due anni dopo l’11 Settembre e qualche mese dopo l’inizio dell’invasione americana ‎dell’Iraq ed il concomitante ed opposto inizio dell’avventura delle CCG/AWS…‎

Chi sarà il prossimo? Dove possiamo nasconderci? Potrà accadere ancora? Non è una questione di ‎se, ma di quando… L’America del post-11 Settembre e delle guerre di Bush sprofondata nella ‎paura…‎
Where will we go?
inviata da Dead End 11/9/2012 - 14:33
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In Your Name

In Your Name
Album “Collideøscope”‎

Disco uscito due anni dopo l’11 Settembre e qualche mese dopo l’inizio dell’invasione americana ‎dell’Iraq ed il concomitante ed opposto inizio dell’avventura delle CCG/AWS…‎
We've got missiles and tanks
inviata da Dead End 11/9/2012 - 14:25
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I Saw the Buildings

I Saw the Buildings
Album “Journey” pubblicato nel 2004 ma registrato dal vivo – pensate un po’ – a Gallarate (Varese) ‎e Chiari (Brescia) nel 2002.‎

I saw the buildings fall from the sky,‎
inviata da Dead End 5/9/2012 - 15:43


Lyrics & Music by Corneilius

Written on 9 -11-2001 for the killing that has yet to stop, that day must surely come, sooner rather than later..
The twin towers of polarity have fallen,
inviata da giorgio 5/7/2012 - 16:02
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Il mondo si blocca

Il mondo si blocca
(da In equilibrio tra gioie e dolori - 2008)
[ 11 settembre 2001: una data che, pur oggetto di successive strumentalizzazioni, ha lasciato un segno indelebile; la canzone parla del prima, del durante e del dopo i “famosi” fatti, il tutto visto dagli occhi di chi scrive, facendone quasi una canzone autobiografica ]
Era un’estate di mille concerti
inviata da DonQuijote82 28/6/2012 - 09:32
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9/11 Truth Rock

9/11 Truth Rock
Lyrics & Music by Johnny Punish, Matthew Naus, Dan & David Cordero
Album: PunishMania [2012]

The song was inspired by a poem written by Matthew Naus found on the net by Johnny Punish. Thereafter Johnny Punish and David Cordero sat in the back of a manger behind a 500 year old catholic church deep in the heart of freedom and wrote the first drafts of the song late July 2011. Dan Cordero showed up later that evening and finished it off and 9/11 Truth Rock was born as another voice in the chorus of voices looking for answers.

The song will be featured on the upcoming record by Johnny Punish called "PunishMania", expected out by the end of 2011 and will be available on ITunes and all major online retailers

Website Info:
On that September day
inviata da giorgio 10/5/2012 - 13:23
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I'll Always Remember

I'll Always Remember
Lyrics and Music by Jo Ann Biviano

"This is our interpretation of Jo Ann Biviano's 9/11 tribute... We dedicate this production of Jo Ann's song to all the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers who lost a loved one, a family member or a friend on September 11, 2001, and after in Iraq and Afghanistan.." (Tony Mussari)
Tuesday morning, I'm off to work
inviata da giorgio 3/5/2012 - 14:40
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Blowback or Bloody Treason

Blowback or Bloody Treason
Lyrics & Music by Victor René Sadot
Album: 9/11 Truth & Justice Songs [2005]

Vic Sadot's Crazy Planet Band

The song was written by Vic Sadot after reading Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert, a former Los Angeles narcotics detective turned 9/11 Truth investigator. It calls for treating the events of 9/11 as a criminal act rather than simply accepting what politicians claim about the crime. Such questions as, who had the means, motive, and opportunity, are essential questions that any real-life, or any TV detective, such as Columbo, "Murder She Wrote", or CSI Miami shows, must employ to solve a murder. They always ask who might benefit from the crime, and they do not eliminate any suspects who merit scrutiny under such relevant questions. "Blowback" is the term used by the CIA to describe when groups hit back at the US for its war and military intervention policies. Many liberal... (continua)
Well, the day was 9/11 – in the year two thousand-one
inviata da giorgio 30/1/2012 - 08:40
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The Ballad of William Rodriguez

The Ballad of William Rodriguez
Lyrics & Music by Victor René Sadot
Album: 9/11 Truth & Justice Songs

Vic Sadot's Crazy Planet Band

William Rodriguez is sometimes known at "the last man out" of the World Trade Center on 9/11/01 because he kept going back in to rescue people where he had worked for 20 years. His selfless act won him a lot of praise, media attention, and an invitation to a White House dinner where he was photographed with President George W. Bush.. Things went rather sour after he testified to the 9/11 Commission about the explosions in the WTC. In fact, his entire testimony was omitted along with that of numerous others that did not fit into the "official conspiracy story", such as the testimonies of Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta and FBI translator and whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds. You can read about the RICO lawsuit filed by Mr. Rodriguez at

Official... (continua)
It was a beautiful September morning,
inviata da giorgio 22/1/2012 - 14:20
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Ballad of Mohammed Atta

Ballad of Mohammed Atta
Lyrics & Music by Victor René Sadot
Album: 9/11 Truth & Justice Songs

Vic Sadot's Crazy Planet Band

This song dedicated to Mohamed Atta was written after reading the Australian Broadcast Corporation interviews by Liz Jackson with Ralph Bodenstein (in Beirut. Lebanon on Oct. 15, 2001)
and Volker Hauth (in Hamburg, Germany on Oct. 21, 2001), who were buddies with Mohamed Atta in their college days. They simply could not imagine him being the person described in the US Press.

Research by Daniel Hopsicker of Mad Cow News "Welcome to Terrorland" revealed a Mohamed devoid of religion and addicted to sex & drugs, who had Visas and US military training at Huffman Aviation & Pensacola Naval Base in Florida. What is myth? What is true?
Links are provided the lyrics for two Australian Broadcasting Corporation interviews by Liz Jackson in October 2001, and to Daniel Hopsicker's... (continua)
His name was Mohamed, El-Amir Atta
inviata da giorgio 22/1/2012 - 10:30

Reason to Believe

Reason to Believe

Una canzone contro la guerra scritta da un repubblicano? Per quanto non ci convinca molto questa presa di posizione dieci anni dopo per far finire una "guerra infinita" che il suo partito ha scatenato (e che l'altro partito ha continuato, bisogna dire), inseriamo anche questo "pezzo contro la guerra" di Joe Scarborough.

Vedi anche Joe Scarborough Releases Powerful Antiwar Song
In the flash of an hour watching dreams fall from towers
3/1/2012 - 13:31
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Cinnamon Girl

Cinnamon Girl

Singolo che uscì accompagnato da un video che accese l’ira dei conservatori perché incentrato su di ‎una ragazza americana musulmana che dopo l’11 settembre subisce l’astio ed il pregiudizio dei suoi ‎compagni ed amici e finisce, lei che con gli altri aveva assistito sgomenta ed atterrita agli attacchi ‎alle Torri, con l’abbracciare l’ideologia integralista, prestandosi addirittura a mettere in atto un ‎attentato kamikaze in un aeroporto… Ma all’ultimo momento non lo farà, o forse il suo era solo un ‎incubo dettato dal dolore per aver subìto tanto odio, un odio doppio, come americana e come ‎musulmana.‎
As war drums beat in Babylon
inviata da Bartleby 22/9/2011 - 15:28
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Veo Veo

Veo Veo
En el disco "Principios y declaraciones", de César de Centi y José Luis Paz –y vuelve a aparecer la "nueva canción gallega"– podemos encontrar una canción de José Luis, llamada "Veo, veo", que esta tarde uno a nuestro clamor.

Fernando Lucini, Cantemos como quien respira
Veo, veo ¿qué ves? veo aviones que se estrella, veo torres caer,
27/8/2011 - 22:40
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I Am Mine

I Am Mine
Il testo sarà chiaro, 5 righe di frasi senza una virgola un po' meno.
Lovly 24/6/2011 - 16:03

Ground Zero

Lyrics & Music by David Kilpatrick

"This song was not completed until October 5th 2001. On September 11th we were in front of the television, taking a lunch break from our office, when the news broke in. We remained there. I apologise to anyone who may be offended by my politics. I wanted to write a song which could sung by anyone, at any time in the future. It is played on my Lowden O-10 in Drop D with the capo on fret 1 and it's a very simple traditional tune".
Weep for the innocent
inviata da giorgio 14/11/2010 - 16:48

Forgotten Terrorists

Lyrics & Music by Radley Mason
Album: Riot Soundtrack

Another song dedicated to the ongoing conspiracy that surrounds the events of September the 11th.
United we stand..
inviata da giorgio 8/7/2010 - 08:12

Have I Got It Right? Talking 9/11 Blues

Album: 9/11 Was An Inside Job

A wee travelogue through some of the steaming horseshit provided in the aftermath of the 9/11 con job.
"..Well, I just find it so hard to believe that people are as stupid and indifferent as they appear but then, maybe they really are.."
Oh let me see if I have got this right
inviata da giorgio 18/5/2010 - 13:04
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9/11 Was An Inside Job

Album: 9/11 was an Inside Job

"I can't say it explicitly enough...9/11 was NOT just some so called Al Qaeda. There's a lot more to it and if you care enough you can find out, start looking or go back to sleep.
My girlfriend said to me, « You know, that's not a very commercial title for an album » and I said, « It's not about the money, not that anyone seems to want to give me any. Somebody has to say something EVEN IF- very few people hear it... »
God save us once again
inviata da giorgio 18/5/2010 - 08:18
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Somebody Blew Up America

Somebody Blew Up America

Spoken song scritta dal poeta-attivista Amiri Baraka subito dopo l’11 settembre 2001.
Un feroce attacco al razzismo e all’imperialismo americani che, secondo l’autore, dominano la politica interna ed estera degli USA.
Il brano contiene anche l’adesione di Baraka ad una delle tante declinazioni della tesi complottista, mai verificata, secondo cui dietro all’attentato alle Torri Gemelle ci siano stati lo stesso governo americano in combutta con Israele. Per questo l’Anti-Defamation League ha denunciato Baraka per anti-semitismo e le autorità americane hanno cercato di rimuoverlo dal suo incarico di docenza e di revocargli il titolo di “Poet Laureate of New Jersey”. Ma Baraka non ha mai fatto marcia indietro e si è difeso, sempre rilanciando, affermando che con “Somebody Blew Up America” non ha mai offeso gli ebrei ma ha voluto attaccare Israele, il razzismo e il militarismo.
(fonti: en.wikipedia e
(All thinking people
inviata da Alessandro 12/4/2010 - 12:07
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Philippe Petit

Philippe Petit

Testo: Salvatore de Siena
Musica: Salvatore de Siena, Amerigo Sirianni, Mimmo Crudo
Con Claudio Lolli
Con un gesto d’amore e bellezza hai legato le torri alla fune
inviata da adriana 28/3/2010 - 10:44
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I Can't See New York

I Can't See New York
canzone scritta per l'11 settembre 2001
From here
inviata da miriam 12/3/2010 - 16:24

If They Could Only Speak...

If They Could Only Speak...
Canzone dedicata alla vittime dell'attentato dell'11 settembre 2001 e alle loro famiglie, alcune delle quali si sono organizzate in Peaceful Tomorro­ws

"Peaceful Tomorro­ws is an organization founded by family members of those killed on September 11th who have united to turn our grief into action for peace. By developing and advocating nonviolent options and actions in the pursuit of justice, we hope to break the cycles of violence engendered by war and terrorism. Acknowledging our common experience with all people affected by violence throughout the world, we work to create a safer and more peaceful world for everyone."
She'd woken up that morning, her bags were packed to go.
inviata da Alessandro 14/1/2010 - 14:01

Whole Lotta Pain

Lyrics & Music by Roger J. Contardi

"This song is about the event surrounding 9 11. Bewilderment, bloodthirsty revenge, man’s inability to get along with man. The horror it brings.."
Whole lotta pain
inviata da giorgio 9/1/2010 - 10:00

10 Second Free Fall

10 Second Free Fall
Album: Three Shoes Posse

The World Trade Center buildings collapsed at free-fall speed in 10 seconds. Explosions were seen and heard. This was an obvious controlled demolition proving that 911 was an inside job. We need a new investigation to bring the real terrorists to justice!

"We were motivated to write this song when we learned the truth about 911. We are dedicated to the families of the victims to achieve justice for them and their lost loved ones by exposing what really happened on that day".
Alright, we're just searching for the truth
inviata da giorgio 30/12/2009 - 12:31

La civiltà

La  civiltà
Canzone scritta dopo l'attentato alle torri gemelle di NY del 2001 (le nuove torri di Babele)e molti lo bollarono come un attacco alla nostra civiltà (occidentale) da parte di esseri incivili. Ma anche noi, a ben guardare la storia, purtroppo anche recente, non abbiamo molto di cui vantarci.
La civiltà dell’arroganza, la civiltà di chi : “il mondo è mio”.
inviata da Andrea BURIANI 15/12/2009 - 15:15
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Lyrics & Music by Kimya Dawson

An awful song about 9/11 first appeared on "Body of War: Songs that Inspired an Iraq War Veteran" (soundtrack of the famous documentary "Body of War"), a double-CD various artists' compilation.
There's anthrax in the envelope I opened in my dream
inviata da giorgio 25/10/2009 - 11:23
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Il mio dovere

Il mio dovere
Testo di Marco Vichi
Musica di Nicola Pecci e Francesco Sighieri

Voce: Federica Camba, Nicola Pecci

La mia casa è più lontana della luna
12/10/2009 - 00:11
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Time for Asking Why

Time for Asking Why
Album "Let the Circle Be Wide"

Canzone dedicata a Mychal Judge, prete cattolico, cappellano dei vigili del fuoco di New York, morto nell'attentato dell'11 settembre 2001

Judge era di origini irlandesi e più volte si era recato in Irlanda lavorando in favore del processo di pace. Così Tommy Sands introduce la sua canzone:

"I often think of Fr Mychal Judge. He was chaplain in the New York Fire Brigade and the first official victim in the murderous events of 9/11. I had met Mychal several times when he came to Ireland to help out with our Peace Process. I thought it sadly ironic that the death of someone who had spent his entire life saving innocent lives could be somehow used as an excuse for more innocents to die.

This song is for America not against America. It is directed, however, towards a relatively small group of individuals who come to power from time to time, wrap themselves in stars and stripes and then proceed to behave in the most unjust and shamefully anti American way."
I remember September turning on the TV
inviata da Alessandro 18/9/2009 - 18:49
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Hey Ma

Hey Ma
Now the towers have fallen
inviata da nunzio grasso 18/7/2009 - 07:51
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12 Septembre

12 Septembre
Album "Gibraltar"

Un giovane africano, musulmano, immigrato in Europa, il giorno dopo l'11 settembre 2001...
J'avais déjà un flow de tarés lorsque les tours jumelles se sont effondrées,
inviata da Alessandro 15/4/2009 - 11:11

Far Away

Far Away
Album "One Beat"

Un brano sull'11 settembre 2001. Mentre i volontari cercano di salvare vite umane dalle torri colpite, il presidente Bush si nasconde in un luogo top-secret
7:30 am nurse the baby on the couch
inviata da Alessandro 7/1/2009 - 11:30
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Makeshift Patriot

Makeshift Patriot
Album: Dead Poet Live Album [2004]

About America’s response to the 9/11 attacks, rather than the attacks themselves. A masterpiece. The sample at the end is from the movie "Don’t Look Back", and is taken from an interview with Bob Dylan by Time magazine.
(from Music To Die For - 50 greatest protest songs)
(Bernart Bartleby)
(People talking)
inviata da giorgio 1/11/2008 - 11:57
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Into The Fire

Into The Fire
sono d'accordo con la spiegazione.Però nel ritornello (may your strenght give us strenght) vedo anche un collegamento con i vecchi spiritual in cui si cantava parlando direttamente con Dio. Non so. Voi che ne pensate?
ambra 9/9/2008 - 13:31

11 settembre 2001

11 settembre 2001
Bene...molto carina...xò un pò triste...SAD=(((((
M&L 4/4/2008 - 15:12

Peaceable Kingdom

Peaceable Kingdom
Un brano che fa riferimento agli attentati dell'11 settembre 2001. Dall'album "Vapor Trails", registrato nel corso del 2001 e uscito nel maggio 2002.
Away toward the clearing the sky
inviata da Alessandro 16/1/2008 - 09:38
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On That Day

On That Day
Tłumaczenie Wyszogrodzki
Piosenki Leonarda Cohena
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 7/1/2008 - 16:41

Manhattan Kaboul

Manhattan Kaboul
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 4/12/2007 - 00:46
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On That Day

On That Day
2 dicembre 2007
2/12/2007 - 00:14
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New New York

New New York
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 7/5/2007 - 22:22
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My Neighbors In Delray

My Neighbors In Delray
Lyrics and music by Rod MacDonald
Testo e musica di Rod MacDonald
da/from "Recognition"

"A song in the aftermath of September 11" - Rod MacDonald
My neighbors in Delray ate on Federal Highway
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 29/3/2007 - 15:13

Whatever Will Be Will Be

Whatever Will Be Will Be
From/Da Songs For Change

"Another song by Tom Fairnie. Inspired by the events of September 11, 2001, Tom writes that this song 'is really an expression of fatalism and how we attempt to come to terms with these events but also asks the question "Why is it we retain the ability to carry out these acts, but we seem incapable of learning how to stop them?" '"
If I was at Calvary
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 11/3/2007 - 17:31

Triste canzone

Triste canzone
Ho trovato qui anche il testo di questa canzone [Silva]
Scorrevano lente le ore d'un mite settembre
inviata da Silva 27/2/2007 - 09:46
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Traffic In The Sky

Traffic In The Sky
La canzone parla dell'11 settembre. Jack si immagina di essere ancora un bambino mentre gioca per strada con i suoi amici, quando a un tratto vedono le ombre degli aerei passare sull'asfalto. E' estratta dal secondo album, On and on.
There's traffic in the sky
inviata da Riccardo 10/1/2007 - 17:13

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