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Autore David Rovics

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If a Song Could Raise an Army

If a Song Could Raise an Army
Notes From A Holocaust
If a song could bring us together (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:31
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Baby Jesus Lying in the Rubble

Baby Jesus Lying in the Rubble
Notes From A Holocaust
She was looking for a place to have a baby (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:27
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The Apocalypse Will Be Televised

The Apocalypse Will Be Televised
Notes From A Holocaust
Such a carpet-bombing nowhere has ever borne (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:26
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Pogroms of Judea and Samaria

Pogroms of Judea and Samaria
Notes From A Holocaust
As the IOF is bombing Gaza into dust (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:24
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Famine and Disease

Famine and Disease
Notes From A Holocaust
In the places they report it, if you listen to the news (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:23
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Once the Last Palestinian's Killed

Once the Last Palestinian's Killed
Notes From A Holocaust
In the Congress and the Bundestag you’ll see them wring their hands (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:22
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Humanitarian Pause

Humanitarian Pause
Notes From A Holocaust
After targeting emergency responders (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:03

Stop the Genocide

Stop the Genocide
Notes From A Holocaust
The story begins, they’ll say, in the fall of ‘23 (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:00

As the Bombs Rain Down

As the Bombs Rain Down
Notes From A Holocaust
Hear the drones above your head (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:58
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Flour Massacre

Flour Massacre
Bearing Witness
Almost five months since the blockade was complete (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:52
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Taking to the Waves

Taking to the Waves
Bearing Witness
Since the siege began, across humanity (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:51
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Song for Gaza

Song for Gaza
Bearing Witness
If I could sing a song for every bomb that flies (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:49
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This Is Genocide

This Is Genocide
Bearing Witness
This is genocide, it is not a war (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:45

Boycott, Sanction, and Divest

Boycott, Sanction, and Divest
April 24

I spent the day writing a song for the students, staff, and faculty at Columbia University who have been risking a lot to take a very bold stand -- and them along with growing numbers of students, staff, and faculty at growing numbers of other institutions!
It’s happening now, like it has before
3/5/2024 - 14:24

The House Un-Israeli Activities Committee

The House Un-Israeli Activities Committee

"Antisemitism" is the new "communism" -- have you ever said anything that could be construed in someone's convoluted mind as somehow anti-Jewish? Iran is the new USSR, Elise Stefanik is the new Joe McCarthy, and the House Un-Israeli Activities Committee is going strong, ruining one life at a time, and striking fear throughout academia and beyond.
New song: "The House Un-Israeli Activities Committee"
f you imagine when considering a slogan
3/5/2024 - 09:12

A luta continua (Keep on Looting)

A luta continua (Keep on Looting)

I've long thought it was convenient and appropriate that the English word "loot" and the Portuguese word for "struggle" sound very similar. The powers-that-be are looting the people and the planet in so many ways every day of the year, but on rare occasions when some people dare loot back a little, like in Chicago a couple nights ago, it's time to call in the National Guard.
Since before Massasoit let the settlers in, long since they took over the west
inviata da Dq82 4/4/2024 - 09:45

Song for Aaron Bushnell

Song for Aaron Bushnell
Bearing Witness

On February 25, 2024, Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old serviceman of the United States Air Force, died after setting himself on fire outside the front gate of the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C. Immediately prior to the live-streamed act, Bushnell said that he was protesting against "what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers" and declared that he "will no longer be complicit in genocide", after which he doused himself with a flammable liquid and set himself on fire.

As he burned, Bushnell repeatedly shouted "Free Palestine!" while one Secret Service officer pointed a gun at him and two others attempted to extinguish him.
Self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell - Wikipedia
On the 25th of February, 2024
6/3/2024 - 23:01

Lines Are Drawn

Lines Are Drawn

One of the most well-known aspects of the Second World War was that the virulently anti-communist leaders of countries like the United Kingdom made an alliance with the Soviet Union, because of the mutual interest they all thought they had in defeating Hitler. Here we are again -- but where's the united front against fascism?
Around the world people try to read the signs
28/1/2024 - 15:09


(1 Jan 2024)

Word on the street is the Zionist narrative is losing traction, so to help shore it up I have written a wee jingle for the ADL.
If you are a fan of democracy
6/1/2024 - 18:31
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Just Like the Nazis Did

Just Like the Nazis Did
December 14, 2023

Notes From A Holocaust
After so many decades of patronage
25/12/2023 - 18:11

Without Henry Kissinger

Without Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger's reign of terror is over (having been very effectively passed on to his protege, Antony Blinken).
He was born in 1923
25/12/2023 - 18:05

It’s Christmas Eve

It’s Christmas Eve
December 24, 2023
It’s Christmas Eve, stores are stuffed to the gills
25/12/2023 - 18:01

Once the Last Palestinian's Killed

Once the Last Palestinian's Killed
2 dec. 2023

Once the last Palestinian is killed, then the pundits and politicians will say "how could we have known," and they'll open another museum.
In the Congress and the Bundestag you’ll see them wring their hands
25/12/2023 - 17:56

They're Killing Off the Journalists of Gaza

They're Killing Off the Journalists of Gaza
Samer Abudaqqa had his camera in his hand
17/12/2023 - 23:55

They Were Raising a White Flag

They Were Raising a White Flag
Notes From A Holocaust
They were raising a white flag
17/12/2023 - 23:48


23 nov 2023

Wounded Child No Surviving Family

Gli operatori sanitari di Gaza, Medici senza frontiere (MSF), hanno condiviso che il numero di bambini senza familiari sopravvissuti che arrivano per cure mediche è così alto che è stato coniato un nuovo acronimo per identificarli: “WCNSF” (Wounded Child No Surviving Family ).
Un mese di incessanti bombardamenti su aree civili densamente popolate ha esacerbato la già critica situazione di salute mentale dei bambini di Gaza con conseguenze di vasta portata, poiché le strategie di reazione e gli spazi sicuri vengono strappati via e i servizi e l’assistenza di salute mentale vengono tagliati, afferma Save the Children.

Nell’ultimo mese, 4.506 bambini sono stati uccisi a Gaza, e altri 1.500 sono dispersi, presumibilmente sepolti sotto le macerie. Altri 43 bambini sono stati uccisi nella Cisgiordania occupata. L’agenzia umanitaria ha avvertito... (continua)
For six weeks now the bombing has continued
inviata da paolo rizzi 5/12/2023 - 10:28
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From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea

From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea

Notes From A Holocaust

In the mirror world, this slogan is controversial, and is a veiled threat of genocide against the Jewish people. In the real world, the ethnonationalist Jewish-supremacist state of Israel has been committing a genocide against the Palestinian people for the past 75 years, and this slogan is a slogan of liberation for all the people who live between the river and the sea. As with similar slogans in the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, it's about equality between all peoples, not genocide. That's what Israel is doing. As the Israeli authorities openly and publicly say, this is "Nakba 2.0." We should believe them, they're serious.
People have been living there as long as anybody knows
20/11/2023 - 17:11

Rich Men North of Richmond

Rich Men North of Richmond
(August 2023)

La canzone di un oscuro (fino a poche settimane fa) folk / country singer della Virginia è diventata virale e sulla bocca di tutti grazie ad un video che ha ricevuto oltre 5 milioni di visite nei primi tre giorni dalla pubblicazione. È stata descritta come un inno alla classe operaia statunitense, ma anche accusata di razzismo, qualunquismo, di abbracciare le peggiori teorie complottiste care alla destra americana.

Per una discussione dettagliata rimandiamo all'ottimo podcast di David Rovics (Why I Love the Song, "Rich Men North of Richmond" (After Slightly Revising the Lyrics)), che ha ampiamente commentato e anche interpretato la canzone riscrivendo un paio di versi controversi.

L'avversione per la canzone della classe dirigente liberal (e il conseguente apprezzamento da parte della destra più retriva) deriva da un'interpretazione forzatamente legata alla guerra civile... (continua)
I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
inviata da Lorenzo Masetti 28/8/2023 - 21:41

Behind These Prison Walls

Behind These Prison Walls
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: David Rovics
Album / Albumi: Rebel Songs

Si sta svolgendo oggi, 15 ottobre 2022, una 24h di mobilitazioni ed eventi in tutto il mondo in sostegno a Julian Assange e per bloccare la sua estradizione negli Stati Uniti d'America. Julian Assange è attualmente imprigionato presso il carcere di Belmarsh, a Londra. Durante la 24h sono previsti eventi, proiezioni e presìdi; in Italia si stanno svolgendo (o si svolgeranno) a Acquedolci (ME), Bari, Bologna, Firenze, Faenza e Cagliari. Alle ore 10,43, secondo il programma, è stato trasmesso il video della canzone che David Rovics ha scritto nel 2019 dedicata alla detenzione di Julian Assange; il video relativo è registrato davanti al carcere di Belmarsh. La proponiamo anche qui aderendo all'iniziativa. [CCG/AWS Staff]
Behind these prison walls there’s a man who’s won awards
inviata da Riccardo Venturi e Daniela -k.d.- 15/10/2022 - 11:32
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At the End of World War 3

At the End of World War 3
Also recorded by Chet Gardiner

It is abundantly evident that the world is closer to a nuclear holocaust than at any time since 1962.
At the end of World War 3, amid the lightning and thunder
9/7/2022 - 18:28

So This Is What It's Like

So This Is What It's Like
Parole e musica di David Rovics
Album: Strangers & Friends

"To live in a country with concentration camps." - David Rovics
So this is what it's like to live in such a place
inviata da hmmwv 16/4/2021 - 20:18
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The Pogroms of 1969

The Pogroms of 1969
Rebel Songs (free the immagination)
You could say it started long ago, or keep one lifetime in your sights
inviata da Dq82 27/3/2021 - 11:16

I Dreamed I Saw Anne Feeney

I Dreamed I Saw Anne Feeney

An old friend of mine and Anne's suggested I do another rewrite of Earl Robeson's song about Joe Hill. I began with carrying out Robert's songwriting assignment, but then it turned into this. I miss you, Anne.
I dreamed I saw Anne Feeney, it was on a picket line
13/2/2021 - 19:53
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Viral Solidarity
If I could live to see the day, say eighty years from now
inviata da Dq82 7/12/2020 - 19:55
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Say Their Names

Say Their Names
Say their names
Jacob Blake(1) was walking to his SUV
inviata da Dq82 7/12/2020 - 19:43

Elijah Played the Violin

Elijah Played the Violin
Say their names

Elijah Jovan McClain, un massaggiatore afroamericano di 23 anni di Aurora in Colorado, fu ucciso la sera del 24 agosto 2019 a seguito di un'aggressione perpetrata dagli agenti di polizia Nathan Woodyard, Jason Rosenblatt e Randy Roedema e di un'iniezione di ketamina come sedativo dai paramedici. Un cittadino di Aurora aveva segnalato alla polizia che McClain si stava comportando in modo sospetto indossando una maschera da sci. La stessa persona aveva però anche indicato che non credeva che qualcuno fosse in pericolo e che pensava che McClain fosse disarmato. I tre poliziotti [1] dichiararono che le loro telecamere a corpo andarono fuori uso durante una colluttazione con McClain ma le riprese della telecamera di almeno un ufficiale dimostrano che l'affermazione era falsa. La registrazione mostra come all'agente fu chiesto di allontanare la telecamera dall'immagine di... (continua)
His family moved from Denver to Aurora
inviata da Dq82 7/12/2020 - 19:08

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