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Autore Neil Young

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America The Beautiful

America The Beautiful
Dall'ultimo album di Neil Young, interamente composto da canzoni contro la guerra
"Living in War" [2006]
Per un'introduzione all'album vedi la title track

America the beautiful è una canzone patriottica statunitense, dove è considerata quasi un secondo inno nazionale alternativo a The Star Spangled Banner. Le parole furono scritte da Katharine Lee Bates nel 1913. Neil Young ne offre una versione corale a cappella nel suo ultimo album di canzoni contro la guerra. In modo del tutto simile alla Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra (che pure ha ripreso il brano in versione strumentale) il messaggio di Neil Young è chiaro: "sono contro la guerra ma non sono contro il mio Paese".

Nella versione di Neil Young, viene cantata solo la prima strofa.
O beautiful for spacious skies,
2/5/2006 - 22:19


Dall'ultimo album di Neil Young, interamente composto da canzoni contro la guerra
"Living in War" [2006]
Testo ripreso da questa pagina

Per un'introduzione all'album vedi la title track

When you try to bring our spirit home
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 2/5/2006 - 21:42

Shock And Awe

Shock And Awe
Dall'ultimo album di Neil Young, interamente composto da canzoni contro la guerra
"Living in War" [2006]
Testo ripreso da questa pagina

Per un'introduzione all'album vedi la title track

Back in the days of shock and awe
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 2/5/2006 - 21:40


da/from "Re-ac-tor" (1981)
17/9/2005 - 19:33

War Song

War Song
Neil Young / Graham Nash

"May 1972: Neil Young writes "War Song" as a gesture of support for the anti-Vietnam War campaign of Presidential candidate George McGovern, and records it on his ranch with Graham Nash (who receives co-billing on the subsequent single), Kenny Buttrey, Tim Drummond and Ben Keith. The single is released to coincide with the Democratic Party's California primary, with proceeds going to help meet McGovern's expenses. This single flopped, and so, at the end of the year, did George."
from the book: Neil Young -- The Visual Documentary by John Robertson

"War Song" is a 1972 single credited to Neil Young & Graham Nash. It was released in support of presidential candidate George McGovern's campaign, who was running against then-president Richard Nixon. Young had already voiced his opinions of Nixon two years prior with "Ohio" while a member of Crosby,... (continua)
In the morning when you wake up
28/8/2005 - 00:30
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What Are Their Names

What Are Their Names
Album: If I Could Only Remember My Name (1971)

"I was ending my tour in Uncle's Army when the massacre at Kent and Jackson State happened. While in Uncle's army I had become radicalized and more anti-war, anti-military and anti-government each day, but this numbed me. Now the government was not only sending American youth to kill Asian youth but it was killing its' own children on college campuses...what's next?"

This was when the music and the message became louder and bolder. David Crosby of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young released a solo LP later in 1970, If I Could Only Remember My Name, that would address issues such as drugs, love and war. In the song What Are Their Names Crosby wondered who the old men were who could send children off to war and perhaps we should pay them a visit. Backed by a who's/who of San Francisco musicians, this LP is perhaps the most creative music Crosby... (continua)
I wonder who they are
15/12/2004 - 20:09
Downloadable! Video!


Subito dopo l'11 settembre alle radio americane fu distribuita una lista delle canzoni "indesiderate", che era meglio non trasmettere.
Nella lista si trovava "I'm on fire" di Bruce Springsteen e "Leaving on a Jet Plane" di John Denver (giuro!).

Incredibilmente anche "Imagine" era tra le canzoni della "lista nera".
Per fortuna però al concerto per le vittime dell'11 settembre ("A tribute to Heroes, 22/9/2001") Neil Young ha cantato una bellissima versione di Imagine, con un chiaro significato!


In the weeks after September 11 a list of songs unsuited for broadcasting was distributed to all the U.S. radio stations . The list included "I'm on fire" by Bruce Springsteen and "Leaving on a Jet Plane" by John Denver!

"Imagine" was in the list too, but at the concert in memory of the victims of September, 11 ("A tribute to Heroes, 2001/9/22") Neil Young performed a wonderful version of Lennon's utopian song.
Lorenzo Masetti

Peace And Love

Peace And Love
Testo e musica di Neil Young e Eddie Vedder
Lyrics and Music by Neil Young and Eddie Vedder
Album: Mirror Ball (con i Pearl Jam)
Peace and love
Downloadable! Video!


Testo e musica di Neil Young
Words and music by Neil Young

Il brano è scritto di getto da Young dopo la morte di quattro studenti, uccisi dalla guardia nazionale durante una manifestazione pacifista alla Kent University il 4 Maggio 1970. Fu pubblicata appena 10 giorni dopo gli omicidi.

This song is about the events of May 4, 1970, when the US National Guard shot 4 unarmed students at Kent State University in Ohio. Neil Young wrote this shortly after seeing a news report on the tragedy. It was released 10 days after the shootings.


Selected May 4 Web Sites

Kent State shootings (wikipedia - english)

Sparatoria della Kent State University (wikipedia - italiano)

Ohio Neil Young lyrics analysis
Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,

War Of Man

War Of Man
da "Harvest Moon" (1992)

Non vince nessuno, è una guerra dell'uomo
The little creatures run in from the cold

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