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Autore Manizha

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Мне 30, и кажется, ответ только один:
«Самое большое преступление человека – потерять человека в себе».

Я буду служить собственной музыке. Я буду бороться за человечность. И я не хочу бояться.

Ringraziandovi di avermi fatto scoprire Manizha vi mando altri suoi brani a tema diritti umani

Today, each one of us is a soldier. Each has their own fight – for life, for truth, for freedom, for safety.

While writing this song at 19, I was naive asking: “What should people do to stop fighting against each other?”

I am 30 now. And it seems that we not only failed this mission, but keep destroying something that could stop the conflicts: seeing humanity in each other.

I will be a soldier of my own music. I will serve for humanity. And I don’t want to be afraid.
Soldier, soldier
inviata da Paolo Rizzi 25/8/2024 - 13:28

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