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Autore Black Midi

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Welcome to Hell

Welcome to Hell
"Welcome to Hell" conveys an anti-war perspective through its cynical portrayal of the horrors of war and its critique of the justifications given for sending young men off to battle.

The song opens by seeming to promote the carefree entertainments soldiers can enjoy during "shore leave," but then twists this by referring to the "red rooms" and "green tables," implying the brothels and gambling that serve as distractions from the grim reality of war.

The lyrics mock the idea that soldiers are gallant heroes, suggesting they are just naively following orders and propaganda about "securing a place among the saints." The line "To die for your country does not win a war / To kill for your country is what wins a war" criticizes the rhetoric used to convince young men to sacrifice themselves.

There are vivid descriptions of the gruesome casualties of war - "Limbs rendered birds, by the speed... (continua)
inviata da Daniel Fuller 14/7/2023 - 15:39

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