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Autore Chumbawamba

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After Shelley

After Shelley
Anybody can press a button and blow up a ship.
inviata da DonQuijote82 15/2/2011 - 11:50
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British Colonialism and the Bbc

British Colonialism and the Bbc
Pictures of Starving Children Sell Records 1986
Puppy eyes puppy eyes tearing claws spitting pride
inviata da DonQuijote82 15/2/2011 - 11:47
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Pictures of Starving Children Sell Records 1986

Cocacolonization (alternatively coca-colonization) is a term that refers to globalization or cultural colonization. It is a portmanteau of the name of the multinational soft drink maker Coca-Cola and the word colonization.

The term is used to imply either:

the importation of Western (particularly American) goods or
an invasion by Western and especially American cultural values that threatens the local culture.[1]
While it is possible to use the term benignly, it has been used pejoratively to liken globalization to Westernization or Americanization.[citation needed]

The term has been used at least since 1949; one of the first documented uses is in the warnings in French communist press of that era.[2] It gained high visibility in the European Americanization debate with the 1994 publication of the Reinhold Wagnleitner's book, Coca-Colonization... (continua)
inviata da DonQuijote82 15/2/2011 - 11:28
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Wagner at the Opera

Wagner at the Opera
The song is about a member of the audience at a wagner concert in Israel using a rattle to disrupt the concert in protest at Wagner nazi sympathies so one of the members of the support band swung the rattle in the crowd to emulate the moment

dall'album ABCDFGH del 2010
I'm laying on the pavement
inviata da DonQuijote82 2/2/2011 - 19:11
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(Words Flew) Right Around the World

(Words Flew) Right Around the World
Album “The Boy Bands Have Won…”

Ispirata alla poesia/canzone di Brecht/Eisler An meinen kleinen Radioapparat.
Featuring the Charlie Cake Marching Band.
The song was written especially for a performance at the annual Brecht Festival in Bertolt Brecht's birthplace, Augsburg.
The line "Bert told Brecht. Brecht told Bert" was taken from a poem by Leeds poet Ronald Arthur Dewhirst.
Bert told Brecht
inviata da The Lone Ranger 23/6/2010 - 13:32
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da "The Boy Bands Have Won", 2008.

Si veda The Testimony of Patience Kershaw, canzone cui si sono ispirati i Chumbawamba per questa loro "Refugee"...
It’s good of you to ask me sir
inviata da Donquijote82 7/11/2009 - 16:14
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El Fusilado

El Fusilado
Album “The Boy Bands Have Won…”
Listen close to this crooked mouth
inviata da DonQuijote82 7/11/2009 - 15:34
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Always Tell the Voter What the Voter Wants to Hear

Always Tell the Voter What the Voter Wants to Hear
Album "Never Mind The Ballots"
Welcome to Never Mind The Ballots. The phone lines are now open. If you'd like to put a question to the candidates the number to ring is 0532779463.
inviata da Alessandro 29/7/2009 - 12:00
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Smart Bomb

Smart Bomb
WYSIWYG (What You Give Is what You Get)
Rain on me o friendly fire
inviata da DonQuijote82 1/6/2009 - 22:49
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Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square
Heads bowed, eyes down, here comes the enemy
inviata da DonQuijote82 1/6/2009 - 22:19
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Walking Into Battle With The Lord

Walking Into Battle With The Lord
Vocals by John Jones & Coope, Boyes & Simpson

Dall'album "A Singsong and a scrap"
A new crusade to the Holy Land
inviata da giorgio 22/2/2009 - 08:14
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Waiting For The Bus to Take Me Home

Waiting For The Bus to Take Me Home
Album “The Boy Bands Have Won…”

Una canzone dedicata a Gary Tyler, un afroamericano che sta marcendo in prigione dal 1975 per un delitto che non ha commesso quando aveva 17 anni.

Nel 1974, nella Destrehan High School della Louisiana ci furono aspri scontri motivati dall'avversione degli studenti bianchi all'integrazione di studenti di colore nella scuola.
Un giorno, il bus della scuola che riaccompagnava alle loro case i ragazzi neri venne attaccato da una folla di bianchi inferociti. Qualcuno esplose un colpo di pistola e un ragazzino bianco di 13 anni rimase ucciso.
Il 17enne Gary Tyler fu subito individuato come l'assassino e fu condannato alla sedia elettrica (pena poi commutata in ergastolo) da una giuria di soli bianchi, in un processo con prove falsificate (la pistola ritovata era in uso alle forze dell'ordine ed il reperto in seguito fu fatto sparire...) e testimoni minacciati... (continua)
My name is Gary Tyler, Louisiana-born
inviata da Alessandro 11/1/2009 - 23:31
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Same Old Same Old

Same Old Same Old
Album “The Boy Bands Have Won…”
Lately it seems no-one cares anymore
inviata da Alessandro 11/1/2009 - 23:11
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Bury Me Deep

Bury Me Deep
Album “The Boy Bands Have Won…”

Dall'outro al brano sul sito del gruppo:

A short aside concerning the reign of Queen Thatcher.
When I first came to Commons Lords
inviata da Alessandro 11/1/2009 - 23:02
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Sing About Love

Sing About Love
Album “The Boy Bands Have Won…”

Dall'outro al brano sul sito del gruppo:

We stood around in a half-circle in the airless Shabby Road basement for four weeks solid singing this song until we got it right and lost our voices.

It was inspired partly by Dick Gaughan’s ‘A Different Kind of Love Song’, the first verse of which says, ‘You ask me why I sing no love songs/You say the songs that I sing make you angry and sad/You say that you listen to music/To escape from the things that make you feel bad.’
He tells the story of “... playing in a folk club somewhere in the southeast of England when a woman came up to me and proceeded to ask me all the questions in the first verse of this. When I replied, she looked at me sadly and said, ‘Oh, you’re still at the political stage, then,’ and walked off.”
I don’t want to sing about anger and hate
inviata da Alessandro 11/1/2009 - 22:59
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Word Bomber

Word Bomber
Album “The Boy Bands Have Won…”

Dall'outro al brano sul sito del gruppo:

When the names of the four young men from leeds who murdered 52 people in London in July 2005 were revealed, a friend of ours talked of how she’d been at high school with one of the boys, Shehzad Tanweer, who worked in his mum & dad’s fish & chip shop. That he’d been a “lovely young lad.” In his taped message recorded before the bombing, Shehzad said, “What you have witnessed now is only the beginning of a series of attacks which will intensify and continue until you pull all your troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Until you stop all financial and military support to the US and Israel and until you release all Muslim prisoners from Belmarsh and your other concentration camps. And know that if you fail to comply with this then know that this war will never stop.”
But of course, the repeated ‘you’... (continua)
Strap these words
inviata da Alessandro 11/1/2009 - 22:53
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Words Can Save Us

Words Can Save Us
Album “The Boy Bands Have Won…”

Outro al brano sul sito del gruppo:

Summing up the shortening distance between news of another us high school massacre and news of continuing bombing raids on Iraqi towns.

“Talking to terrorists is the only way to beat them.” (Mo Mowlam)
April morning summer come soon
inviata da Alessandro 11/1/2009 - 22:47
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Sewing Up Crap

Sewing Up Crap
Chain, chain, chain
inviata da giorgio 16/8/2008 - 13:45
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Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire

Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire

Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire was written by soldiers in the trenches in the first world war. Designed to be sung whilst marching, the song is one of many showing the dissent and disgust at the way war perpetuates the inequalities of rich and poor - those with the money give the orders, those without money face the guns.

"This is the position in a sentence: The nations, the peoples, are not at war, and they have no cause for war. Little minorities of bosses and formalists are ordering vast masses of enslaved soldiers of destruction, and hosts of civil onlookers to penury and distraction."
(Editorial, Daily Herald 1914)

Interpretata dai Chumbawamba
Performed by Chumbawamba
Album: "English Rebel Songs 1381-1914"

If you want to find the general
inviata da Donquijote82 16/6/2008 - 17:21
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Smashing Of The Van

Smashing Of The Van

Smashing Of The Van was written to tell the story of the Manchester Martyrs, three Irish men living in England who were hanged for their rescue of two Irish rebel leaders in 1867. The van, carrying Kelly and Deasey from their trial to Manchester gaol, was ambushed near a bridge by armed Irishmen Soldiers guarding the van were puthed aside as the locks on the fortified doors were shot off with a gun.
A soldier inside the van with Kelly and Deasey was accidentally shot as the door was blown open at gunpoint; and the three men captured afterwards, although little sure evidence was offered, were sentenced to hang. The two Irishmen rescued from the van were never caught. Every year in Manchester the three martyrs are commemorated by a march through the city headed by Republican pipe bands; a tiny Loyalist counter-demonstration usually turns up to wave orange flags and hide behind the rows of police.

Interpretata dai Chumbawamba
Performed by Chumbawamba
Album: "English Rebel Songs 1381-1914"

Attend you gallant Irishmen and listen for a while
inviata da Donquijote82 16/6/2008 - 17:15

The World Turned Upside Down [Digger's Song]

The World Turned Upside Down [Digger's Song]
Lyrics and music by Leon Rosselson and Roy Bailey
Testo e musica di Leon Rosselson e Roy Bailey
Album: "That's Not The Way It's Got To Be"
Interpretata anche da Billy Bragg (1985)
e dai Chumbawamba
Performed by Billy Bragg (1985)
and by Chumbawamba
Album: "English Rebel Songs 1381-1914" [1989]

L'autore di The World Turned Upside Down è Leon Rosselson. Il brano è incluso nell'album del 1975 "That's Not The Way It's Got To Be", realizzato da Rosselson con Roy Bailey. Quella dei Chumbawamba è una delle tante cover, anche se la più famosa è forse quella di Billy Bragg.

"I wrote the song in 1974 ... It's the story of the Digger Commune of 1649 and their vision of the earth as 'a common treasury'. It's become a kind of anthem for various radical groups, particularly since Billy Bragg recorded it [1985], and is not adapted from any other song. The title is taken from Christopher... (continua)
In 1649, to St. George’s Hill,
inviata da Donquijote82 + RV 16/6/2008 - 17:05
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The Cutty Wren

The Cutty Wren
[XIV century / XIV secolo ?]
Interpretata dai Chumbawamba
Performed by Chumbawamba
Album: "English Rebel Songs 1381-1914"

Un'antichissima canzone tradizionale inglese la cui vera origine e natura è da sempre oggetto di dispute. Molti (e con loro i Chumbawamba che la hanno recentemente riproposta) la considerano senz'altro la più antica protest song mai scritta (ma sarebbe meglio dire: la più antica in lingua inglese) - An English song that dates from the 1393 Peasant's Revolt. The Cutty Wren represents the feudal landlord who not only owned the land but the peasants who worked it. [Da The Union Song ], mentre per altri, sulla base di considerazioni altrettanto valide, è una canzone simbolica di carattere addirittura magico-rituale. Ad ogni modo, in omaggio alla teoria che la vuole una "proto-canzone di protesta", la accogliamo volentieri nel nostro... (continua)
Oh where are you going said Milder to Moulder
inviata da donquijote82 16/6/2008 - 17:01
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Laughter In A Time Of War

Laughter In A Time Of War
Dall'album "A Singsong and a scrap"
Sometimes feels like singing your life away
inviata da adriana 15/1/2006 - 12:00
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The Day The Nazi Died

The Day The Nazi Died
single Omophobia

Testo ripreso da
Lyrics available at
|: They're here and they're there and they're everywhere :|
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 28/6/2005 - 01:05
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4a. La "Bella Ciao" in inglese dei Chumbawamba, dedicata a Carlo Giuliani.
4a. Chumbawamba's English adaptation of "Bella Ciao", dedicated to Carlo Giuliani.

Si può scaricare l'MP3 dal sito ufficale
Download MP3 from official website

Ho scoperto una versione bellissima di Bella Ciao fatta dai Chumbawamba e dedicata a Carlo Giuliani. Vi copio qua interamente le loro motivazioni e spiegazioni (in inglese - se volete anche una traduzione ve la faccio volentieri, ditemelo!!)e il link del loro sito:

"Studio version of live favourite "Bella Ciao" recorded and put up here in the wake of the death of Carlo Giuliani in Genoa. See below for lyrics and our reasons for doing it"

When we heard that a trumpeter played Bella Ciao at a demo outside the Italian Embassy after Carlo Giuliani was murdered, we decided to record our version of Bella Ciao and put it up on the... (continua)
Bella Ciao
inviata da Rosie Atzori -

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