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Autore Mason Profitt

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Were You There?

The country rock band Mason Proffit formed in 1968 in Indianapolis, Indiana, led by The Talbot Brothers - John Michael Talbot and Terry Talbot. While their two previous records made the charts, this one failed commercially. The song "Were You There" (Warner Bros. Records # BS 2657) contained socially conscience lyrics, running through several injustices throughout history - from slavery, to the Holocaust: "you cried when Hitler killed the Jews". It then moved to Vietnam, posing the question "were you there at My Lai?", and then entering into a plea for people to protest: "come all of you, it's time to take a stand".
You said something should be done
inviata da dq82 26/3/2015 - 17:58
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Two Hangmen

Mason Profitt, on the other hand, were one of the first groups to have the vision to cross over from folk to rock to country and still send a message to the youth of America. In their 1969 LP, Wanted! was the song Two Hangmen. This became an underground FM staple about the troubling direction the country was heading in the late sixties. Mason Profitt are considered in some circles to be the best band that never made it to the big time.

(from Vietnam Era Antiwar Music, where you can listen to a real audio sample of the song)
As I rode into Tombstone on my horse whose name was Mac
18/8/2005 - 17:48
Percorsi: Boia dé!

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