
Que tothom

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OriginaleTraduzione inglese di Angela Buxton da
Que tothom diga prou,Let everyone say enough,
que tothom siga lliure,let everyone be free,
que tothom trobe el lloclet everyone find his place
i el seu motiu de viure.and his reason for living.
Del fons del fons del nucli del que sóc,From the very bottom of the core of what I am,
dels anys patits on tot ha estat perill,from the years suffered when all was danger,
del vell impuls, del clar bressol del critfrom the old impulse, from the clear cradle of the cry
que ens ha fet junts i m'ha fet ser com sóc,which has made us united and made me how I am,
naix aquest cant que vol fer-se presagithis song is born which wants to be an omen,
i anunciar com als pregons anticsand to proclaim as did the old town criers
els signes nous que ja veiem venir:the new signs that we already see coming:
els pobles van sortint del dur naufragi.the people are recovering from their hard shipwreck.
Que tothom diga prou,Let everyone say enough,
que tothom siga lliure,let everyone be free,
que tothom trobe el lloclet everyone find his place
i el seu motiu de viure.and his reason for living.
Aquest serà, segons tots els indicis,According to all the signs this will be
el darrer temps de por i de malson:the last time of fear and nightmares;
comença ja ben fort el gran inici,the great beginning is starting very strongly,
anem posant les vides al seu lloc.and we can start putting our lives in their right place.
De bat a bat obrim totes les portes,We are opening wide all the doors
que entre el desig més gran de llibertats,so the greatest desire for freedom may enter,
que les presons siguen contrades mortesso the prisons may be dead places,
i que el silenci no ens siga imposat.and so silence is not imposed on us.
Que tothom diga prou,Let everyone say enough,
que tothom siga lliure,let everyone be free,
que tothom trobe el lloclet everyone find his place
i el seu motiu de viure.and his reason for living.

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