
Wake Up or We're All Gonna Die

Lee Brickley
Lingua: Inglese

Lee Brickley

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released September 27, 2019

Greta Thunberg came from Sweden
She knew a thousand reasons
Why the world would end if she didn't raise her voice
She tried to turn the page
Stood up on every stage
And explained why none of us had got a choice

The scientists agreed
About the need
For a change in the way we power earth
With extinction on the way
The children of today
Were inspired by the passion in her words

A girl of just 16
She appeared on the scene
With a message that no-one couldn't ignore
Greta told the truth
About how they stole her youth
An eerie silence fell when she took the floor

They made fun of her speech
The way that she would preach
The whole capitalist class turned up their nose
They said the scientists were wrong
They refused to hear her song
All the Presidents and Prime Ministers just went home

But she put thousands on the streets
The rumble of their feet
Created shock-waves that almost made us cry
She went to the UN
Called on our leaders and then
She said wake up or we're all gonna die

Whether they will listen
To this young girl on a mission
Is something that will remain to be seen
But one thing is for certain
She spoke for the generation
Who'll have to live with the mess we leave

She said It's time to pass the motions
To stop the rising of the oceans
Reverse everything before it's too late
Think about your children
And the world you're gonna leave them
How can you ruin their future in this way?

And she put thousands on the streets
The rumble of their feet
Created shock-waves that almost made us cry
She went to the UN
Called on our leaders and then
She said wake up or we're all gonna die

Yea she put thousands on the streets
The rumble of their feet
Created shock-waves that almost made us cry
She went to the UN
Called on our leaders and then
She said wake up or we're all gonna die

She said wake up or we're all gonna die
She said wake yo up we're all gonna die

14/10/2019 - 23:23

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