
Uncle Sam Do

Henry Flynt & the Insurrections
Lingua: Inglese

Henry Flynt & the Insurrections

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Dal disco intitolato “I Don’t Wanna” pubblicato solo nel 2004.‎
Testo trovato su ‎‎“Experimentalism Otherwise: The New York Avant-Garde and Its Limits”, di Benjamin ‎Piekut (1975).‎

Nobody talk peace like Uncle Sam do
Nobody talk peace like Uncle Sam do
Uncle Sam talk peace, and drop napalm on you‎

Nobody hate Africa like Uncle Sam do‎
Nobody hate Africa like Uncle Sam do‎
He send d’C.I.A. to make uh rightist coup

Uncle Sam stores his H-bomb in your town
Uncle Sam stores his H-bomb in your town
If it chance to go off, you’ll never be found

Set uh fire under Uncle Sam’s feet‎
Set uh fire under Uncle Sam’s feet‎
Burn baby burn till he fell uh heat

inviata da Bartleby - 4/1/2012 - 11:26

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