
When I Was Most Beautiful

Pete Seeger
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Altra traduzione inglese, più letterale, trovata qui
わたしが一番きれいだったときWhen I was most beautiful:
街々はがらがらと崩れていってTowns were fallen down, and;
とんでもないところからThrough the unlikely spot,
青空なんかが見えたりしたI used to see various things: the blue sky, etc.
わたしが一番きれいだったときWhen I was most beautiful:
まわりの人達が沢山死んだMany neighbors were killed
工場で 海で 名もない島でIn the factories, on the sea, and on the nameless isles;
わたしはおしゃれのきっかけを落としてしまったI had lost my chance to doll me up forever.
わたしが一番きれいだったときWhen I was most beautiful:
誰もやさしい贈り物を捧げてはくれなかったNo one gave me any lovely gift to me;
男たちは挙手の礼しか知らなくてMen knew only hand salute,
きれいな眼差だけを残し皆発っていったAnd left only their charming glances on me: they've gone.
わたしが一番きれいだったときWhen I was most beautiful:
わたしの頭はからっぽでMy head was hollow,
わたしの心はかたくなでMy heart was hardened,
手足ばかりが栗色に光ったOnly my limbs were shining in sorrel.
わたしが一番きれいだったときWhen I was most beautiful:
わたしの国は戦争で負けたMy country lost a war;
そんな馬鹿なことってあるものか"They must be kidding me!" I marched in,
ブラウスの腕をまくり卑屈な町をのし歩いたRolling up my blouse sleeves, to the obsequious town.
わたしが一番きれいだったときWhen I was most beautiful:
ラジオからはジャズが溢れたRadio was fountain of Jazz.
禁煙を破ったときのようにくらくらしながらFeeling my head whirled as if I broke my vow not to smoke,
わたしは異国の甘い音楽をむさぼったI devoured the sweet foreign music.
わたしが一番きれいだったときWhen I was most beautiful:
わたしはとてもふしあわせI was very unhappy.
わたしはとてもとんちんかんI was very irrelevant.
わたしはめっぽうさびしかったI was extremely lonely.
だから決めた できれば長生きすることにSo I decided: I would live long, if possible.
年とってから凄く美しい絵を描いたLike a painter of tremendously beautiful pictures in his old age,
フランスのルオー爺さんのように ねOld Rouault of France, ... as you know.

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