
Poderoso Caballero es Don Dinero

Francisco De Quevedo
Page de la chanson avec toutes les versions

Traduzione inglese di Thomas Walsh


Madre, e all’oro che m’inchino,
e per me l’amato amante,
giallo in abito galante
brilla come un damerino;
che doblone o nichelino
mi da tutto cio che spero,
poderoso caballero
es don Dinero.

Nelle Indie nasce, e accolto
con onor, lo si accompagna,
a morire viene in Spagna,
ed a Genova è sepolto;
anche il brutto, se ne ha molto,
appar bello, che davvero
poderoso caballero
es don Dinero.

È brillante come l’oro
ma cangiante è ‘l suo colore
che da lui prende valore
il cristiano come il moro;
può a chiunque dar decoro,
ma disfare può un impero,
poderoso caballero
es don Dinero.

Dal suo conio si risale
a illustrissimo ascendente,
nelle vene dell’oriente
scorre ognor sangue reale;
e per ciò che rende eguale
il granduca ed il negriero,
poderoso caballero
es don Dinero.

Non vi desti meraviglia
che il suo corso senza sconto
sopravanzi nel confronto
donna Bianca di Castiglia;
e va su chi a lui s’appiglia,
che da vil può far l’altero,
poderoso caballero
es don Dinero.

Sua divisa e sua ragione
sono ovunque si contanti,
senza i suoi scudi sonanti
non c’è stemma nè blasone;
quante nobili persone
ne corruppe il sol pensiero,
poderoso caballero
es don Dinero.

Per decider corsi e corse
da far correre alle genti
nelle case dei potenti
lo si tiene nelle Borse;
e i sicuri stanno in forse,
meno è il giudice severo,
poderoso caballero
es don Dinero.

Tanta è la sua maestà
che, tirato da piu parti,
anche se diviso in quarti
lui non perde autorità;
fissa tinta e qualità
per il bianco, giallo, o nero
poderoso caballero
es don Dinero.

Non c’è donna con pretesa
di virtù, ch’alla lusinga
e al brillar della berlinga
non abbassi sua difesa;
la morale non è pesa
se il borsel non è leggero
poderoso caballero
es don Dinero.

Valgon più in qualunque terra
i suoi scudi nella pace,
per predare ciò che piace,
che le armi della guerra;
perchè il povero sotterra
ed annienta lo straniero
poderoso caballero
es don Dinero.


Over kings and priests and scholars
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars.

Mother, unto gold I yield me,
He and I are ardent lovers;
Pure affection now discovers
How his sunny rays shall shield me!
For a trifle more or less
All his power will confess,
Over kings and priests and scholars
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars.

In the Indies did they nurse him,
While the world stood round admiring;
And in Spain was his expiring;
And in Genoa did they hearse him;
And the ugliest at his side
Shines with all of beauty's pride;
Over kings and priests awl scholars
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars.

He's a gallant, he's a winner,
Black or white be his complexion;
He is brave without correction
As a Moor or Christian sinner.
He makes cross and medal bright,
And he smashes laws of right,—
Over kings and priests and scholars
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars.

Noble are his proud ancestors
For his blood-veins are patrician;
Royalties make the position
Of his Orient investors;
So they find themselves preferred
To the duke or country herd,—
Over kings and priests and scholars,
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars!

Of his standing who can question
When there yields unto his rank, a
Hight-Castillian Doña Blanca,
If you follow the suggestion?—
He that crowns the lowest stool,
And to hero turns the fool,—
Over kings and priests and scholars,
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars.

On his shields are noble bearings;
His emblazonments unfurling
Show his arms of royal sterling
All his high pretensions airing;
And the credit of his miner
Stands behind the proud refiner,
Over kings and priests and scholars
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars.

Contracts, bonds, and bills to render,
Like his counsels most excelling,
Are esteemed within the dwelling
Of the banker and the lender.
So is prudence overthrown,
And the judge complaisant grown,—
Over kings and priests and scholars
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars.

Such indeed his sovereign standing
(With some discount in the order),
Spite the tax, the cash-recorder
Still his value fixed is branding.
He keeps rank significant
To the prince or finn in want,—
Over kings and Priests and scholars
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars.

Never meets he dames ungracious
To his smiles or his attention,
How they glow but at the mention
Of his promises capacious!
And how bare-faced they become
To the coin beneath his thumb
Over kings and Priests and scholars
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars.

Mightier in peaceful season
(And in this his wisdom showeth)
Are his standards, than when bloweth
War his haughty blasts and breeze on;
In all foreign lands at home,
Equal e'en in pauper's loam,—
Over kings and priests and scholars
Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars.

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