
Don Kihote i Sančo Pansa

Rambo Amadeus
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OriginaleEnglish version from youtube
Don Kihot jaše.. na čelu koloneDon Quixote rides at the head of the squad,
u koloni je samo Sančo PansaThe only one in this squad is Sancho Pansa
protiv njih je čitava alijansa..Together they fight against the entire alliance
Sančo dodaj mi štit i kopljeSancho, give me my umbel and lance
brske kobilo RosinanteGee, my mare Rozinante
nema odmor dok traje obnovThere's no resting while we're heading
akrepi nas sve u stopu prateAway from these creeps following us.
Viteže smjeli Don KihoteMy brave master, Don Quixote,
prištedimo malo naše životeTake my advice, let's spare our lives
danima sanjam razne divoteI've been dreaming for days of many pleasures and deliciousness,
sardele slane, crne rižoteSalty sardines, black rice
kafu i piškote, Don Kihote..Coffee and biscuits, Don Quixote..
Šta to Sančo čuju moje ušiSancho, what do my ears hear,
da pustimo da nas vetrenjače tlačeShall we let those windmills aggrieve?
i za pravdu i DulsinejuFor justice and for Dulcinea
srce mora visoko da skačeHeart must jump high and above
U pravdi jes' problem, viteže smjeliJustice is the question, brave knight,
nisu vetrenjače zli dusi,Windmills are not the evil spirits we fight,
zli dusi su kol'ko Sančo shvataEvil are, if Sancho may say,
fabrički dimnjaci, kanalizacija,Factory chimneys, sewerage,
kamini i aspusi..Fireplaces and exhaust pipes
E moj Sančo, ljudi niski duhomMy squire Sancho, people without soul
za vino i slaninuFor some wine and bacon
ako po potrebi mijenjaju doktrinuIf they trade doctrinaire according to their needs,
i kad su na pravoj stranieven when they're righteous
njima je bliskoThey hit you under belt
da udaraju ispod pojasaWithout honour,
nečasno niskoshameful it is.
Ali u boju zadržati vrlinuBut keeping the virtue during the fight
vitezu pravom predstavlja suštinuThat is the quality of the brave knight
savladati ovu plemenitu vještinuTo embrace this noble skill
mnogo je težeIs much harder to apply
jer moral stežeBecause morality shrinks
al' do neba seže..But it rises to the sky
Don Kihote tvoj egocentrizamDon Quixote, your egocentrism
u meni izaziva pesimizam..Makes me feel inside pessimism
Don Kihot jaše na čelu koloneDon Quixote rides at the head of the squad,
u koloni je samo Sančo PansaThe only one in this squad is Sancho Pansa
protiv njih je ovoga putaThis time they fight against
čitava zagadjivačka alijansaentire pollution alliance
Al' Don Kihot i Sančo PansaBut this time Don Quixote and Sancho Pansa
sad imaju vise šansiHave more chances to win
od kad vetrenjače priđoše hrabroSince windmills boldly joined
duetu smjelom, Don Kihotuthis brave duo, Don Quixote
i vjernom Sanču Pansi…and his faithful Sancho Pansa...

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