

Albert Wood
Lingua: Inglese

Una canzone sulla guerra di Corea, dal punto di vista di un ragazzino americano il cui fratello maggiore è stato spedito al fronte...

Trovato su “Songs of Peace & Friendship” di Jerry Silverman, 1992.
Candy, oh candy, I love you so,
Candy, sweet candy, please don’t go,
You once was a penny, but now you’re a dime
My candy costs more all the time.

I took you to school with me every day,
And you were with me whe I went to play,
I then could afford you, things were so fine,
My candy costs more all the time.

I’ll wrap you in paper and save you today,
Some for big brother who’s so far away;
He’s gone off to war, this brother of mine,
My candy costs more all the time.

Oh Mister Lawmaker, President too,
Please end this war and I’ll give some to you,
To lose my big brother would sure be a crime,
My candy costs more all the time.

Some day I’ll grow up and be me a man,
And there’ll be free candy for kids in this land;
My brother will come home from that old front line,
And candy will always be mine.

inviata da Alessandro - 27/1/2009 - 10:16

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