
Στην Ελλάδα σήμερα

Maria Farandouri / Mαρία Φαραντούρη

Maria Farandouri / Mαρία Φαραντούρη

Lista delle versioni e commenti

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Αρκαδία Ι
(Mikis Theodorakis / Mίκης Θεοδωράκης)
Sotiri Petroula
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Ποτέ ποτέ
(Maria Farandouri / Mαρία Φαραντούρη)

Stin Elláda símera
Στίχοι: Αλέκος Παναγούλης
Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μαρία Φαραντούρη

Testo: Alekos Panagoulis
Musica: Mikis Theodorakis
Prima interprete: Maria Farandouri

Lyrics: Alekos Panagoulis
Music: Mikis Theodorakis
First performed by: Maria Farandouri

Si veda anche la pagina dedicata a Τα τραγούδια του αγώνα.

Alekos Panagoulis a Firenze, in palazzo Medici Riccardi.
Alekos Panagoulis a Firenze, in palazzo Medici Riccardi.

Un'altra poesia del carcerato Panagoulis, scritta negli anni più oscuri della dittatura dei Colonnelli. "In Grecia oggi", e quell'oggi era una "fiamma spenta" che però doveva essere ravvivata e che chiamava a nuove lotte. [CCG/AWS Staff]
Σβησμένη φλόγα, που πάντα καίει
Σκέπασμα τάφου χωρίς νεκρούς.
Μάτια κλαμένα που σε κοιτάνε
σκέψεις κρυμμένες σε προσκαλούν.

Πίστη κι ελπίδα χαροπαλεύουν
πνεύμα κι αλήθεια στις φυλακές.
Άγιες προσπάθειες ναυαγισμένες
φωνές ανθρώπων σε προσκαλούν.

Σπόρος οργής πέφτει στο χώμα
μήνυμα πάλης τρέφει φτερά
σπίθα φεγγίζει μεσ' στο σκοτάδι
νέοι αγώνες σε προσκαλούν.

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 6/1/2009 - 03:24

Trascrizione fonetica di massima del testo originale:

Svisménji flóγa, pu pánda kjéi
skjépasma táfu χorís nekrús.
mátja klaména pu se kjitáne
skjépsis kryménes se proskalún.

Písti kj elpíδa χaropalévun
pnévma kj aljíϑja stis fylakés.
ájies prospáϑjes navajisménes
fonés anϑrópon se proskalún.

Spóros orjís péfti sto χóma
mjínyma páljis tréfi fterá
spíϑa fengjízi mes'sto skotáδi
néi aγónes se proskalún.

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 6/1/2009 - 15:56

Lingua: Italiano

Versione italiana di Riccardo Venturi
6 gennaio 2009

Fiamma spenta che sempre arde,
pietra tombale senza morti.
Occhi piangenti che guardano,
pensieri nascosti ti chiamano.

Fede e speranza agonizzanti,
verità e intelletto imprigionati.
I sacri sforzi ridotti a relitti,
Grida di uomini ti chiamano.

Un seme di rabbia cade a terra,
un messaggio di lotta nutre le ali
Una scintilla riluce nel buio,
Nuove battaglie ti chiamano.

6/1/2009 - 16:05

Lingua: Inglese

Versione inglese di Mιλτος Mπ. © 17-11-2005 @ 18:04
ripresa da

Burned out flame, that is always burning
A stone grave cover without any dead.
Weeping eyes that are looking
Hidden thoughts are
Calling at you

Faith and hope are in their death rows
Intellect and truth in the prisons locked up.
Holy efforts totally shipwrecked
Human cries are calling at you.

Seed of wrath falls on the ground
Message of struggle nourishes wings
A sparkle shines within the darkness
Fresh new struggles are calling at you.

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 6/1/2009 - 03:26

Nazi Greek state: Kristallnacht in Patras, bullets in Athens, torture in Simi.

da, 13 luglio 2009

The rapid nazification of the Greek state took off last weekend with the violent evacuation and torching of the large Afghan immigrant settlement in Patras, shooting of immigrants in Omoinoia square and institutionalised torture of Pakistanis in the island of Simi.

The Greek state's response to the December Uprising and the politicisation of immigrants across the country has solidified in a programme of nazification that includes open endorsement of neo-nazi vigilante combat groups, a series of the most repressive laws seen since the junta, and open attack against both the social antagonistic movement and immigrants across the country.

On early Saturday 11/7 morning armed nazi scum riding a car drove by the heavily policed Omonoia square in down town Athens and opened fire on bystander immigrants near the offices of the Golden Dawn neo-nazi party. Three wounded immigrants were taken to hospital and are out of danger. Later the same night nazi scum set fire on Palio Efetio, the Old Appeal Court opposite their offices which is being squatted by immigrants and is being vilified by the bourgeois press.

The same day, the Pakistani Community denounced yet another incident of institutionalised stripping and torture committed by the fascist greek police in the island of Simi. For 8 hours Wassim Sanjat, Mazhjar Ali and Mohamet Ali were tortured: cops tortured Wassim by "placing a gun on his head, beating him with a glob and iron stick on the soles of his feet (a torture loved by the junta called phallanga) and on his bottom and stripping him again and again. The other two persons were severely beaten. The Pakistani Community demands the immediate punishment of the torturers-policemen.

In the early hours of Sunday 12/7 strong riot police forces surrounded the big Afghan immigrant settlement in Patras, cordoning off the area. The riot policemen then moved to evacuate the thousands of asylum seekers using maximum force, while bulldozers moved in to demolish their houses.During the evacuation operations, the settlement was 'mysteriously' set on fire, and torched to the ground. The settlement is believed to have been housing more than 2,000 Afghans and has been repeatedly targeted by fascists receiving the solidarity of a wide spectrum of progressive social forces in the city of Patras. The Red Cross has condemned the evacuation and torching of the settlement as 'terrorist'. The Communist Party (KKE) has condemned the attack as barbaric and the Coalition of Radical Left as 'beastial' and 'criminal'. The evacuated immigrants are held in concentration centers of zero hygienic facilities, host to continuing greek police torture and brutality.

The nazification of the Greek state which is endorsing parastate groups to 'clean and patrol' areas comes in a climate of acute social antagonistic upheaval. Besides the continuing resistance locals of Grammaticos villages who rose against the construction of an open refuse dump in their area, erecting barricades and clashing with the police, last week saw a series of dynamic antifascist antiracist protest marches against State-nazi attacks against immigrants. At the same time, on the early hours of Saturday the house of the ex-Minister of Public Order (active during the December Uprising and Alexis Grigoropoulos assassination by the police) and ex-chief of the Greek Army, General Hinophotis, was bombed with a strong explosive device after prior warning call to the press. A few hours later earlier yet another armed attack against riot police forces occurred near the HQ of PASOK with no victims On the early morning Sunday, following the surge of State-fascist attacks the HQ camp of the riot police (MAT) in Athens came under attack by protesters which piled the riot policemen with stones leading to a half hour battle.

Alessandro - 15/7/2009 - 10:04

Credo che questa poesia di Panagoulis stia in "Un uomo" della Fallaci...


L'amore non è mettere le catene alla gente
che vuole battersi e che è pronta a morire per questo,
l'amore è lasciarla morire nel modo che ha scelto.

Come se la libertà si potesse assassinare
senza la vigliaccheria del popolo,
senza il silenzio del popolo.
Ma cosa vuol dire popolo?
Chi è il popolo?
Sono i pochi che disubbidiscono?
No, loro non sono il popolo,
il popolo è gregge.

Tutte le bandiere anche le più nobili,
le più pure, sono sporche
di sangue e di merda,
che con il passare del tempo
diventano dello stesso colore.

Ho guadagnato una vita,
un biglietto per la morte e viaggio ancora
in certi momenti ho creduto
di essere alla fine del viaggio
mi sbagliavo erano solo imprevisti del cammino.

Alessandro - 28/2/2010 - 12:29

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