
The Love Song

Clover's Curfew
Lingua: Inglese

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Much travelled Folk-Punkers CLOVER’S CURFEW got married there in the Summer – congratulations – and ‘The Love Song’ is a beautiful song that came out just in time for St. Valentine’s Day.
Well, I wish I could to live the days
looking through a child's gaze
when everything was so simple and dull.
Nothing was more than it seemed.
We lived our lives, followed our dreams.
The days went by without us keeping score.
Can you tell me when it changed?
Or has it always been the same?
Why do we choose to live our lives this way?
Holding on with heavy hearts,
where did all the hatred start?
I'm holding hope, but will it ever change?

And I don't know what the future brings.
And if we can't change anything,
let's start today.
It's not too late.
and in this world so full of pain
Well, I choose to love, love, love..
I choose to love, love, love..
I choose to love

Of something that we're never told
best weapons we can hold
are the ones that pump the blood
on through our veins
And it's the same blood we all share,
yet we live like we don't care
when we're all less different
than we are the same.
And has there been a unity
further than philosophy where
we stand together to make a change?
Or have we just accepted hate
as our only living fate?
If that's destiny,
will I choose free will today?

And I don't know what the future brings.
And if we can't change anything,
let's start today.
It's not too late.
and in this world so full of pain
Well, I choose to love, love, love..
I choose to love, love, love..
I choose to love
I choose to love
I choose to love
I choose to love

inviata da Dq82 - 12/3/2025 - 14:30

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