
Good Road Camp Blues

Skip James
Lingua: Inglese

Skip James

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Good Road Camp Blues--Skip James - 1968

Skip James Lyrics
Captain, Captain, Captain, Captain, before I'll drive, I drive old Sue and Belle
Captain, Captain, Captain, before I drive old Sue and Belle
Lord, I'll walk this good road, 'til my ankle, my ankles swell

You know, I'm so tired, I'm so tired, this red rice and salmon, Lord and these black-eyed peas
You know, I'm so tired, I'm so tired, of red rice, salmons and these black-eyeded peas
Captain, and these old hardtack biscuits, I declare they's killin' poor me

Aw, you go down yonder, yonder, and you tell that big-head man
Aw, you go down yonder, down yonder, and you tell that big-head man
Tell him I'm-a so tired of these black molasses with that teddy bear stand on the can

'Way down in Lou'siana, 'way down yonder behind the sun
'Way down yonder in Lou'siana, 'way down behind the sun
Seem like to me that's where all of my, my troubles first begun

Lord, some come here for ninety, and some come here for ninety-nine
Lord, some here come for ninety, some come here for ninety-nine
But Lord, I come here to stay, just as long as the sun shine

Now Captain, Captain, aw, what's the matter that I can't see?
Captain, Captain, Captain, what's the matter I can't (guitar finishes line)?
I got a lifetime sentence here, please, please be light on me

inviata da Pluck - 26/2/2025 - 12:23

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