
Joe Turner

Lingua: Inglese

Lista delle versioni e commenti

"In real life Joe Turner was Joe Turney, a prison officer, notorious in 1890s Tennessee for entrapping young black men in crap games to replenish the convict labor pool at Nashville Penitentiary. After one of his sweeps, anyone inquiring about a missing black man would likely be told: "They tell me Joe Turner come and gone". As is apparent from Hobart Smith's interjection ("Joe Turner was a bad man"), Turney's infamy, which transcended racial lines, long outlived him".
Joe Turner

Alan Lomax recorded Hobart Smith and Ed Young performing a version of "Joe Turner" in 1960, playing a banjo and fife. (The text only occurs at the end of the recording, at 2:10.)
Well they tell me Joe Turner is done come
Well they tell me Joe Turner is done come
Well they tell me Joe Turner is done come.

When he come he brought three hundred links of
When he come he brought three hundred links of chain.

Well baby you go and bring my gun,
Oh baby you go and bring my gun,
I'm gonna shoot Joe Turner, gonna shoot him when he come.

Well they tell me Joe Turner is done come
Well they tell me Joe Turner is done come
Well they tell me Joe Turner is done come.

Well baby, my Sunday clothes is in pawn
Well baby, my Sunday clothes is in pawn
Well baby, my Sunday clothes is in pawn.

inviata da Pluck - 17/2/2025 - 18:44

Lingua: Italiano

John Hurt recorded "Joe Turner Blues" on his first post-rediscovery album, on Piedmont, and also at his "Last Sessions", for Vanguard. Here are the lyrics to the Vanguard version and here is John Hurt's performance.


Joe Turner is a man I do despise
Joe Turner
Goin' around, tryin' to take men's wives.

Joe Turner, drove him from my door
Joe Turner, drove him from my door
Hope to God that he won't come back no more.

You policeman, you'd better not let him 'round
Policeman, you'd better not let him 'round
If you do, I'm sure gon' shoot him down.

Joe Turner, man I do despise
Joe Turner, man I do despise
Goin' around, tryin' to take men's wives.

I left Joe Turner, standing in my door
I left Joe Turner
He may steal my good girl, all I know.

Joe Turner, I drove him from my door
I drove Joe Turner, drove him from my door
May steal my good girl, all I know.

inviata da Pluck - 18/2/2025 - 07:41

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