
I Can't Be Satisfied

Muddy Waters
Lingua: Inglese

Muddy Waters

Lista delle versioni e commenti

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Tombstone Blues
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I Can't Be Satisfied by Muddy Waters - 1957

After leaving Mississippi in 1943 in order to move to Chicago (as many African Americans did in search of freedom and a better life), Muddy Waters had his first hit record in that city in 1948: a recording of his song "I Can't Be Satisfied. " In it, he sings of leaving the north and going back down south, and he imagines his "little old baby" jumping and shouting as she meets him upon his arrival at the train station. ("I Can't Be Satisfied" was so successful that it set Waters on the road to blues stardom.)

Surely, when many African Americans living in Chicago and other northern cities heard that song, they must have identified with Waters's lyrics expressing feelings of being troubled and worried and wanting to return to the south. As I noted in a previous post in this thread (post # 76), although conditions in the north were significantly better than in the south, there was still a good bit of racism in Chicago and other northern cities. Feelings of wanting to return to the south signaled the disappointment that many felt about life in Chicago after having moved there from the south. Chicago had not lived up to their image of it being the "Promised Land" for them.
Jim Hauser, Dec 21, 2024

Social (racial) protest in the blues | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Additional details on "I Can't Be Satisfied" by Muddy Waters

In post #79, I identified Waters's "I Can't Be Satisfied" as a song of racial protest, and in this post I am adding some additional details.

Waters pointed out the meaning of the phrase “I can’t be satisfied” in the statement below which appears in Paul Oliver’s book Conversation with the Blues. He made the statement while recalling his early days when he lived in Mississippi.

I can't remember much of what I was singin' now 'ceptin' I do remember I was always singin', "I can't be satisfied, I be all troubled in mind." Seems to me like I was always singin' that, because I was always singin' just the way I felt, and maybe I didn't exactly know it, but I just didn't like the way things were down there -- in Mississippi.

It's not clear what Waters meant when he said "maybe I didn't exactly know it" but the above quote does show that at some point in his life he began to consciously associate the phrase "I can't be satisfied" with the racism he experienced in Mississippi. And, from that point on, when he sang that phrase he must have often sung it as a form of racial protest.
Jim Hauser, Dec 26, 2024

Social (racial) protest in the blues | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Well, I'm going away to leave
Won't be back no more
Going back down south
Child, don't you wanna go?

Woman, I'm troubled
I be all worried in mind
Well babe, I just can't be satisfied
And I just can't keep from crying.

Well, I feel like snapping
Pistol in your face
I'm gon' let some graveyard
Lord, be your resting place.

Woman, I'm troubled
I be all worried in mind
Well babe, I can't never be satisfied
And I just can't keep from crying.

Well, now all in my sleep
Hear my doorbell ring
Looking for my baby
I didn't see not a doggone thing.

Woman, I was troubled
I was all worried in mind
Well honey, I could never be satisfied
And I just couldn't keep from crying.

Well, I know my little old baby
She gon' jump and shout
That old train be late, man
Lord, and I come walking out.

I be troubled
I be all worried in mind
Well honey, ain't no way in the world for me to be satisfied
And I just can't keep from crying.

Fonte: Musixmatch
Compositori: Mc Kinley Morganfield

inviata da Pluck - 15/2/2025 - 21:15

Lingua: Inglese

La versione eseguita da Bob Dylan al Van Wezel Performing Arts Center di Sarasota, Florida, il 9 Novembre 1992.
(testo rielaborato e riscritto da Bob Dylan)

Unico video disponibile attualmente in rete è:
Bob Dylan live, I Can't Be Satisfied, Youngstown Ohio -1992


I feel this morning
like I feel today
Pack my clothes
And make my getaway.

I'm in trouble, honey, I'm on my way
Well, I just can't be satisfied
I just can't keep from tryin'.

There ain't cold this morning
where the chilly winds don't blow
Goin' down south
Don't you wanna go?

I'm in trouble, honey, I'm on my way
Well, I just can't be satisfied
Just can't keep from tryin'.

Well, I know my little baby
She gonna jump and shout
That old train pulls in, man,
I come steppin' out

I'm in trouble, honey, I'm on my way
(Babe, I'm gone)
Well, I just can't be satisfied
Just can't keep from tryin'.

Well, I feel like snappin'
My pistol in your face
Let some lonesome graveyard
Be your resting place.

I'm in trouble, honey, I'm on my way
Well, I just can't be satisfied
Just can't keep from tryin'.

MAGGIE'S FARM - SITO ITALIANO DI BOB DYLAN › testiI › icantbesatisfaied

inviata da Pluck - 17/2/2025 - 09:05

Lingua: Italiano

Versione dei Rolling Stones - 1965


Well I'm going away to live
Won't be back no more
Going back down south, child
Lord don't you worry ma.

Woman I'm trouble
Trouble and all worried mind
Well I just can't be satisfied
Just can't keep on crying.

Well, I feel like snappin'
My pistol in your face
Let some lonesome graveyard
Be your resting place.

Woman I'm trouble
Trouble and all worried mind
Well I just can't be satisfied
Just can't keep on crying.

Yeah I'm all in my sleep
Hear my doorbell ring
Looking for my baby
Lord seen a doggone thing.

Woman I'm trouble
Trouble and all worried mind
Yeah I just can't be satisfied
Just can't keep on crying.

Yeah I know my little old babe
She gonna jump and shout
That old train be late man
Lord I come walkin' out.

Woman I'm trouble
Trouble and all worried mind
Yeah I just can't be satisfied
Just can't keep on crying.

inviata da Pluck - 18/2/2025 - 16:33

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