
Pinochet Bids Farewell From Beyond The Grave

Lingua: Spagnolo


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2013 (2005)
In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher


Back in 2005, anarchist collective Chumbawumba pre-sold an EP called In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher which they would keep under wraps until the prime minister passed away. Since Thatcher did pass earlier this week, the band has delivered the EP and is also streaming the release online. Along with that, the band delivered a eulogy:
Let's make it clear: This is a cause to celebrate, to party, to stamp the dirt down. Tomorrow we can carry on shouting and writing and working and singing and striking against the successive governments that have so clearly followed Thatcher's Slash & Burn policies, none more so than the present lot. But for now, we can have a drink and a dance and propose a toast to the demise of someone who blighted so many people's lives for so long. If we must show a little reverence and decorum at this time, then so be it. Our deepest sympathies go out to the families of all Margaret Thatcher's victims.

La vicenda è curiosa: nel 2005 il collettivo anarchico dei Chumbawamba ha scritto e registrato un ep intitolato “In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher”. Siccome anche gli anarchici hanno un cuore o forse il timore di beghe legali, il cd lì per lì non è stato pubblicato. Lo si poteva solo prenotare sul sito del gruppo sapendo che sarebbe stato disponibile alla morte della ex Lady di ferro. Così è stato: l’8 aprile la Thatcher se n’è andata e i cd sono partiti, spediti come promesso a tutti coloro che li avevano richiesti a suo tempo. La band ha comunicato che non accetterà più prenotazioni.
“In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher” è un ep, come dire un mini album con 7 brani per dieci minuti e mezzo complessivi. Composizioni gradevoli, dai testi ovviamente affilati specie nelle ruvide “Pinochet Bids Farewell From Beyond The Grave”, “Waiting For Margaret To Go” e nella conclusiva “Sleep”. Quest’ultima, in particolare, ha il sapore intenso di un commiato se si pensa alla demenza senile che ha colpito la Thatcher.
Eppure, il gruppo ha spiegato il progetto col suo tipico sarcasmo non facendo alcuno sconto: “Proponiamo un brindisi alla scomparsa di qualcuno che ha rovinato la vita di così tante persone per così tanto tempo. Se dobbiamo mostrare un po’ di rispetto e di decoro in questo momento, allora così sia: le nostre più sentite condoglianze vanno alle famiglie delle vittime di Margaret Thatcher”.

Despite the well-documented crimes of General Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorial regime in Chile, including torture, kidnappings and murders, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher determined to remain close, friendly relationships with Pinochet.

Her government lifted an weapons embargo on Chile, selling arms that were used to repress dissenters and restored the British ambassador to Santiago (who had been withdrawn in 1975 when British doctor Sheila Cassidy was tied to a metal bed and given electric shocks); on the former point, she told her Cabinet that “The present regime in Chile had been a particular target for left-wing propaganda in this country and it was unfortunate that the hollowness of much of the left-wing case had not been exposed, as Chile represented a good potential market for British military and civil goods.” The two leaders were united in their hatred of the left-wing and love neoliberal capitalist economic policy, though even Pinochet did not go so far as to privatise national water. Thatcher’s Britain worked at the UN to support Chile, withdrawing support for a 1982 resolution condemning human rights abuses and lobbying other countries to water down criticism of Pinochet; in 1998, when Pinochet was arrested in London on charges of “genocide and terrorism that include murder”, Thatcher was one of his most ardent supporters, telling him in a 1999 meeting that he had “brought democracy to Chile” – Pinochet was released in 2000 by Home Secretary Jack Straw (who was praised by Thatcher as a “very fair man” for his measures to increase police power) without trial.
Oh señora, oh señora, usted me ayudó
Cuando todo Agregado mi dijeron
Como una roja, nos unimos
Deje al pobre se pobre, por favor

inviata da Dq82 - 28/1/2025 - 15:01

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