
‘Till Our Lungs Cave In

The Cloverhearts
Lingua: Inglese

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Our leader’s are to blame, (It’s tragic)
Asleep behind the wheel.

Society’s in flames, (It’s tragic)
For the price of corporate gain.

There’s bombs over Ukraine, (It’s tragic)
Disguised as something real.

But there’s money to be made, (It’s tragic)
From those bombs over Ukraine.

When there’s money in war,
What we’re fighting for,
Is our freedom from the government’s chains.

We’ll kick and scream ‘till our lungs cave in,
Yeah we’ll keep screaming ‘till our lungs cave in,
With our hearts united well ya just can’t win,
We’ll kick and scream ‘till our lungs cave in,

Our dictators are to blame, (it’s tragic)
Disguised as politicians.

Humanity’s in flames, (it’s tragic)
But tomorrow starts today…

Hand in hand we’ll all raise up,
Hand in hand enough’s enough.
Hand in hand we’ll all raise up, united.
Hand in hand, enough’s enough.

inviata da Dq82 - 25/9/2024 - 19:19

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