
MK Ultra Blues

William Elliot Whitmore
Lingua: Inglese

William Elliot Whitmore

Album: I'm With You

William Elliott Whitmore – I'm With You

Il progetto MKULTRA (o MK-ULTRA) era il nome in codice dato a un programma illegale e clandestino di esperimenti sugli esseri umani studiato e messo in atto dalla CIA durante gli anni cinquanta e sessanta del XX secolo, che aveva come scopo quello di identificare droghe e procedure che, integrando altre tecniche di tortura, facevano confessare le persone che vi venivano sottoposte.

Organizzato tramite la Divisione Scientifica dell'Intelligence, il progetto fu coordinato con la Divisione Operazioni Speciali dei cosiddetti Chemical Corps dell'esercito degli Stati Uniti.

Il programma ebbe inizio nei primi anni cinquanta e fu approvato ufficialmente nel 1953, fino a essere ridimensionato nel 1964 e ridotto ulteriormente nel 1967, ma interrotto ufficialmente soltanto nel 1973. Il programma condusse molte attività illegali; in particolare, furono usati come soggetti di prova inconsapevoli cittadini statunitensi e canadesi, il che destò non poche polemiche riguardo alla legittimità di questi esperimenti
Project MKUltra was a human experiments program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used during interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.

The project MKUltra began in 1953 and was halted in 1973. MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects' mental states and brain functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals without the subjects' consent. Additionally, other methods beyond chemical compounds were used, including electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other forms of torture.
Back in 1953, we were riding high on victory
The Cold War was gettin' colder all the time
There's many ways to fight a war, it gets dirty more and more
Powers that be thinkin', outside the line
So the boys down at the CIA gettin' curious one day
Thinkin' of ways to get a leg up on the Reds
Through manipulation, experimentation they thought they could save the nation
Well they rounded up some volunteers but the volunteers had no idea
That they were about to be turned in laboratory rats
They were unwilling participants in the government experiments
They wouldn't be the same after that.

They got them MK Ultra Blues
Those MK Ultra Blues

Don't know what happens, guess we'll see, when we give these soldiers LDS
Lock 'em in a room for a spell
Maybe they'll no lies, maybe they'll be hypnotized
Maybe they'll just think they're in Hell
But the thing about mind control is eventually it takes its toll
And often have the opposite effect
People don't like to be misled, especially if it's by the Feds
It's the kind of thing that could make you lose respect

Well sometimes subjects came real easy, in the door came ol' Ken Kesey
He was flyin' over the cuckoo's nest, taking a Koll-Aid acid test
I believe he was successful in his pursuit

Don't want then MK Ultra Blues
Those MK Ultra Blues

Some people's minds were blown, other people's minds were shown
There's more to this life than meets the eye
Peeked behind the cosmic veil visions from beyond the pale
Doorway to a different kind of life
So the drug they couldn't weaponize was a failure in some people's eyes
But was decidedly unsuccessful for some
What the CIA could not predict was people tryin' to get their kicks
Takin LSD just for fun
It's a lesson for the powers that be don't be messin' with people's reality
Makin' us forget who we are
Psychological manipulation is hard on a population
People can only be pushed too far

Don't want them MK Ultra Blues
Those MK Ultra Blues
Oh those MK Ultra Blues
Those MK Ultra Blues

13/9/2024 - 02:02

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