

Josef Tarrak-Petrussen

Josef Tarrak-Petrussen

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Nuuk's Hans Egede statue on 21 June with the word "decolonize" and red paint daubed on it
Nuuk's Hans Egede statue on 21 June with the word "decolonize" and red paint daubed on it

Nel video rap di Josef Tarrak Petrussen viene rimessa in gioco la relazione coloniale e il simbolo di ciò è la statua di Hans Egede, che si erge ancora sopra la capitale groenlandese Nuuk.
Il tupilak è un parassita che si crea nutrendo cattivi pensieri ed energie che crescono e distorcono l'individuo in modo che diventi tutt'uno con il proprio odio.

La lingua è groenlandese, a parte la riproduzione di commenti razzisti danesi e un suggerimento su cosa dovrebbe rispondere il groenlandese - così come un servizio del centro di emergenza di Copenaghen, che è stato rilasciato ai media in relazione a un triste caso dell'autunno 2014 , dove un senzatetto groenlandese non ha ricevuto l'aiuto di cui aveva bisogno e che chiedeva. Il caso suscitò scalpore sia in Groenlandia che in Danimarca.
Qallunaat ornissavaatsit aapallutik
Oqassapput naalallutit
Qassissaat misigivara taamaattu
Taajorlunga saallunga
Anaallunga oqassapput
"Nuannarinngilakka kalaallit eqqarsarneri"
Ilinniartitsisup taama oqarfigaanga
Nazistit ilisarnaataat matunni
Ajunngiinnarunik kalaaleq saninni
Akinni isikkorluttorsuit
Kalaaliunera pillugu taajorlunga
Eskimo Perker! Arktisk Abe!
Nilliaannarit: "Jeg vil aldrig tabe!"
Qallunaaq tas taan tupilaannaavoq

Ilinniassangaan maan qallunaat nalungaan
Qallunaat nalugun kalaallisut
Taamatut uagut inooriaaseqarpugut
Allat nunat oqaasii nalunngikkaanni
Aatsaat tigusaasinnaalluni
Sunaana kommune, sunaana nunarput
Qallunaat tikikkun uagut qungujulluta
Kalaaleq hjemløs toqoqquinnarlugu:
Han fortjener ikke at leve!
"Der ligger en meget beruset herre og sover midt på jorden"
"Ja, er han dansk eller grønlænder eller hvad er han?"
Qas minut aatsaat aatilluni
Suunngitsutut taatilluni
Imerajuttutut vakaasutut inissitaavugut
Isigisaavugut suli pigisaavugut?

Qallunaat kisiat pisuutinngilakka
Kalaallit taakani imerajuuinnaat
Tamatta ajortutut isikkoqartilluta
Taartilluta nunatsinnut uterluta
Imminut ammut isigilersimalluta
Misigilersimalluta suunngitsutut
Sumiippugut ingerlaarfitsin
Kalaaleq makigit, akigit, kamagit, sanagit
Pisinnaallutit paasitilaarlugu
Itinaarlugu nakkarsinnaaneq
Qulaaniit ammut isigivaatigut
Taakanilu ilaa qaqqaqarnani
Kisiat aatsaat maani malugingaanni
Takusinnaanngilaammi suunersugut
Uangam oqassaanga tupilaavugut

inviata da Dq82 - 10/8/2024 - 11:47

Lingua: Inglese

Traduzione inglese da

Danes will come with an attitude
They’ll say you should behave
Felt it many times before
They’ll come upfront and call me names
They’ll tell me I’m nothing but shit
I don’t like how the Greenlanders think
One teacher told me
We shouldn’t be silent all the time
There’s a swastika on my door
It’s good to have a Greenlander by your side
When there’s many eyes judging you
They would call me racial slurs
Eskimo Perker
Arctic Monkey
Just yell: I will never loose
The Dane is nothing but a tupilak
Tupilak – tupilak.

If you can’t speak Danish
The educational system will not take you in
And if they can’t speak kalaallisut
They’ll flow right in
This is the reality we live in
We can only go further as we speak a foreign language
What is this municipality
What is this country
When the Danes come we welcome them with a smile
They’ll tell a homeless Greenlander to die
He doesn’t deserve to live!
[ACTUAL EMERGENCY CALL] There is a very drunken man sleeping on the
ground/ Yes, what is he? Is he a Dane or a Greenlander?
They’ll label us as drunks and nobodies
Are we still a colonized people?
Tupilak – tupilak

But I don’t put all the blame on the Danes
Some Greenlanders abroad are drunks
They’ll make us look bad
We come home broken
See ourselves as nothing
And feel like nobodies
Where are we in this route?
My fellow Greenlanders: Wake up
Talk back
Be mad
Make yourself
Be independent
Show them what you can
Don’t let yourself fall too deep
They are looking down upon us from up there
But they don’t have mountains like we do
You can’t see and you can’t feel what we are
But I’m gonna say we are tupilak
Tupilak – tupilak

inviata da Dq82 - 10/8/2024 - 11:49

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