
A War Is Coming

Jeanne Added
Lingua: Inglese

Jeanne Added

Album: Be Sensational (2015)
Jeanne Added

Dans A War is coming, elle évoque ainsi ses angoisses existentielles. Une chanson qui traduit sa volonté de « combattre cette peur qui est inscrite en nous pour retrouver cette croyance en notre pouvoir individuel et collectif, confie-t-elle. Dans A War is coming, la guerre dont je parle, c’est aussi le monde dans lequel on vit. On voit bien que les inégalités sont de plus en plus criantes et plus l’écart se creuse, plus la violence se développe ».
Jeanne Added, magnétique et intense
A war is coming
And we’re stuck here
Here with our mini pains
With our little tears
A war is coming
And we’re stuck here
Here with our mini pains
With our little tears
A war is coming
And we’re stuck here
Here with our mini pains
With our little tears
A war is coming
And we’re stuck here
Here with our mini pains
With our little tears
A war is coming
And we’re stuck here
Here with our mini pains
With our little tears
Hearts once open
Are now closing down
They wanna get even
Wanna jerk around

The threat is smearing
All over me
No one to notice
Recognize me
No call for rain or wind
Can wash it all away
For here we must be
For here we must stay

Always will I try
Always to disappear
It’s not enough to die, no
Always will I try
Always to disappear
It’s not enough to die, no

A war is coming
And we’re stuck here
Here with our mini pains
With our little tears

There’s a bigger picture
That says we belong
All together
That says we’re strong
This body of mine
This humanity
Is what I love
What I hate in me

No escaping no way out
No running away
For here we must be
For here we must stay

Always will I try
Always to disappear
It’s not enough to die, no
Always will I try
Always to disappear
It’s not enough to die, no

To freedom
A war is coming
And we’re stuck here
Here with our mini pains
With our little tears
A war is coming
And we’re stuck here
Here with our mini pains
With our little tears
A war is coming
And we’re stuck here
Here with our mini pains
With our little tears
A war is coming
And we’re stuck here
We’re stuck here
We’re stuck

25/1/2023 - 22:37

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